All posts by KME

New Haircut, VBS, and Birthday Love

It was sunny and beautiful on my birthday which means I was able to be gracious today when the sun hid behind clouds all day like a naughty puppy, refusing to come out and play.

Happy Birthday, Sarah

Sarah LOVED her purple birthday cake. Together we managed to blow out all the candles.

Rachel babysat in the morning while the younger children were at VBS and Joshua was off on some lawn maintenance jobs. I managed to sneak in a workout at the Y – glory be my elliptical muscles are rusty. How embarrassing for someone who has logged in many hours on those cardio machines. Use it or lose it, they say.

Sigh. I’m losing it faster than I can pop the popcorn and relax in my recliner.

Sarah and her mama

Sarah helped me open my gorgeous new rice cooker from Mamie and Grandad. Thanks, Mom/Dad!!

Daniel spent the afternoon and evening being actively tomato staked. He did some great service projects around the house, blessing the family as he went.

my hard working boy

David, Sarah, Rachel and I went to the VBS evening finale and ice cream social. Lots of singing and performing. Nothing like a big VBS program to round out the summer. :)

sarah, noah, aaron, julie, sarah and david

What a delightful bunch of VBS kiddos.

Tomorrow we have some friends coming over to treat us to a (late) birthday breakfast, and then we have all sorts of things to do to prepare for next week’s camp. And so the summer zips along.

Project Day – 199

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Mud Pies for All Ages

It seems you’re never too old for mud pies.

little girls

Sarah’s birthday is on Wednesday. She’ll be 6 years old. She’ll still be my princess and baby.

Won’t she?

let's make mud pies

A big pile of dirt just cries out for attention. Sometimes it says, “Play with me! Drive cars up and down my hills. Dig your toes in my dusty layers.”

But today it shouted: “Add water and get dirty!”

alison helps rachel lines up the pies

You’re never too old for mud pies.


Can I place your order?

Project 366 – Day 196

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Awesome VBS Girls

Rachel helped lead worship for VBS this year. She was especially delighted to work with some of her closest friends from church.

Aren’t these girls beautiful!! They did a fantastic job of teaching the children to sing, shout and praise the Lord.

rachel, hannah, katie, allison

Thanks for all your hard work – Rachel, Hannah, Katie and Allison!

Project 366 – Day 193

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As if there weren’t enough things to occupy my time and distract me from life, now I can add Facebook to the list. Blogs, email, homeschool groups, online carnivals – I could spend my entire day glued to the computer screen.

It’s wonderful! Especially when you are sun-burnt and afraid to go outside. Well, maybe it’s not really wonderful since eventually the family needs food and clean laundry. It’s a little hard to wash dishes or fold laundry (as if I ever do that) while the keyboard is on your lap and the mouse permanently glued to your fingertips.

Sarah's too cool for Facebook

I keep trying to get Sarah to do all the cooking and cleaning but she gives me that Princess Smile and I’m lost.

Anyway, back to Facebook. Basically it’s a social networking utility where you can connect with friends, family, co-workers, and fellow students. It was originally created by a Harvard sophomore, exclusively for other Harvard students. Gotta love those brilliant (and slightly bored) college students! Facebook expanded to other Ivy league schools (no need to be exclusive when there’s money to be made and students to exploit, I mean reach), high schools and finally the general public.

I can’t quite explain why it’s so fun, something about reaching out through the cyber world and connecting with friends. I know that I’m way behind the times, but I can’t help it.

“Girl, Facebook is, like, so 2006. Get with it! This homeschooling thing is keeping you unsocialized and ignorant.”

Not only did I lose precious hours of my day adding “friends” to my list, I pulled Tim into the Facebook world.

“The woman you put here with me – she invited me to her Facebook, and I joined.”

David, Sarah and Caedie

This picture has nothing to do with Facebook but I just love the little playhouse and therefore it deserves a spot on the blog.

On the other hand, I connected with some College of William and Mary alums and found one of my closest high school friends. I couldn’t believe it! I haven’t seen Jennifer since Tim and I were married. What are the odds that she would be one of the first people I ran in to? Even stranger is the fact that I was talking about her just last night with Rachel.

Hardly a waste of time!

Joshua and David are not on Facebook, yet

No time for Facebooking, we’ve got basketball to play.

Next thing you know I’ll be hanging out at Twitter.

Maybe not, there’s only so much coolness I can handle in one week. So, tell me, do you Facebook? If so, what do you like about it? Do you share photos, connect with friends, poke people? This is a new world for me. Share your wisdom and insight!

Project 366 – Day 192

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Shall We Sunbathe

This may not be a surprise to some of you, but if you go out in the sun two days in a row you stand a very good chance of getting a sun burn.

Even in Washington state.

Even if the temps only hit 75 or 80.


My scalp is tender. I think I managed to get a sunburned head. It’s a unique talent, I know.

We found some sand

Meanwhile, VBS continues. Joshua is a crew leader and all around helper. Rachel is on the team leading worship. Daniel, David and Sarah are participating in groups this year. I helped with food on Monday and Tuesday. The church is providing dinner for the workers each day before VBS starts. My kids have latched on to this idea and think it’s great.

“I think we’ll have dinner at home tonight,” I said to the children this morning. Stunned silence followed my announcement. “Um, you know, because Daddy will be home and we can all eat together.”

Finally one of the children spoke up, “But I like eating at church. They feed you. What would we have if we stayed home?”

look at that mountain!

Obviously my culinary skills are being wasted on these children. Not one to fight the inevitable, I called Tim at the office. “Honey, I have good news and bad news,” I informed him cheerily. “The good news is that they are serving dinner at church this evening. The bad news is that they are serving dinner at church this evening, and we’ll all be there when you get home from work.” Thankfully Tim is a resourceful lad and didn’t mind eating leftovers in peace and quiet while we were gone.

Rachel and Libby

I hear they’re serving chalupas tomorrow night. Sounds delicious. I wonder if Tim would go for a church sponsored date night. :)


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