All posts by KME

Grumpy with Pictures

I’m tired.
My knees are sunburned.
The summer is slipping away.
My birthday is coming up and I’m moving closer to 40, not farther away.
I can’t get everything done during these relaxed summer days, how will I possibly do it all PLUS school in the fall?
I am out of shape and eating too much.

give me that sandwich

Eli, Daniel and David were not afraid of the cold water.

waiting for the next train

Sometimes you just have to find a good log and sit down.


On the other hand…

It’s only the beginning of July, that’s hardly the end of summer.
My birthday is coming up!!!

sarah strides

This little girl shares my birthday – best present EVER!

My knees are sunburned because I spent two hours at the ocean with some dear friends.
I walk/jog (wogged?) yesterday for 30 minutes with the kids and went to the Y this evening for some more cardio.
The downstairs is tidy and picked up, the floor mopped and the dishes clean.

AND I can go to bed right now and get a good night’s sleep.

whatcha reading?

Rachel has the right idea – grab a book and head down to the water.

Excuse my grumbling.

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Elizabeth Gail Mysteries

Rachel (age 12 and 1/2) is flying through the Elizabeth Gail books by Hilda Stahl. And by flying, I mean reading two books a day. I stumbled across this Christian juvenile collection at a homeschool used curriculum sale in May. The books looked interesting so I bought the entire lot – 19 books in all. How could I resist? A big fat stack of books for Rachel – just my type of present.

19 books in all

At first Rachel was reluctant to begin the series. Frankly, they seemed a little too thin, not meaty enough for her. Thankfully there’s nothing like the combination of a prodding mother and a long summer afternoon to encourage one to dive into a waiting book.

I’ll do my best to snag Rachel for a real review of the books this week. She can give us her opinion and recommendations.

What are you pre-teen daughters reading this summer? Are you participating in the summer reading programs at your local library? Rachel told me she recently passed the 10 hour reading mark and is ready to collect her first prize.

Ah, the joy of raising a family of readers!

Project 366 – Day 188

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An Early Start

“If we’re not careful we’ll lose a good portion of our Saturday,” Tim said as Friday night rolled on and neither of us showed any sign of retiring.

Those words woke me up this morning and pushed me out of bed and down the stairs. My head was fuzzy and my eye lids heavy, but I was determined to get up. The house was quiet. It wasn’t particularly early (in fact, I can’t post the time as my beloved morning friends and family member would roll their eyes) but the house was quiet. After a late night of fireworks, the children were all still fast asleep.

I grabbed my Bible study book and pen and settled in on Big Blue, our love seat recliner.

Reading the first page, I prepared to answer the questions. “Rats, I forgot to get my Bible,” I mumbled to myself. “Surely there’s one on this little table. Who picked up this room anyway? There are books piled everywhere.” Grumble, grumble. Always a good place to start a Bible study.

Spotting my Bible across the room, I decided I would just close my eyes for a few minutes before leaping enthusiastically up and getting it.

20 minutes later I was still napping, study book and pen clasped firmly in my arms.

So much for embracing the day and getting an early start. I think I would have done better had my early start included a cup of coffee.


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Happy Fourth of July

Holiday Hours

Let’s see, how shall we spend this year’s Fourth of July? Last year it was hot and sunny and we spent a good portion of the day at the park with friends. This year was more cool and gray. Washington is nothing if not a study in contrasts.

Nonetheless we managed to have an excellent day, as you can see.

Sleep in – check
Sugar cereal or pancakes for breakfast – check
Backyard relaxing – check
Time with friends – check

girls waiting for candy

Sarah, Caedie and Jaalah wait for the parade to start.

Parade – check
Board game with kiddos – check
Fried chicken – check
Snuggle couch time w/ children reading – check

boys are there too

Daniel, David and Eli are sure they will beat the girls to the candy.

More time with friends – check
Fireworks – check

I think we did it all.

God Bless America

How did you celebrate our independence day? Family, friends, picnics, hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill, sparklers, watermelon, games, a fair. All of the above? Do share!

Homemade ice cream! That was missing from our day. I knew we forgot something.

Ah, maybe next year.


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Tamagotchi Time

Grab your toy and sit with me.

the three amigos

The children have been working hard saving their money, following in the footsteps of their New and Improved Financially Savvy parents. Rachel bought a cell phone (plus two months of service fees) with her savings. David decided he wanted a Tamagotchi. He saved and gathered his money and then set off for Target with Rachel as his buying assistant. He was so excited to join Daniel and Rachel in the Tamagotchi world.

A Tamagotchi today, tomorrow a car. He’s on his way. :)


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