I’m tired.
My knees are sunburned.
The summer is slipping away.
My birthday is coming up and I’m moving closer to 40, not farther away.
I can’t get everything done during these relaxed summer days, how will I possibly do it all PLUS school in the fall?
I am out of shape and eating too much.
Eli, Daniel and David were not afraid of the cold water.
Sometimes you just have to find a good log and sit down.
On the other hand…
It’s only the beginning of July, that’s hardly the end of summer.
My birthday is coming up!!!
This little girl shares my birthday – best present EVER!
My knees are sunburned because I spent two hours at the ocean with some dear friends.
I walk/jog (wogged?) yesterday for 30 minutes with the kids and went to the Y this evening for some more cardio.
The downstairs is tidy and picked up, the floor mopped and the dishes clean.
AND I can go to bed right now and get a good night’s sleep.
Rachel has the right idea – grab a book and head down to the water.
Excuse my grumbling.