Now, now, now, failure is a strong word, Kathy. Besides, technically 2008 has 366 days so you would be a Project 366 Failure.
One of my most willing photography models.
Last year, when I set out on my ambitious Project 365, I worked hard to take a picture every day. I didn’t post a blog for each day of the year (only made 263) but I TOOK a picture daily. And I have the external hard drive to prove it. Gotta store those digital images somewhere.
This year. No consistency. No perseverance or stick-to-it-ness. Just a mess of random shots. Several times night has arrived without me capturing a single image on film.
The Princess and the Hood
If that’s not a wretched failure I don’t know what is. And yesterday I didn’t even post a blog. On the Works for Me Wednesday site I linked to an old blog I wrote about our homemade whiteboard.
When you don’t have a tree fort or play house, you have to be creative in finding play areas.
There are times when a homeschooling mom of five has to take short cuts. The month of the church’s big women’s retreat is one of those times. Meetings every week, hours of computer work to slog through, decisions to make and amidst it all, children to educate, feed and raise. Yikes!
I think Mom’s Stressed Out Week is going to be renamed “Spring Break” and we’ll all just move on. Sounds like a feasible plan to me, especially since it’s nearing the end of the week and we haven’t completed a full day of school yet. Eeek!
Daniel’s cozy new abode.
I’ll be the one in the back fighting to keep my eyes open and NOT feeling guilty about my pathetic Project 366.