All posts by KME

Scenes from a Birthday Party

One of the joys of being a large family is that we have the opportunity to participate in many different birthday parties over the year. There are slumber parties, pirate parties, pool parties, rock-climbing adventures, bowling outings, and Chuck E. Cheese extravaganzas, to name a few. I keep telling the children to stop making friends with kids who have birthdays, but they just laugh. “Silly Mom,” chuckles Sarah. “All the kids we know have birthdays!” It is never a good sign when you are out-witted by your five-year-old.

party time
Ready for the Party to begin!

This week Daniel, David and Sarah were invited to a Garden Party. How delightfully appropriate for this time of year, when Spring is in the air. At least it is here in WA. In Michigan, where my parents and siblings live, it is snowy and cold and there is not a single HINT of spring. Poor dears!

The children painted and decorated their clay pots, and then planted a flower in each one. Several of them even managed to plant the root part downward.

Sarah, Emma and Caedie

These girls are ready to paint, and they’re not choosy about what they paint!

They have been caring, tenderly, for their plants since they brought them home to live with us. As I am notorious for having a black thumb, able to kill even the hardiest plants, their flowers will only survive if I stay far away from them.

This morning, Daniel and Tim left the house on an errand. I can just imagine how their conversation went. “Maybe I should bring my plant with me,” Daniel worried. “What if Mom tries to water it or something, and kills it dead!”

“It’ll be fine. Mom’s not even going to be home,” Tim soothed. “She’s going to Costco, and you know that’ll take most of the morning.”

“Yeah, but what if she comes home early? It’s just a baby plant, and hasn’t even flowered yet!” Daniel is very attached to his plant.

Tim must’ve convinced him, because they left the plant at home. I carefully avoided being in the same room as it, lest it keel over and I be blamed.

david's plant doesn't stand a chance

Poor plant, it will never look this good again.

We can only hope they make it.

beautiful plants


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Sarah’s Struggle

At the park yesterday, Sarah surprised me with her skill on the monkey bars. She was determined to cross them successfully.

here we go

come onthat's rightstop and think about itturn around and sit down

It’s hard work, sometimes, being five. Life is sweet though.

Happy Good Friday!


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Pudding Parfaits by Daniel

My mom is making me blog. She does the typing, I do the talking.

wanna bite?

Last night, Mom and Dad had a Date Night. That basically means the kids go off in the garage to eat, watch movies or play games while the grownups stay in the house, have a nice dinner and talk.

We had pizza, curly fries and broccoli. Joshua and Rachel made a delicious pudding parfait for the kids’ dessert. They layered vanilla pudding, Cool Whip, graham cracker crumbs, chocolate pudding, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, and more Cool Whip.


It was wonderful!

Feel free to have another Date Night soon, Mom and Dad.

Project 366 – Day 78

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How Much is Your Integrity Worth

It turns out, mine isn’t worth much.

$50 maybe.

joshua's math

Let’s see how far you can get on fifty dollars.

What? Could that be possible? I would sell my honor, my integrity, my honesty for a measly fifty bucks?

Maybe not, but I have to admit I was tempted.

I’m in the middle of a competition of sorts. 5 for $5 we call it, where several of us have gathered to set out and meet five goals. Each person chipped in five dollars, established five goals and reports their success (valued in points) each week for five weeks.

It’s a clever idea, motivating and challenging, requires little administrative organization from me (other than gathering the money and keeping track of points) and places the work squarely back on the shoulders of the group.

Except for one thing – we’re all following the honor system. If I want to have a chance to win the grand prize money, I have to have nearly a perfect score each week. Twice in the past two weeks I have been sorely tempted to “stretch” the truth regarding my goals.

Are white lies “little?” Do they still count as lies?

rachel's math

Lies = 3.1415926535. Oh wait, that’s Pi. My mistake.

If my goal is to record my food daily and stick to a certain calorie count and I “forget” to include a few items, am I lying? If I spend the day cleaning but never make it to the gym for a “workout,” can I call my cleaning time “exercise?”

More importantly, am I teaching my children to be honest when no one is looking? To be aware that God is watching their actions, knows their hearts and sees the choices they make? Do they know the reasons BEHIND the “rules and regulations” set by our family?

Am I teaching them what the Lord thinks about: honesty, kindness, self-control, and personal honor? Are the decisions they make, that govern their lives, based on scripture and what God wants for them?

sarah and tarah

Would you sell your honor for some cookies?

These questions haunt me as my own temptations rise to face me.

Do we sell away pieces of our integrity for small change?

I know that you are pleased with me, for my enemy does not triumph over me. In my integrity you uphold me and set me in your presence forever. (Psalm 41:11-12)

Project 366 – Day 77

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