It’s backwards day at Works for Me Wednesday. I ask the questions and you all provide the answers. It’s wonderful! I don’t have to be profound, helpful, witty, or spiritual. That’s implying, of course, that we here at the Duckabush ever ARE those things.
We don’t have time to discuss that right now.
I have so many areas in my life which need assistance, as you already know, if you are a faithful reader of this blog.
Someone, please help this girl!
Lately I’ve been thinking and praying about developing self-discipline in my life. A friend spoke some intense words of conviction into my life on Sunday and I’ve been mulling about them ever since. I am trying to filter what she said through the reality of my life on a day to day basis.
Where are my priorities?
What are my goals for my family and myself?
Where am I letting laziness, distraction and self-indulgence prevent me from meeting those goals and addressing those priorities?
It’s getting harder and harder to capture Joshua on film.
That’s where you come in. I want you to help me figure out my life, guide me in attaining my goals and teach me how to develop a core of self-control.
Or maybe not.
What I really want to discuss is basic Bible Study/Quiet Time habits. I know there are some amazing, godly women who do me the honor of visiting this blog and sharing their heart. I’ve been encouraged, prayed for and challenged by many of you. Thank you for taking time to read and comment. I am eager to be blessed by your thoughts on this subject!
I want to spend time with the Lord. I crave time with my Bible and journal. I’m doing a fantastic Beth Moore Bible study on the book of Daniel. I want to give the work some thought and attention.
I also have FIVE children. Five children who adore and love me and MUST be with me at all times. Between my younger boys who get up early and want to do their Bible devotions with me and my older son and daughter who are entering their teen age years and like to stay up late and just talk, my life is full! And that’s not even addressing the other responsibilities that come into play in trying to run a smooth household.
And I LOVE that special one on one time.
I’ve tried to carve out some time in the middle of the day.
Did I mention we’re a homeschooling family? The middle of the day is not exactly prime “quiet time” material here.
The (late) evenings tend to be my only moments for rest and relaxation. I don’t have the depth of insight or energy that I want to give the Lord by the time that part of the day staggers along. Blogging I can do, studying the scriptures…no.
So I’m left with the morning. If I sleep in just a little bit it seems the entire morning vanishes. Little ones need help with breakfast. The laundry cries out for a little bit of attention – just a wee load before the day starts, it whispers.
I’ve been trying to do my Daniel study while David and Sarah (7 and 5) sit with me and read their Bibles.
Um, that does not work.
David, who can read, likes to do so aloud.
Are we in Daniel this morning, Mommy?
Yes, sweetie, chapter 6. You can read it in your Bible.
Several minutes pass while I try to answer the questions in my book, help David sound out words, and referee conflict taking place in the adjoining room.
No time for reading, let’s go outside!
It’s not exactly what I would call precious moments with the Lord.
Meanwhile, Sarah, who is just learning how to read, likes to describe all the illustrations to me … in detail.
So I’ve discovered that, while this is a lovely time of family devotion and an amazing opportunity to teach the younger children how to study their Bibles, it is NOT a place where I can effectively hear from the Lord.
Is this the longest Works for Me Wednesday ever?
Share with me from your experience.
Do you have time in your schedule set apart for one on one time with the Lord?
Do you read your Bible and pray on a regular basis?
Devotional? Bible Study book? Read through the Bible in a Year plan?
Do you journal?
Do you journal or record your prayers?
Do you teach your children to have a daily Quiet Time?
How LONG is your own personal time with the Lord?
WHEN do you find this time?
Remember I am a night owl with some early risers in the family. How early do I have to get up to set aside time in the Word? Do I hide out in my room and guard 20 or 30 minutes for prayer and Bible reading?
Stun me with your spiritual maturity and discipline.
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