Category Archives: Daily Life

Why Would Anyone Want to Blog Everyday?

It’s always a bad sign when the evening draws to a close with these sort of words:

“Why did you want to do a Project 365 anyway?”
“Me? You’re the one who thought it’d be some sort of a fun idea.”
“What? I distinctly remember YOU were the one who decided we should do this.”
“Decided? Is that code word for bullied?”

Yep the sheen and shine of the Project 365 is wearing thin. 109 posts so far in 2015, and we’re getting tired. Or maybe we started out tired. Or maybe we’re just lazy bloggers.

Heading to Costco with my girl!

Heading to Costco with my girl!

The difficulty lies in the fact that we’re not just taking a picture every day, we’re also blogging every day. It seems boring to list all the things we do in a day. What kind of a post is that? Hardly scintillating. We just don’t lead that exciting of lives. Or it seems to be bragging – oh, look we did this and this and this. That’s not very interesting. And even if it was, it probably wouldn’t be good for us to be boasting. I seem to recall a Proverb that mentions letting others praise you and not your own lips.

Now deep, meaningful, insightful blog post, that would be worth reading. The problem is (at least today), I started too late in the evening to be thoughtful. If I did strive to craft a touching, moving post like that it would take me at least an hour. I prefer sleep to blog fame and fortune.

Thankfully we are mainly blogging for our own family – grandparents (who already love us), our college kid (who actually like to see the pictures of the random things we do during the week), and kids at home (who are cheerful, faithful readers). So that means I can post my daily pictures, throw together a few (hopefully mostly coherent) words and call the Project 365 post done for the day.

For our family far away – we miss you! Here is a peek at what we did today (the rest of you can skim on by).

It was gorgeously warm and sunny here today. We walked up and down the block several times, enjoying the spring weather and gorgeous flowers growing everywhere. We did school. We decided to cancel piano lessons (songs aren’t ready yet). David mowed the neighbors’ lawn. Daniel worked a LONG shift at Chick-Fil-A. We went to the beach with a big group of moms and kids. I met my wonderful friend Julee and went to a BSF welcome/intro and signed up for next year’s Revelation class (who wants to join me???). We went to small group. David washed all the dishes (by hand as we still don’t have a dishwasher) and cleaned the kitchen. Sarah did a lot of math. We watched some shows on Netflix. Everyone went to bed. I made some food for tomorrow and did some laundry.

Beach time - almost too hot for these WA natives.

Beach time – almost too hot for these WA natives.

There you have it. The picture and accompanying blog for the day. Thank you for keeping the expectations low but the cheer high. Night!

Project 365 – Day 110

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Today was a simply gorgeous day! I thought I would be able to sleep in as I was low on rest this week, but I woke up early, answered a few text messages, started worrying about Sarah getting ready for play practice, and next thing you know, I was fully awake.

Sarah’s carpool ride fell through, so Tim was gracious and took Sarah to her play practice while I went for a prayer walk by the water w/Kirstin.

Gorgeous blue water behind us.

Gorgeous blue water behind us.

Seriously, I think we live in one of the prettiest places on earth! If spring is this beautiful, I can’t imagine what kind of a summer we are going to have. I think Sarah and I should buy some hanging flower baskets tomorrow for the front porch. Something pink and purple and white that says SPRING all over it!

David and Sarah both had long play rehearsals today. Their plays open next week (can you say “open” if it’s just one weekend?). David is playing Lysander in a Midsummer Night’s Dream and Sarah has two small parts in Alice in Wonderland. Our homeschool co-op has a fantastic drama department for both the younger students (Limelight) and the older ones (Center Stage). The two directors are good friends and have worked together for years. This is David’s first year in Center Stage – what a beginning, Shakespeare right off the bat! He’ll do great. I can’t wait to see both productions next weekend.

The rest of the day was spent accordingly:

Surprising David with a cell phone (Tim bought me a new phone as an early Mother’s Day present so David gets my old one)
Taking apart/destroying the side deck (rotting wood w/old and broken hot tub)
Trying to back up old phone
Trying to sync new phone
Copying a gazillion pictures and other files onto the computer from old phone
Activating new phone

(It really shouldn’t take so long to start up a new phone. I guess the more complex the technology, the more complicated the process.)

Sweet chat with Rachel, my beautiful college girl, who will be home in less than a MONTH!!
Helping edit a math project
Reviewing French w/David for a chapter test
Laundry and dishes (always)
A long Skype chat with Joshua, who may or may not come home this summer.

Tim was supposed to blog tonight, but he was too sleepy and left me to ramble here cheerfully. Always glad to oblige. David posed for a last minute picture for me.


Project 365 – Day 108

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Sunshine and Voting Booths

I haven’t been getting much sleep these days. It’s been a full week with Daniel’s Chick-Fil-A dedication dinner on Monday, a homeschool Board meeting on Tuesday, Daniel’s birthday (I never get tired of watching his “NO WAY!” video about the new car – hee hee), and then a busy day of election prep.

Coffee always makes the work more pleasant.

The necessary tools for our work (including coffee).

Tomorrow we have our Student Government elections – I promise I will take a bunch of pictures and post the results!! The kids are giving speeches in the morning, setting up the voting area during second period and voting at lunch. Exciting!

All of which means I had to figure out some sort of voting booth to use. If I had planned ahead, I could have ordered this cardboard voting booth for only $17.

Maybe we'll get these for next year!

Maybe we’ll get these for next year!

But that would have required planning ahead, which is not my greatest strength. Plus, I’m sure the shipping costs would have been prohibitive.

Thankfully I have wonderful friends who are talented and creative. Krystal and Marion came over (one bringing me coffee – yes, I have the best friends EVER!!) and helped me plan out how we could transform some tri-fold display boards into mock voting booths.

Later in the afternoon, another sweet friend invited me to come and work outside on her patio IN THE SUNSHINE! Ahhhh. Not only did Michelle let me fix myself a big mug of coffee, but she proceeded to help me glue/tape paper onto the six display boards.

Coffee and Friends - perfect together!

Coffee and Friends – perfect together!

We used an entire can of spray adhesive, a roll of double-sided table, and nearly a whole container of glue trying to fix up these display boards. Meanwhile the kids decided it was summer and proceeded to have a massive squirt gun war complete with hoses. We are all enjoying these sunny, warm days.

This was BEFORE they got soaking wet fighting the boys!

This was BEFORE they got soaking wet fighting the boys!

And tomorrow we vote! Stay tuned!

Project 365 – Day 106

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100 Things to Do this Summer

After a wonderful week of spring break, all of our eyes are turning toward summer. Our last co-op class meets this week with a celebration party next week. Daniel turns 18 on Wednesday (WOW!) AWANA and our online TPS classes end in May. Rachel and Joshua will have finals the first and second week of May. We’ve already enjoyed a day at the beach with friends.

If we can just finish strong, there is a great summer ahead of us.



After lunch today the boys went off to play frisbee while Sarah stayed home with Tim. I snuck off to Starbucks for a wonderful mentor visit. Good sharing time, encouraging words from God’s Word and a friend who treated me to coffee. That’s what I call a delightful Sunday afternoon.

While I was gone, Sarah spent most of her time working on a project. She’s been thoroughly bitten by the Pinterest bug and has been known to get lost in the myriad of pages and creative posts. This is what she created this afternoon. I LOVE it!!! What a great idea. 100+ Things to Do this Summer

Which one is your favorite?

Which one is your favorite?

Dear Sarah,
I like you. You are beautiful and fun and thoughtful. Your creativity is contagious. You are diligent and patient when you set your mind to a task, and you encourage me. You are helpful in so many ways – laughing, bringing music into our home, helping with the never ending chores, creating beautiful art projects, coming up with unique ideas for gifts and ways to love others, serving the family, and loving us when we’re not always loveable. Thank you for sharing your heart with me and telling me stories and not keeping secrets. Thank you for reading the blog and (almost) always leaving comments. Thank you for pointing me to Jesus and being an example of how to love Him. I LOVE your poster. Let’s do ALL of these 100+ things this summer (and more).

I love you – Mom

Project 365 – Day 102

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Training Begins

Yesterday Daniel picked up his work uniform (slacks – check, shirt – check, shoes – too small). Today he began training for his new job at Chick-Fil-A. It’s exciting enough that this part of Washington is finally getting it’s own famous chicken restaurant, but to have it also coincide with a job for Daniel? Wonderful!

Can't pose for pictures when I'm getting my shoes on.

Can’t pose for pictures when I’m getting my shoes on.

We are all so pleased and proud of Daniel getting hired on the spot after his interview. It’s been several months since his last regular job ended. He’s been living off of side jobs and yard work (and driving my minivan) to pay the bills. I know he has been frustrated not to find work. How kind of the Lord to open the door for Daniel to work for such a god-honoring establishment.

It will be interesting to watch how things unfold. Daniel is a diligent, hard worker, so I know they will be glad they hired him. He’s had his afternoons and evenings mostly free for some time now; it will be a challenge to give that up for a demanding job. At the same time, I also know he’s ready for the squeeze on his empty wallet to end. He’s eager to start earning money again. Daniel has such a big heart – he is generous and likes helping others. Last month he signed up to sponsor a Compassion International child. And earlier this week he wanted to give money to AirOne’s radio fund raising drive.

That smile says I'm going off to work!

That smile says I’m going off to work!

We are praying for you, Daniel! We are proud of you and are your biggest cheerleaders.
“Goooooo, Daniel!!”
Next week you’ll turn 18 AND start your new job. Wow!! Changing times. We love you!

Project 365 – Day 98

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