Category Archives: Daily Life

Saturday Life

This was a fairly relaxing day. After a busy week, EVERYONE slept in. So odd to have older kids (nearly all teenagers) and the days of getting up with little ones clearly behind me. As much as I miss all the energy and busyness of babies and toddlers and the sweetness of full-time mama work, I LOVE being able to occasionally sleep in late, late, late.

This coloring book is amazing

This coloring book is amazing

Started the day with some chatting with Rachel. I don’t know how my mom did it when I went off to college. Long distance calls were pricy and there were no cell phones or emails to keep in touch. Much less FB chats or Skyping. I went from Michigan all the way to Virginia for school. That’s a long ways. I miss Rachel and Joshua like crazy and LOVE being able to chat on phones or computers.

Much of our day was spent in relaxing and doing school. Sarah and David both had homework to finish. Daniel pretty much read his book all day. Tim enjoyed a mellow afternoon playing computer games.

Math study time

Math study time

Thanks for helping, Dad, now Mom, can you come with the answers?

Thanks for helping, Dad, now Mom, can you come with the answers?

We won’t talk about the CROWD who went to Costco today (I think it was pretty much half the city). We survived, somehow. And ended the shopping trip with a frozen yogurt treat. Not to mention the relief of having a full pantry and freezer.

Not sure this is the most comfortable way to read a book.

Not sure this is the most comfortable way to read a book.

Throw in a math test, youth group meeting, and a drive to pick up Daniel’s friend, then you’ve pretty much got our day summed up.

Until tomorrow.

Project 365 – Day 73

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Project 365 – Missed a Day

Sarah informed me that we needed to beat our biggest blogging record of 2007. Somehow we managed to post 405 times in 2007. Wow! That means Tim and I both posted on some days. That’s a lot of Tim/Kathy blogging. Not sure the interweb really wants that much of us. Ha.

But then, as Tim constantly reminds me, we mainly blog for the amusement of our children and ourselves and to keep a living journal of our family.

Sarah is one of our biggest blogging fans!

Sarah is one of our biggest blogging fans!

Yesterday was a crazy, full day. We had co-op all day. Picked up David’s friend on our way. Had company drop by for lunch with Tim. Play practice. A meeting with a friend to buy some amazing oils. Drop off a friend’s son at a play date while she was at the hospital. Dinner made by David’s co-op cooking class – yum! Finally an early movie with the family. A couple of chapters in the kids book, read by Tim. And then a game of D.C. Comics for the boys.

Game time!

Game time!

It was late, but the kids begged to watch another movie. I spent most of the time blogging and then fell asleep for the end of the movie. But, I did take a few pictures for our Project 365. So now they’re posted and we’re back on track.

Sarah – I doubt we can beat 2007. Ha. Maybe you’ll have to do some more guest blogging!

Project 365 – 72

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Theater Time

After our whirlwind time in Oregon with Tim’s multi-talented brother and lovely wife, it’s good to be home again. Tim and Daniel had a full day of work and school. Meanwhile, David, Sarah and I focused on classes and getting caught up on homework.

Late this afternoon David and Sarah had a chance to go to the local playhouse and watch some friends perform in a homeschool production of Peter Pan.

Peter Pan Fans

Peter Pan Fans

Sarah and David are quite the theater buffs these days. They went with Tim’s parents to see the Miracle Worker last weekend. And they are both involved in the drama productions at our homeschool co-op. Sarah has two small parts in Alice in Wonderland. David is playing Lysander in Midsummer Night’s Dream. I love the opportunity the kids have to enjoy theater (both as performers and spectators).

After the play!

After the play!

I didn’t have my big camera with me and my phone was nearly out of power, so this picture doesn’t do justice to the beautiful actors and their siblings and friends. Still, glad to be able to capture the moment!

Break a leg!

Project 365 – Day 69

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Important News Bulletin

This just in. My brother has abandoned his career as an Interior Decorator.

“The pressure was just too intense,” he moaned. “I’m just too sensitive for this racket.”

Thrust into international limelight by my blogging indiscretion, Mark began to feel that his work as an interior decorator was being judged by too many, too fast. The scrutiny and armchair quarterbacking by the masses was more than a sensitive artist like Mark could bear.

So he’s set his face like oatmeal against the world of abstract art. Now he’s a short order cook, or possibly, a chef (If we can get him a big fancy hat).

Fortunately, Liz was there to help the career transition.

Fortunately, Liz was there to help the career transition.

You heard it first here. Further bulletins as events warrant.

Project 365, Day 67
Tim (again)

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Sunshine and Thankfulness

By Sarah

Recently, the beautiful sunshine has been scaring the rain and clouds away, and today again, was a clear day. But, as I was reading Golden Goblet, Mom began to fall asleep. So we decided that a good walk would wake us(or maybe just her) up.

David had a hard time keeping his eyes open, but he succeeded!

David had a hard time keeping his eyes open in the bright sun, but he succeeded!

Sometimes I gaze at God’s amazing creation and wonder how we can ever stop smiling. All around us is such amazing intricate design by the one and only God. But then I remember the trouble, the hardship, the chaos, and the sin in this life. And just like the israelites in Exodus I think of how we forget the blessings and signs that God shows us and all we see is how our life should be better and how God isn’t giving us enough. I just wonder how we can be so selfish when he shows us all this creation.

Just this little cherry blossom tree is a small part of God and the complicated nature he has given us.

Just this little cherry blossom tree is a small part of God and his creation he has given us.

How can we be so ungrateful, frown, and cry when he has given us so much? How can we, just like the Israelites, forget the huge blessings and only see hardship? God has given us family, friends, his word, this beautiful creation, and everything we could ever want. But in our eyes we just see sin. God sees beauty through the ugliness, love through the hatred, and us as valuable people when we are really worthless sinners.

My wonderful Mama and me

My wonderful Mama and me

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
Thessalonians 5:16-18

Project 365 Day 63

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