Category Archives: Daily Life

Project 365

Finished making Tim’s breakfast and lunch for tomorrow. Kids are all in bed. College kids are presumably off being smart, wise students in Tennessee. Kitchen looks beautiful – and I didn’t DO ANY DISHES.

Today was a full one with lots and lots of math; more math than anyone wants to do in a normal day. Also quick coffee a friend (love you, Julee!). More math. Computer club for David at the YMCA. More math for Sarah. Can you tell we were catching up on math today? Ultimate Frisbee league game for Daniel. Small Group dinner and wonderful time of prayer after with 3 other couples. Narnia movie for the younger kids.

And that’s all I have. So here’s one picture for our Project 365 and a happy goodnight to all.

I love this kid!  He is a wonderful son.  Blessed to have him in our family!

I love this kid! He is a wonderful son. Blessed to have him in our family!

Sometimes our Project 365 is just a paragraph and a picture. I guess I can be okay with that. I like to over think, over write, and over complicate things at times. Tonight I can be content with a simple approach.

Project 365 – Day 61

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Another Busy Saturday

Today the sun was shining brightly, and we all thoroughly enjoyed the day. Daniel went out longboarding with a friend for hours. Tim and David walked Sarah to her afternoon meeting; I met them on the way back, sneaking in a little walk myself. We ran errands, organized, did laundry and dishes, and completed a huge collection of random To Do’s.

Sarah sorted and organized shoes WHILE talking on the phone.

Sarah sorted and organized shoes WHILE talking on the phone.

I think we filled this white board 3 times with small odd jobs.

I think we filled this white board 3 times with small odd jobs.

The kids all went to church for youth group activities, while Tim and I planned some silly activities for tomorrow’s Sunday School class on Exodus 16. How many different recipes are there for manna? I wonder how the Israelites would have done on Top Chef or Chopped? Hee hee hee.

Poor Daniel. He’s been suffering since Tim, David and Sarah started exercising and went off sugar. Once a constant staple, now there’s no more ice cream in the house. There was an old container of sherbert in the freezer which Daniel managed to make last a good couple of weeks. Today I decided to spoil him and buy some cookies and cream at the store.

Look at that happy face.

Look at that happy face.

I don’t think Tim was prepared to watch Daniel savor that ice cream while he went without. Uh oh.

"You won't share with dear old dad?"

“You won’t share with dear old dad?”



Daniel is a resourceful and thoughtful son. He quickly found something for Tim to eat instead of sugar-laden ice cream.

Enjoy your lettuce, Dad!

Enjoy your lettuce, Dad!

Not sure a leaf of lettuce is quite the same treat as a bowl of ice cream. But you can’t say Daniel didn’t try to help. LOL!

Project 365 – Day 59

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A Day Forgotten

It had to happen sometime. It was my day to write a blog, and I just plain forgot. I got home from work, rassled up some supper, watched an episode of Sherlock, read my book, and went to bed.

Let's face it -- some days are just not that interesting.

Let’s face it — some days are just not that interesting.

Fortunately, I have control of the blog publish date, so I can just tweak it a little, and no one will be the wiser.

Problem solved.

Project 365, Day 50.5

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AWANA Night = Easy Dinner Required

In our home, AWANA days are bursting full with the energy of family ministry. This year, Tim is heading up a new Drama and Serve team with 9 or 10 kids from the AWANA program. (Too much pie in the face last year, Dear?) Daniel is running the games for the Sparks and the T&T groups. David splits his time between being on the Drama Team and working as a leader in Sparks group. Sarah is on the Drama team with Tim, and I’m firmly planted in T&T administration.

Side Note – hugely miss having Rachel and Joshua here!! Joshua was an excellent games director and actor in Tim’s weekly skits. Rachel ran an amazing Sparks group with David as well as acted in the skits. Sigh. These kids who are wonderful and then grow up and go off to college. Harrumph.

Joshua and Rachel - summer 2007

Joshua and Rachel – summer 2007

Meals are always a challenge on AWANA evenings. We leave fairly early after, what is often, a crazy AWANA prep afternoon. Tim is usually gathering props, re-writing his scripts, printing things out, or coming up with creative serve projects. The kids are finishing up school, learning lines for skits, or helping me with admin stuff. I’m either already out of the house at a mentor meeting, or racing around printing out paperwork for the Sparks and T&T leaders. Full. Energy. Ministry. Serving. Faithful. I hope those are words spoken about our family.

Dinner?? Um, sorry family. Grab what you can for a snack, we’ll eat later.

David can always be counted on to help when needed.

David can always be counted on to help when needed.

Over the years of our involvement with AWANA (and I’m sure this is the same for families with busy sports schedules) we have tried all sorts of things:

Freezer crock-pot meals
Eating out
Rotisserie chicken from the grocery store
Pasta w/meatballs
Eggs and pancakes

Tonight I decided the kids could assemble a simple meal and have it ready for our evening dinner. Sarah filled an oversize casserole dish with frozen vegetables from Costco. Then she placed frozen chicken breasts on top of the veggies. Olive oil and seasoned salt and that dish was ready to cook.

Meanwhile David did the dishes while Daniel prepped a potato dish. He cut up red potatoes and layered them in another casserole pan. Sarah chopped up a big sweet onion and added it to the potatoes. Olive oil and seasoned salt and the second dish was ready.

Both pans into the oven. Timer oven set for 45 minutes. Delay start to make sure dinner was ready when we got home from AWANA. So easy.

Chicken & Veggies plus potatoes and onions.  YUM

Chicken & Veggies plus potatoes and onions. YUM

And then, because I Don’t do dishes anymore, after we enjoyed a delicious dinner, I cheerfully left the children working while I finished up some correspondence. Another busy day.

My evening kitchen crew!

My evening kitchen crew!

Project 365 – Day 49

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Sunshine Amidst the Gray Day

The sun was out today! It’s hard not to celebrate. Maybe shed a tear or two.

Quick break from the math test to smile for a picture.

Quick break from the math test to smile for a picture.

I always wonder if people in other states (namely those in the south and south west) mark their days in an opposite fashion to WA residents.

“I remember we had a nice cloudy morning two weeks ago.”

Is that what someone in Phoenix or Sacramento says? Even in February, one of WA’s typical months of rain and gray days? Do they look at the 10-day forecast longingly, hoping for a break in the relentless sunshine?

Of course, my kids love the rainy weather.
Sigh. Born and bred Washingtonians.

“Mom, don’t you love this foggy, gray day?” And this without any trace of sarcasm. “Maybe it will rain later,” they say to one another hopefully. What is a sun seeking mother to do? Punish them? “Go to your rooms!” That doesn’t work; they just happily snuggle under covers and read their books.

David and Marco find a cozy spot.

David and Marco find a cozy spot.

When they were little, the children all thought it was summer if the sun peaked out from the gray blanket of winter skies.

Flip flops and shorts appear.

“What are you doing?” I would ask.
“Um, hello, the sun is out.” (The DUHHH was implied)
“Yes, but it’s January and cold.”
“I don’t think so, Mom, look” (pointing helpfully out the window), “the sun is shining.”

How could I argue with such logic?

My kids are pure sunshine in my life!

My kids are pure sunshine in my life!

Perhaps the gray days of Washington or the bone chilling cold of Michigan and Minnesota (family homes) or even the blistering hot of warm climates all serve in part to remind us we live in a fallen world. There is no “perfect” home this side of heaven. One day. One day those who love Jesus will dwell in a new city.

The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it. Revelation 21:23-24

Can’t even fathom that. Walking by the light of God’s glory. Oh my.

Until then I will enjoy the beauty of the Pacific Northwest. And I will learn from my sweet children, who delight in both the rain and the sunshine.

Project 365 – Day 41

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