Category Archives: Daily Life

Weekend Silliness

Daniel and Sarah both had friends spend the night on Friday – keeping our house full of life and energy. Tim, in a sneaky move, escaped all that life and energy and spent Saturday in the Duckabush visiting his parents and helping with the never-ending internet challenges. I love, love, love that our kids really enjoy having their friends over and that their friends feel welcome and at home here. That said, I near-as-a-whisker got rid of the whole bunch of them to enjoy an entire day alone.

“Mom!” Daniel wheedled. “We’ll spend the whole day cleaning.”
“Um,” a raised eyebrow.
“Okay, not ALL day. But we’ll definitely clean for you. You won’t even notice we’re here.”
“Fine, but I don’t want you and James and David playing computer games ALL DAY. Even if it’s raining.”
“Sure, sure, Mom.”
“And you’ll play some board games? You know, ones that require cards and pieces and sitting around a table, not just a keyboard and mouse?”
“Sure, sure, Mom, you got it.”
“And you’ll put together David’s bed for him?”
“Mom, we will do whatever you want.”
“Heh. Right.”

Easy-going and flexible? Or pushover and permissive? Hmmm. Well, Friday afternoon Sarah’s friend Tarah came home with us after co-op, and Friday evening I found myself driving to pick up Daniel’s friend James. And, once again, the living room was stacked with mattresses – the boys have discovered they don’t really like sleeping on the floor or lumpy couch. They cheerfully carry down the twin and full size mattresses despite the hassle – I think they like being close to the computers and the kitchen. Last weekend they made pancakes at 3 in the morning to send Joshua off to the airport with breakfast in hand.

Crazy, awesome, silly kids.

Daniel helps James and David play the piano.

Daniel helps James and David play the piano.

True to their word, after I forced encouraged them to get off the computer, Daniel and James helped David assemble his bed. At least they got all the mattresses off of the triple stack on my bed. I think they hauled an extra twin mattress out to the garage where it will await Joshua’s return or another sleepover.

Happy to have his bed frame back in place.

Happy to have his bed frame back in place.

Later that morning, as the rain and grey day was turning me into a thoroughly sad and pathetic creature, a beautiful friend came by and swept me off to Starbucks. There is nothing quite like laughing and laughing with a beloved friend, hot, fresh espresso in hand. Ah. When I walked back in the house, the kids were all sitting on the floor playing 7 Wonders.

The little fakers!

The little fakers!

“Awwww, kids, you’re playing a game! I’m so happy.”
Loud, raucous laughter.

Turns out those rascals STAGED a board game to fool me. LOL! They heard me coming in and quickly sat down to FAKE their game time. I laughed and laughed with them and felt loved that they knew what I wanted and thought about me. The boys put away 7 Wonders and switched to a real game of DC Comics Deck Building.

I know these days are somewhat fleeting – of kids piled on mattresses, the counters and sinks filled with dirty dishes, the table covered with cards, and computer matches going late into the night.

Today David and Sarah joined us for a mini-road trip to pick up Tim’s new car. It was a long day. David and Sarah did school and worked on their play scripts in the back seat while I read to Tim from Francis Chan’s new marriage book, You and Me Forever. On the way home the boys were in the new car and the girls in the rental. Sweet time of conversation with my beautiful little girl, growing up before my eyes.

Daniel missed us while we were gone (right, Daniel? Daniel?). Okay, Daniel spent the day with the friends (thanks Pritchards for having him over), playing Ultimate frisbee in the rain, and then babysitting for a church small group. I don’t think he even noticed we were gone for 11 hours.

Icing his back after a hard day of frisbee.

Icing his back after a hard day of frisbee.

Thankfully Tim still had some energy left for a good conversation with Daniel about school, sore backs, and some possible future plans.

This couch is good for napping, reading, and father-son talks.

This couch is good for napping, reading, and father-son talks.

It was a full weekend. And tomorrow the week starts again. Whew. Blessed, double and triple blessed to be the mama of this silly group.

Project 365 – Day 39

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Lord Willing, and the Creek Don’t Rise

For almost five idyllic years, we lived in the Duckabush valley, on the East side of the Olympic Peninsula, about 2 miles inland from the Hood Canal. In all that time, I don’t think our little town ever made the news. But this week, runoff from the heavy rains on the Olympic Peninsula has flooded the valley with rain, pushing the swollen river over its banks and generally making a mess.

Last night the Seattle news teams converged on our little valley to report the massive flooding, mudslides and mayhem that the water produced. I had planned to visit the valley today, so I was glad when my Dad called last night to bring me up-to-date on the flooding. We agreed that I would call them this morning, to see if the road was passable.

It is hard to believe that this creek is entirely seasonal, and come summer, there is no water in it at all.

It is hard to believe that this creek is entirely seasonal, and come summer, there is no water in it at all.

“So, I’ll see you tomorrow,” I told my Dad, as we finished our call.

“Lord willing, and the creek don’t rise,” he countered. This is a phrase we often use in our family to remind each other that future events are in the hand of God, and that our plans are subject to change. I figure he staged the entire conversation, just so he could use that phrase in a literal fashion.

The main lodge stands aloof, comfortably above the rushing culvert.

The main lodge stands aloof, comfortably above the rushing culvert.

By the time I got out to the Duckabush, most of the flooding had subsided, but I still did get a few pictures of the creeks running briskly.

Project 365, Day 38

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I’m Not Doing the Dinner Dishes Anymore

Over the years we have tried ALL SORTS of chore charts, housekeeping ideas, and organizing plans. We have assigned rooms, meals, and areas of the house to various members of the family. We have scheduled out the days with corresponding cleaning jobs. We have done 10 Minute Tidy Times (using the timer, Two Hour Clean Ups, Daily Life Skills and full days of cleaning (okay, those are mainly on those occasions when we’re hosting a big party).

Some of my favorite friends at our latest party.

Some of my favorite friends at our latest party.

Here’s one thing we did in 2007 – Chore Charts. Complete with Excel spread sheets.

As a homeschooling family with five children, we really LIVE in this house, all day long, for hours upon messy hours, 7 people eating three meals at home (including my sweet husband who works from home several days a week). We generate a lot of laundry, mess and clutter just by the fact that we’re a big family home and together most of the time.

Or at least we used to be. Things have shifted dramatically this year. Rachel and Joshua are both in college in Tennessee (too far away to come home and have me do their laundry). Daniel is attending the local technical school full time, so only David and Sarah are home with me during the day.

Somehow we still manage to create a decent mess.

Or maybe I’m just a messy housekeeper, more interested in ministry, fun and relaxation than keeping a clean and tidy house. No need to comment on that speculation, beloved family.

So, when I read this article the other day, I couldn’t resist sharing it with Tim.

I Haven’t Cleaned the Kitchen in 12 Years

Basically the author shared how her husband decided to hand over the dinner kitchen clean-up to the children so the grownups could enjoy a little relaxing time. Brilliant! I’ve been looking for some way to deal with dishes these days. Understand that my children are (for the most part) gracious, helpful and more than willing to tackle cleaning and tidying WHEN ASKED. It’s the “hey that wasn’t my responsibility” or “come on, I did the dishes yesterday/this morning/two days ago/fill in recent time they did dishes” attitude and responses that are discouraging. I begin to feel like I have to constantly assign tasks or ask them to help.

My Christmas present from Daniel

My Christmas present from Daniel

So, two days ago Tim told the kids, “Mom isn’t doing dinner dishes or the evening kitchen clean up anymore. You all get to chip in and do it for her.” Then he swooped me off into another room where we had cheerful, grown up conversations about nothing important. It was heavenly.

Of course, it just happened that Daniel had been given the job of doing the lunch time clean up (he was off school early that day), so he had already spent quite a bit of time in the kitchen. When he was less than speedy to help at dinner, used a bit of a surly tone with his father, and rather curtly suggested David and Sarah do the work, Tim gave the younger kids the night off and put Daniel in charge of the whole job himself.

An excellent reminder (to all of us) to be cheerful and NOT grumble about our work.

Daniel loves to do dishes. Heh heh heh.

Daniel loves to do dishes. Heh heh heh.

This evening all the kids worked pleasantly and quickly together. Daniel even came back in after he and a friend had made smoothies and cleaned up their dessert mess. Yay! We’re a work in progress.

We’ll see how it goes in the weeks to come. And then next I need to figure out a good rotation for cleaning the rest of the house. No need to rush to solve all the world’s problems in one day.

Project 365 – Day 37

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Naps at Night

Came home from AWANA tonight, ladled out bowls of stew (can I just say a big “Thank You, Lord for freezer crock pot meals!”) and settled in to watch a little bit of a movie with kids. Goodness, but those 80′s movies (even the PG ones) have a lot of language. Love our ClearPlay dvd player – set the filters and we can enjoy a movie without cringing each time the language gets a little (or a lot) “salty” or colorful. Sent the kids to bed and then I pretty much stayed on the couch, unable to move. Napping at 10 pm is always a bad idea. Ha.

School books and naps

School books crowd out my favorite napping spot.

Thankfully some noise startled me just as I was falling into a deep, deep sleep. I dragged myself out of the comfy sectional and into the kitchen. Put away the remains from dinner, washed all the dishes and made Tim’s breakfast and lunch for tomorrow. Now I have a few minutes to blog before I go to bed for a real sleep.

On second thought, I think I’ll just post this picture of one of my favorite snuggly/cozy/sleeping places and say goodnight. I went to a wonderful mentor coffee this morning – I’ll write more about it later as I am passionate about seeing women grow and constantly humbled by my own need to walk closer with Jesus.

Project 365 – Day 35

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Panang and Petroleum

Although people who know me might laugh, I often think that flexibility is a key part of being content. So many times, we get worked-up about things that are outside our control, when we could have had the peace and joy that God intends.

Personally, I really hate disappointment, and so I often manage my expectations so that being disappointed is unlikely or even impossible. But I am not always successful in this. As a life choice, it definitely has its down side, since I have limited my ability to enjoy things when they do not disappoint. But I digress.

With Joshua and Kelsie here, we wanted to go out to eat at our favorite Thai restaurant, but we had a hard time finding an evening that would work with their whirlwind schedule. Finally, we settled on Wednesday night, after AWANA. Then we found out we needed to watch some kids for a mom in our church, and that we’d be bring her kids home with us, after AWANA, so the dinner plans were off. Then we found out we weren’t needed, and the plans were back on again.

Three girls at Chili Thai.  If only we had Rachel, then we'd be complete!

Three girls at Chili Thai. If only we had Rachel, then we’d be complete!

When we arrived at the restaurant, we discovered that they closed in a few minutes. Kathy cleverly ordered our entire banquet as take-out, but it was funny for seven of us to arrive in separate cars, only to drive both cars the 20 minutes back home. Happily, we were all feeling very flexible, and gleefully tucked into our Thai food around our own dinner table. It is easy to be flexible when you still get your beef panang curry.

Similarly, gas prices are another thing that you just have to take in stride. Tonight, I filled up Kathy’s van for $32.00, something that hasn’t happened in many a year. Although I remember (as a third-grader) gas selling for $0.33/gallon, the cheapest I ever bought it for was $0.69/gallon. Here in Washington, we’ve seen the prices exceed $4/gallon, especially in the city, where I work. I think I remember filling Kathy’s van for $64.00 or more — talk about ‘pain at the pump’!

$1.93 for a gallon of gas.  Mmmmm.   Thanks, Costco!

$1.93 for a gallon of gas. Mmmmm. Thanks, Costco!

It is so nice to see the prices at reasonable levels again, but I’m not holding my breath. I’m sure that prices will rise again; when they do, I plan to be flexible.

Project 365, Day 29

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