This may not be a surprise to some of you, but if you go out in the sun two days in a row you stand a very good chance of getting a sun burn.
Even in Washington state.
Even if the temps only hit 75 or 80.
My scalp is tender. I think I managed to get a sunburned head. It’s a unique talent, I know.

Meanwhile, VBS continues. Joshua is a crew leader and all around helper. Rachel is on the team leading worship. Daniel, David and Sarah are participating in groups this year. I helped with food on Monday and Tuesday. The church is providing dinner for the workers each day before VBS starts. My kids have latched on to this idea and think it’s great.
“I think we’ll have dinner at home tonight,” I said to the children this morning. Stunned silence followed my announcement. “Um, you know, because Daddy will be home and we can all eat together.”
Finally one of the children spoke up, “But I like eating at church. They feed you. What would we have if we stayed home?”

Obviously my culinary skills are being wasted on these children. Not one to fight the inevitable, I called Tim at the office. “Honey, I have good news and bad news,” I informed him cheerily. “The good news is that they are serving dinner at church this evening. The bad news is that they are serving dinner at church this evening, and we’ll all be there when you get home from work.” Thankfully Tim is a resourceful lad and didn’t mind eating leftovers in peace and quiet while we were gone.

I hear they’re serving chalupas tomorrow night. Sounds delicious. I wonder if Tim would go for a church sponsored date night.
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