Category Archives: Daily Life

Project 365 Failure

Now, now, now, failure is a strong word, Kathy. Besides, technically 2008 has 366 days so you would be a Project 366 Failure.


My Little Princess

One of my most willing photography models.

Last year, when I set out on my ambitious Project 365, I worked hard to take a picture every day. I didn’t post a blog for each day of the year (only made 263) but I TOOK a picture daily. And I have the external hard drive to prove it. Gotta store those digital images somewhere.

This year. No consistency. No perseverance or stick-to-it-ness. Just a mess of random shots. Several times night has arrived without me capturing a single image on film.

david and sarah

The Princess and the Hood

If that’s not a wretched failure I don’t know what is. And yesterday I didn’t even post a blog. On the Works for Me Wednesday site I linked to an old blog I wrote about our homemade whiteboard.

recycling bin

When you don’t have a tree fort or play house, you have to be creative in finding play areas.

There are times when a homeschooling mom of five has to take short cuts. The month of the church’s big women’s retreat is one of those times. Meetings every week, hours of computer work to slog through, decisions to make and amidst it all, children to educate, feed and raise. Yikes!

I think Mom’s Stressed Out Week is going to be renamed “Spring Break” and we’ll all just move on. Sounds like a feasible plan to me, especially since it’s nearing the end of the week and we haven’t completed a full day of school yet. Eeek!

please may I come out?

Daniel’s cozy new abode.

I’ll be the one in the back fighting to keep my eyes open and NOT feeling guilty about my pathetic Project 366.


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Scooters in Flash

Photography is a work of art. The more I learn of its nuances, the more I realize there is to discover.

Take this picture, for example. Do you like it without the flash:

Sarah, David and Rachel

Or with the flash:

them again?

Both pictures are sharp, decent quality featuring cute children. Does it come down to opinion or is there a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in photography? Our local community center offers a course on photography for beginners. Now that we are on The Budget, we both agree there isn’t room for extras photography classes. Maybe another day.

Look closely and chime in, which picture do you prefer?


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Have you ever forgotten one of your children? You know, had a busy evening, watched movies, worked on the computer, exercised, and even done some laundry. All the little ones are safely tucked into their beds, the house quiet and dark. Suddenly you remember you were supposed to pick your beloved oldest child from church.

15 minutes ago.

With two of his friends.

And you live a good 10 or 12 minutes away.

And it’s almost midnight.

Hypothetically speaking, of course.

joshua and stuart

“We’re drinking a toast to you, Mom!”

Kathy – Shooting for that elusive Mother of the Year Award
Project 366 – Day 95

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Park Pics

It’s late and I need to go to bed. We have a lot planned for tomorrow and a good night’s sleep would be a really nice way to start the day. Hmmm. Where are all my fellow night owls to make me feel better? I know you’re out there. In fact, you’re probably online right this minute reading blogs or sitting in bed catching up on your novel. Some are playing computer games or doing laundry.

The sun was out again today. Happy day! Daniel began the campaign for a park visit early in the morning.

take me to the park

There’s no stopping Daniel when he’s on a mission.

“I think we should call the R’s and the K’s and go to the park with them today, Mom. What do you think?”

Me, totally distracted by math lessons, muffin baking and other sundry chores, responded with a grunt.

girls are ready to play

Caedie, Jaalah, and Sarah were eager for a game of tag.

Daniel, not in the least bit dismayed at my lack of commitment, continued on, “So how about 2:30 pm? That will give us time to finish school, right?”

Again, no confirmation from the momster.

don't mess with this guy

Eli was up for a play date. Fiercely so!

Rachel chimed in with talk of exercise. “Mom, I really need to get in a workout today and the park would be just perfect.”

Next thing I knew it was mid-afternoon and Daniel was emailing one family on the kids’ computer and the other on my computer. He lined up our play dates, whipped through his school books, and hurried the family along.

I'm bored

David was upset that the game of tag ended abruptly and managed to prove that one can be “bored” and grumpy even on a lovely park outing.

Well, what’s a girl to do? I finalized the plans, curled my hair (still working with the new ‘do), threw some ingredients at Joshua with instructions to “Make Dinner” and zipped out the door for the park.

little park guy

Christian is more reserved in his love for the park.

It’s a burden but someone had to be available to make the children get in the great outdoors.

Project 366 – Day 94

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Baby Chicks

One of the families brought baby chicks to co-op this week. What a treat!

baby chickssarah is tentativegoing for itjump for it!little fuzzy fellas

I remember years ago friends brought their horse to Vacation Bible School. Strange, no one seems to have a cow. Anybody own a cow? We had friends with goats and another with llamas. No cows. Is there a deep, meaningful lesson in the lack of pet cows? What would Gary Larson have to say about that?


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