We didn’t have anything to say for a couple of days, and attracted some angry messages on our answering machine.
“Where is everybody? Where’s the blog that greets me in the morning? Don’t you people have any sense of responsibility?”
Well, maybe it wasn’t as harsh as all that. But Kathy’s Dad is one of our biggest fans.
Sadly, we still don’t have a lot to say. But we do have a few pictures. We’ve had some snow these last few days, which is a bit disconcerting. We were ready for Spring, not for another bout of Winter.
Not content to throw snowballs at me, this little punk also shouted insults.
Of all my children who rode our zip line, David was the only one who ever fell off. Happily, he doesn’t remember it, and he probably won’t sue.
We continue to be excited about progress at the Refuge
My Mom directed me to a few of the only flowers that have yet bloomed.
These baby daffodils were planted by our friends David and Kendra.
It was a good day. We visited with some old friends, enjoyed my folks, and came home in time to post a quick blog. Hopefully all will be forgiven.
Project 366, Day 89