Category Archives: Daily Life


A Household of Men

In celebration of Rachel’s recent birthday, Kathy and the girls have gone off for a birthday overnight, leaving me and the boys home alone. So far, as befits the men of destiny that we are, we’ve accomplished quite a few things on our list:

  • Vacuum the dining room
  • Call all our friends and chat with them
  • Dust the furniture
  • Shop for matching clothes for our next family photo
  • Do seven loads of laundry
  • Exercise to a twenty-minute aerobic workout video
  • Clean each of the bathrooms
  • Cook a healthy, balanced meal with lots of vegetables

Boys in Brown
Men of Destiny

Oh, wait, that wasn’t our list. Here’s ours:

  • Litter the dining room with woodcarving chips
  • Let all calls go to voicemail
  • Put our feet on the furniture
  • Shop online for a new computer video graphics card
  • Create seven loads of laundry
  • Lay on the couch while watching a Hornblower video
  • Use each of the bathrooms
  • Eat pancakes and ice cream

There’s really not much difference between those lists, is there? And here Kathy was worried about leaving us to our own devices! Come home soon, Kath! We miss you … :)


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Linky Love

I thought I would share some fun links I discovered this week:

BooMama is offering a $100 Gift Card from Lands’ End. All you have to do is pop by BooMama’s site and leave a comment. I’m torn between shopping for the children and getting myself a new winter jacket.

I’m sure the children would want me to be snug and warm in a new coat. They’re always putting my needs first.

Rocks in My Dryer (where you can find me most Wednesdays, hanging out, reading tips and becoming a better person) has a Bloggy Giveaway Site. There are several giveaways going on right now. Stop by and enter for a clothing certificate, a blogging design package, and a chance to win a scripture bag.

Michelle over at Scribbit is hosting a photo collage giveaway. Fill out her giveaway form and your name is entered into the drawing. Super easy.

Michelle also has a great collection of Winter Activities to do with the children over the holidays. Of course, the snow suggestions make my kids sigh with envy.

“Go out and play in the rain, kids.” Just doesn’t have the same ring to it as sending them out in the snow.

I end this blog with a link to a hysterical story that literally made me laugh out loud. Bathroom Emergency My kids love to hear stories about Jacqui and her unique approach to life. Michelle at In Life of a Child is a wonderful writer who captures the antics of her children (down to the pitch and lisp of their language) perfectly. Spend some time with Jacqui and you can’t help but smile.

Have a lovely Sunday!

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Because I Bribe My Children

A messy house is so discouraging, not to mention overwhelming. Yesterday I was determined to get the house ready for our Christmas brunch/craft party. I announced to the children that we were going to clean.

They love it when I do that.

“MOM, I don’t know where to start.”
“It looks fine to me, Mom.”
“What do you want me to do, I’ve already picked up 30 things.”
“You’re kidding me, can’t I do school instead?”

As I looked around at piles of assorted mess – everything from socks to papers – I wondered what was so difficult to comprehend.

“Anything that is out of place needs to go BACK into it’s place. We’re done when the entire downstairs is picked up and cleaned,” I explained patiently.

“Oh,” they all intoned in voices full of gloomy understanding. And then they stood there motionless, no doubt ‘moved’ by my brilliant leadership. Finally I realized I needed a different approach.

I went to the beloved whiteboard (our full size, floor to ceiling white board) and began listing specific jobs with corresponding monetary values.

1. Sweep kitchen floor $0.50
2. Clean red bathroom $1.00
3. Vacuum stairs $0.75
4. Take out recycling $0.25
5. Pick up and organize garage $3.00

And so on. My list nearly filed the board. The kids scrambled to pick jobs, signing their initials next to the numbers. And, this is key, then they ran off to do their jobs. I tackled the areas that needed a mother’s touch (filing papers, clearing off the table, etc). It worked beautifully.

sarah cleans

Sarah is ready to tackle those mirrors!

The children were diligent workers, needing only a little bit of supervision and encouragement. By the end of the day I was blessed with a clean house at a fairly minor expense.

Of course, I could have revised the pay structure to something like this:

1. Sweep kitchen floor – allowed to eat dinner
2. Clean red bathroom – toilet paper provided for your bathroom visits
3. Vacuum stairs – free shuttle service to youth group
4. Take out recycling – clean socks and underwear will mysteriously appear in your drawers

It takes too much time to write all of that down plus I’m not sure they would sense the urgency of my housecleaning needs. Candy also works as a motivating force (check out Sarah’s blue teeth) but there’s only so much sugar they can eat and my house gets awfully messy. There are a LOT of jobs.

I have dreams of becoming an organized mother with a rotation of chores for the children that helps maintain a clean and tidy home.

Until then, I’m content to shell out quarters for laundry and vacuuming.

What about your home? How do you get ready for a party? Is your house spic and span and company-ready all the time? Do you send your kids outside and do the work yourself (at least it’s peaceful and not getting messier every minute)? Do you have a system for powering through the house cleaning?

I’d love to hear more ideas.


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Let’s Talk About Advent Some More

I warned you that I am a bit obsessive. It’s part of my cheerful, optimistic, ‘more is better,’ out look on life. If one day a week of blogging is good, then daily must be even better. Why have one cup of coffee when you can enjoy a whole pot? If having two Advent calendars is special, then more would add to our Christmas joy.

You can see how we ended up with five children. :)

five rascals, all of them

I’m not very good with limits or boundaries, especially on things that are fun. I am more of a ‘have your cake and eat it too’ kind of girl. Mind you, I’ve never really understood that expression. What would you do with the cake except for eat it? How does “having it” differ from “eating it?” Help me out bloggy friends.

But I digress…

Back to Advent – I ran out of time last night to share what types of things we include in the kids’ calendars. And you thought the post was long enough as it was – ha!

Advent Calendar Gift Ideas

  1. Pack of gum
  2. Piece of candy – I bought a bag of chocolate gold coins and put 4 in each child’s calendar
  3. Tea candles – the dollar store had some adorable 3 packs
  4. Markers – I found a package of Window Chalk and gave one to each of the younger children
  5. Polly Pockets – This can cover several days. I put the doll in the first box, the shoes in another and purses/clothing in still another one.
  6. Toy animals – Another fantastic Advent Calendar gift item. They are small and often come in sets. I break open the package and distribute the animals in different boxes.
  7. Work gloves
  8. Sand paper and other wood craft supplies for my wood carver.
  9. Small tools
  10. Coupons for an ice cream cone at McDonalds or a game night with Mom and Dad

Although I love to buy presents for the family, the Advent Calendar is not really about the gifts. It’s more about the celebration of December as a special, holiday month. It’s the joy of having something small and special just for you. The children are just as delighted with a 3 Tootsie Pops as they are with a bigger toy. As we count down to Christmas Day, we think about how the prophets foretold the coming of Christ as a baby and His second coming as a reigning King.

A homeschooling friend with 9 children (she definitely has the More is Better syndrome, right De’Etta :) ) has a wonderful tradition of making the four Sundays in Advent special. Her family reads scripture, lights the Advent candle and opens a small gift. Here’s a quick look.

He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God– children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. (John 1:10-13)


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Too Much Coffee

When Tim and I began this blog in 2004 we set up the usual categories – family, Bible study, reviews, etc – we never thought to include Coffee as a topic heading.


What were we thinking? If you do a search for coffee on the Duckabush Blog, more than 30 posts come up. Obviously they aren’t all strictly ABOUT coffee, but coffee is mentioned in some way, shape or form.

I guess if you’re going to give up sleep in favor of blogging (and I’m speaking hypothetically), you need some help from caffeine to survive.

Or so I’ve been told.

Of course, it turns out my love of coffee isn’t just a self-indulgent quirk, it inspires others. I received an email today from Holly, a Seattle blogger, who thought of me while she was buying her coffee creamer today.

She thought of me. While she was buying coffee creamer.

And she emailed me to suggest a fantastic coffee combination – peppermint mocha.

Some people long to make a difference in the world through their ministry, social work, or financial giving – I inspire culinary greatness in the world of caffeine.

Holly, thank you! Only another Washingtonian would truly appreciate my search for delicious coffee at home.

give me some

Stop by and visit Holly’s blog. She is a mom of twins (and therefore a hero in my book) and recently posted a recipe for an amazing Crunchy Milk Chocolate-Peanut Butter Layer Cake that would go beautifully with a tall mug of coffee.

I know we’ve discussed coffee before, and Tim warns me I’m beginning to sound obsessive, but I’m still curious, so tell me about your coffee loves and hates.

Are you a coffee snob?
Do you find yourself thinking Starbucks and nothing else will do?
Do they know your name (and order) at the local coffee shop?
You’ve never been in a coffee shop, coffee drive thru or other over-rated, high priced coffee emporiums and don’t plan to, thank you very much.
Does it take you longer to order your coffee than your fast food take-out?
Are you happy the holidays arrive, not because of the good will, cheer and spiritual significance but because it means pumpkin spice and gingerbread lattes are back?
Nothing fancy, you like it plain black, no sugar or cream.
Forget coffee, tea is your thing.

This one’s for Tim:

You like your caffeine cold, in the form of Diet Coke, and you think chocolate should stay out of coffee and in the Nutella jar where it belongs.

Coming tomorrow – a beautiful family picture from our day at the studio.


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