Category Archives: Daily Life

The Pictures Are Here!

We recently had a photo shoot, about which Kathy wrote: Why Models Never Smile. It was quite the family outing, right up there with cutting a Christmas Tree or going to the Pumpkin Patch, but with none of the fun.

Actually, the photographer was pretty funny, working hard to get us all to smile or laugh, bossing us around in fine style, and keeping a running count of the number of times Joshua rolled his eyes. She tried to steal my Diet Coke, though, which was not quite so amusing — photographers need to know where not to cross the line. :)

Today the disk with the pictures arrived in the mail. Kathy saw the mailman coming (and even tried to wait for him) but had to go out, and so the disk was left for me to discover. “It’s a good thing Tim isn’t tempted by that sort of thing,” she consoled herself. “He’ll have no trouble waiting until I come home, so we can look at the pictures together.”

I called Kathy as I ripped open the envelope and slapped the picture disk into the CD tray — I was redirected to voicemail, since she apparently screens her calls. “Hey, Sweetie, just wanted you to know that the photo disk arrived today — I’m just loading the images onto your computer … ”

As I tell my boys, wife-taunting is a major perk of being married.

I received a call back almost before I had finished leaving the message. “What?” shrieked my bride, as I hurriedly adjusted the volume controls on my phone. “You had better just walk away if you want to see another sunrise, or whatever they call it when the sun comes up in the, er, ‘morning’.” (My beloved doesn’t really believe that there are two 7 o’clock hours in each day.) As threats go, it wasn’t particularly articulate, but chillingly effective, nonetheless. I backed slowly away from her computer, leaving the mouse pointer poised suggestively over the ‘OK’ button on the Image Loader wizard window.

I guess I’ll just have to wait until she gets home. Unless I were to pop the disk out and load them on a different computer, and then put it back …

Nah, she’ll ask me point-blank if I looked at ‘em, and then I’d dig myself even deeper. I’d better just wait …

What if I only looked at one picture, would that count? I could then ‘honestly’ say, “No, dear, I didn’t look at the pictures!”

Oh, I can’t stand it. I’ll just have to post a picture, so you can all enjoy. Here it is (scroll down):


Keep scrolling …


The Highly-Anticipated Pictures
There. I shared the whole disk with you. Nobody can say I’m stingy.

Project 365, Day 334

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Now I Know Why Models Never Smile

They’re exhausted. It’s hard work being beautiful. Really, do you ever see professional models smiling? I think the more money they’re paid, the less they smile. Being haughty and angry is terribly chic these days.

I wonder if they have servants (or mothers) to pick up their clothes after a photo shoot.

sarah's outfit

I also wonder where Sarah put the other shoe.

Do fashion models wash their own dirty clothes? Maybe that’s why they’re always grimacing in those magazine ads. Too much laundry and too little time between the parties.

david's FULL basket

At least David’s clothes ended up in a laundry basket.

A good stylist is critical to the success of a celebrity.

sarah's working the hair

Of course, until any of these kids actually BECOME celebrities, they are stuck with Mom as hair dresser, stylist, make-up artist, and assistant.

david gets a trim

daniel's trim

David and Daniel are some of my best customers. Okay, they don’t pay and they fuss a good part of the time, but then they don’t have a choice on how their hair is cut so I figure it all comes out even in the end.

Thank you for all your support and advice regarding our family portraits. It’s faithful readers like yourself that keep me blogging day after day. :) Well, that and the coffee. Okay, it’s pretty much the coffee.

I’ll be sure to share a picture or two (or 30 or 100) from our amazing photo shoot when I get the cd. The photographer was wonderful! I even managed to impress her with talk of the blog and the staggering number of pictures we’ve taken so far this year.

Although, now that I think about it, she might not have been ‘impressed.’ Hmmmm. That’s all right, Sarah was there to defend the blog.

back off!

Project 365 – Days 331 & 332 (and counting)

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How Could I Have Forgotten?

There is a slight problem with blogging and letting the world (such as it is) read your rambling thoughts of photo despair; when you make a mistake you have to do some serious retracting.

Tim reminded me today that we took family portraits in March of 2006 when his sister was visiting from Georgia.

what a great family!

You have got to be kidding me!!!!! How could I have forgotten? We even have a lovely picture hanging in our entry way. I’m so embarrassed. My only excuse is that it wasn’t in a studio. Pretty pathetic, if I do say so myself. Tim’s mother made all the grand daughters gorgeous skirts and we were all coordinated in white, red and black. We took hundreds of pictures, with at least 5 cameras.

red and white - very festive


Please excuse my terrible lapse in memory. Hanging head in shame and heading to the store. Do they stock brain cells anywhere near the children’s clothing?

Someone in WA

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Small Group

Our Small Group/Bible Study/Fellowship Group/Home Group (what do you call them?) tries to meet once a week. We are currently in between studies. We had a fantastic time going through the Love and Respect dvd series and then we did a 5 week study by Ray Vander Laan. I’m not sure what we’re going to settle upon next.

This is how we spent tonight’s small group:

1) Snacks (always key) – fresh carrots, homemade chocolate chip cookies, hot cider, pretzels and Breton crackers.

2) Worship – Ray led us in an amazing time of singing and prayer. All of the children joined us (the family room was FULL of people) for the singing. What a blessing to have a skilled worship leader in our midst.

3) Memory Verses – the group is trying to add scripture memory work to our lives. Each week everyone is encouraged to memorize three verses. When we come together in group, there is time to recite the verses (and receive applause, of course). When the children in AWANA show up their parents, you know it’s time to start memorizing!

4) Thanksgiving Sharing – Ray ended our worship time with some discussion of Thanksgiving memories.

5) Scum – One couple left but the rest stayed to play cards. What fun!

It was a good night and I’ll leave you with one of my verses.

“He who loves discipline, loves knowledge but he who hates correction is STUPID.” Proverbs 12:1.

I think finding a verse with the word “stupid” in it is rather unique and should be immediately memorized.

Next week is Thanksgiving – look how the holidays gallop along. If you’re in a small group Bible study, I’d love to hear what all you’re studying. We take any and all ideas. Thanks!


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Family Photo

This year I am bound and determined to get some professional pictures taken of our family. Yes, I know, you were worried that I didn’t have quite ENOUGH photos of all of us. Project 365 is hurrying to a close and I have taken over 11,000 pictures this year.

11,000 pictures.
In one year.

Does that seem like a normal number? What about if you are a serious blogger? An intense scrapbooker?

Help me out here, folks! What is the most amount of pictures you’ve taken in a week, month, year, decade? I know my friend Casey took an extraordinary amount of photos when she went across the US with her family this past summer. Surely 11,000 pictures is pretty average for a busy family of 7, it’s probably even a bit low in some respects.

I’m just a normal, camera lovin’ mama, right?

Okay, my children are NOT allowed to answer.
And neither is Tim.

The more I learn about photography, the more I appreciate true masters of the art, and the more I covet fancy cameras. Something like this, maybe:

Nikon D80

A cute little Nikon D80 with an extra lens.

Since this is definitely the Year of the Picture, I should have no problem getting some gorgeous photos of our whole family. Although we take an unbelievable amount of candid, home shots, we rarely visit a photography studio. The last time we had professional pictures taken of the children, there were only three of them and Daniel was a toddler.

Um, that’s 2 children ago.

This year we’re heading BACK to the studio. They thrive on repeat business like ours. We’ll have gorgeous, coordinating outfits (as soon as I pull them all together), we’ll be smiling, stunning, and full of Christmas cheer. We’ll have beautiful backdrops and professional poses.

Until then, I’ll share a picture taken at co-op, last week. A photographer came in and took photos for the yearbook. Families had the option of paying for a CD of individual and group shots. Tim teaches a class at the co-op so he was available for the picture.

family shot

Yes, I knew ahead of time that they were taking pictures that day. Yes, I have cute matching (or at least coordinating) clothes the children could have worn. No, I didn’t panic when they announced it was Picture Day.

“We’re going for the eclectic look,” I announced tersely to the children, who couldn’t care less about pictures, clothes or color-coordination.

Never panic when there’s a camera near by. Smile pretty and hope for the best.
Words to live by.


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