Category Archives: Daily Life

Rock Stars Siblings

The stomach bug continues to wind its unpleasant fingers through the family. It seems to be a long, tiring but mild illness. Tim and Joshua have ceased to complain of stomach cramps and pains but Rachel is taking longer to recover. She spends most of her evenings lying on the couch. I’m ready to have my Punk Rock Star back with us.

yo, dude!

‘Cause you never know when you need someone around with ATTITUDE!

Rachel holds a very special place in David’s heart. When she is sad, it troubles him deeply. He misses her when she is off with friends and is very concerned for her well-being. On Sunday Rachel and I stayed home from church. When Tim and the other children returned, David tore through the house looking for Rachel. He wasn’t content until he had hugged her and checked on how she was doing.

sing it girl!

After all, she taught him that steely eyed, COOL look. Give Rachel a brush, and boy can she belt out the tunes.

I mean, parents are nice and all that, they do feed you and occasionally wash your laundry, but when it comes to the essentials in life, you really need your siblings.

rachel and david

Sarah was the photographer of the day. Here she captures some sibling love.

Whenever I feel guilty about how fractured my time is and how I’m probably not spending enough quality time with each individual child, I catch a glimpse of them playing, building, creating, fighting, growing and laughing together. I go from guilt to contentment in a matter of minutes, thanking the Lord with all my heart that they have each other.

Tim is famous for saying, “This is the BEST family in the world!” I might be biased, but I have to agree with him.


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I wish I had a Parenting Tip

But I don’t. Not today. Not this evening when I’m too tired to be insightful, creative or witty. I thought about about something novel I’m trying with the children. “That would make a great blog, I said to myself, picturing the staged photos that would be perfect with the post. But since I just started today, it seems a little premature to share it with the blogosphere.

“Is this a new rule or an old rule, Mom?” my oldest son asked me last night when I told the kids we were going to try something different.
“Um, it’s not exactly new, no,” I mumbled.
“Oh, I got it. It’s an old rule that you are going to start enforcing,” he nodded sagely.

What does that mean and why did he look so world-weary when he said it? I guess an old familiar family standard is better than a shocking new one. This particular child doesn’t like change so he’s understandably wary when I charge off in uncharted waters, whether it relate to parenting or homeschooling or life in general.

I’ll let you know how it goes some time this month. Let’s just say I collected a quarter from at least one child today.

Maybe I can get the children to pay for my coffee habit. Some more coffee and I might be able to stay up and write my parenting posts. See how it all comes back to coffee. It’s an addiction, I can admit it.


That shark looks like trouble, but Sarah isn’t worried.

Get ready for this week’s Works for Me Wednesday. It’s the first Wednesday of the month and the theme is Backwards Day. Instead of sharing a tip, people post a question and readers give advice and counsel. Last time we discussed chores, menu planning and showing love to your children. There were some great responses and I can’t wait to hear from people again this week.

What shall we discuss? Any thoughts? Any burning questions to which you know other Duckabush blog readers hold the answers? Life, liberty and the pursuit of coffee?

I’m definitely too tired to be blogging. :)
Until tomorrow,
Project 365 – Day 309

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Hard to Be Home Again

Back to school, laundry, meals and dishes. Thankfully each of those chores come with amazing blessings – children with eager, learning minds; a busy full life; plenty of food in the cupboards and on our table; a purpose and ministry of discipleship.

The work isn’t the problem. I’m glad to be home. I missed the children and love being a mom again. It was a bit strange to be pseudo college student, plus I don’t think I really fooled anyone. Fifteen years are a little hard to hide. :)

student or alum?

How’d I end up back in class and where are all the other students?

No, my difficulty right now is staying focused on my healthy eating and exercising. I don’t WANT to go to the Y and workout. I don’t WANT to stick to my eating plan and record my food. Frankly, I’m SHOCKED that I was so disciplined for an entire month. Who was that person? Surely not me. I’m lazy. I want to stay home and read my book. Pass the chips and salsa, is what I have to say.

Sigh. I definitely didn’t get on the scale this morning for my Friday weigh in. Gulp.

However, I had a great talk with Holly (my “keep your food clean” friend) today and will connect with Julee (my “Jillian, biggest loser trainer” friend) as soon as possible so I hope to get back on track. I’m really, really close to my goal and would HATE to blow it at this point.

Which means, although this afternoon was very hectic with 10 children in the house for dinner, I FORCED myself to go the Y in the evening for a workout. I got in a full hour on the elliptical, while watching Invincible. There’s nothing like a sports movies to keep a person motivated and running hard. By the end of the evening, I felt great and found it easy to resist any late night snack cravings.

what's for dinner?

Time to empty the fridge and rearrange everything. No snacking!

If there are others of you on this weight loss/healthy living/exercising and training journey, I just want to encourage you. Keep Going! Take steps today to be disciplined with your food and fitness. Be strong! Make sure you have people in your life praying for you, supporting your dreams, and pushing you on to work hard and succeed. Communicate clearly with your family your needs for exercise time and healthy foods. You can do it!


P.S. A real college reunion/memory lane blog is coming soon. :)

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Thanksgiving Ideas

I’m passing along two fantastic ideas from a friend of mine. De’Etta is an Air Force chaplain’s wife, living in Texas, with 9 children. She is a constant source of wisdom and encouragement as she homeschools her children and shares her life openly with other moms.

Thanksgiving Tablecloth – Every year each of the people joining De’Etta and her family for Thanksgiving write their names on a table cloth. After the holidays, one of the girls embroiders the names onto the table cloth. Over the years she not only has a record of the children’s signatures as they change and mature, but also remembrances of loved ones who celebrated with them. What a wonderful memory maker!

Thanksgiving Tree – another rich tradition. A basket of leaves sits in the entryway, throughout the season people are encouraged to grab a leaf and jot down something they are thankful for and then add the leaf to the tree.

We made a similar tree in 2003, using handprints as the leaves. We had many people coming in and out of our home that year and it was very meaningful to see the different shapes and sizes of the hands on our Thanksgiving Tree.

thanksgiving tree
Okay, so it doesn’t really look like a “tree,” but we loved it.

If you have a Thanksgiving tradition that has blessed your family (or read about one you are eager to try), please share. I’m in the mood to begin warming the home for the holidays.


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“Hey Kids” Club

David and Sarah were invited to their first Hey Kids Club meeting this evening. You might not recognize the name of this organization, it’s new and rather exclusive. I’m sure it will be wildly popular in no time. The founders are two sisters who decided they wanted to have a club for their friends. After much deliberation, argument and long discussion, they came up with this catchy name. I like it. Short, sweet, and to the point.

silly kids

Some of the Hey Kid members in warmer weather.

Membership is VERY restricted, although older brothers can sometimes finagle invitations if they side step the parents and go straight to the core members (ages six and eight). Clever and efficient. Tonight’s opening event included dinner and a movie. Special activities to come: Thanksgiving crafts and cookie decorating. I’m telling you, this is a great club.

smiley sarah

Sarah has been waiting all week for tonight’s party.

With Joshua off at a sleepover and the younger three at the Hey Kids opening night, we had only Rachel home with us this evening. Not content to have a quiet meal alone, we had two couples over for dinner. Tim hired the children to help me get the house ready for company. It was wonderful! They powered through the entire downstairs. We even put Elizabeth (a visiting Hey Kids member) to work. The weekend is here and the house looks lovely.

Now if I can just use Saturday to tackle (wrestle to the ground would be preferable) my HUGE to do list, life would be good.

Project 365 – Day 292

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