Tim and I are in the midst of an artistic project for church. Yes, I said artistic, as in creative design. I have to wonder how many other people said ‘no’ to serving on the committee before they came to us.
“How about Tim and Kathy? Maybe they could be on the Publicity team.”
“Hmmm, Tim and Kathy. Do they know anything about graphic design?”
“No, but they have 5 children who sometimes wear matching shirts so they must be creative. “Plus, everyone else said no and the event is next month. We’re getting desperate and they have a camera and a computer, what else do you need?”
“Right, Tim and Kathy it is.”
I’m sure it went something like that. Thankfully Tim and I do have years of experience with desktop publishing, newsletters, web design and stick figures. Tim specializes in stick figures. Not everyone can convey a jaunty attitude in your basic stick figure. It’s a gift.

Tim’s drawings are characterized by the friendly smile and wave of at least one individual. In Tim’s world, stick figures are friendly.
Today we spent hours (surely it only seemed that long) working on a letterhead design. The pastor wanted four pictures for the bottom of the page under the words – invite, belong, serve, and give. We had some sample pictures. “These look good. How about something like this?” he said with a casual wave of his hand.
That was Monday night. He wanted it by Thursday. Somehow I needed to come up with sweet pictures that would illustrate those four words. Oh, and they needed to be of people who actually attend our church.
“Um. Sure, that sounds great,” I told him. He must have noticed my worried expression for the pastor then said, “Just get your kids and take some pictures. They’re cute. I’m certain that would work fine.”
Now that I can do. A little discussion, a few stick figures drawn on the whiteboard, and Tim and I had a plan. I called a friend to see if she could bring her 5 year old to church and set off to stage a few pictures.

Now this certainly says ‘serving’ to me. Three cheerful middle schoolers carrying a table. They’re probably setting up for the church picnic. Or better yet, they are acting out the story of the men who lower their sick friend down through the roof to Jesus. Admittedly, Jacob doesn’t look very ill as he rides on the table but there’s promise and meaning here. I see this picture and I think ‘serving.’ You won’t convince me otherwise.
I had several pictures to choose from for this category but I loved this one of Rachel, Emma and Eli. Since a secondary goal was to be sure one of my children was in each of the four pictures, this was a top runner.

Unfortunately for Eli, Tim didn’t think this was the best picture for the letterhead. Emma isn’t really smiling. We choose this one instead.

Notice how Rachel maintains her big smile throughout the camera shoot. She is definitely the daughter of a photo happy, blogging mama.
This picture took a little bit of work. I had an image in my mind of what I wanted (okay, I totally copied it from another source) but creating the right look was difficult. First I made sure Tarah and Sarah were in coordinating colors and then I tried to explain what I wanted them to do.
“Look at each other but turn towards me just a little bit.”
“Sarah, pull Tarah like you are inviting her but don’t drag her.”
“Walk this way but pretend you don’t see me.”
“Smile big, tilt your head, and point your feet over here.”
“Now look natural.”
Right. Working in my favor was the fact that these two little girls love to have their pictures taken and have a genuine affection for each other. It wasn’t a big stretch for them to hold hands and smile.

Last but not least, Giving
Tim and I went through several different possibilities for ‘giving.’ We thought about things the boys could give each other – popsicles, a squirt gun, the Bible, cash. Finally we settled for three items. We used candy, chocolate, and Coke. Doesn’t that sound like a great campaign?
Come to our church and we’ll give you candy, chocolate and Coke! Oh yeah.

No children (or their teeth) were harmed during the making of this blog.
We’ll see what the reaction is to the design. I dropped the final product off at church this evening and will e-mail the file. After a while, it all starts to look the same to me.
I have to ask a few questions:
Do you ever stage pictures?
Do you include photos in your blog?
Do you use mainly candid or posed photos?
What would you do with 15 pounds of blueberries?
These are important things to consider.
Project 365 – Day 220
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