Category Archives: Daily Life

P365 – Day 111 Sleepovers, Park, Dolls & More

It was a busy day! After the play, Daniel brought home three friends for a sleepover. Tim took them out for McDonald’s sundaes on the way home. The boys wrestled and played and eventually fell asleep, around midnight. In the morning, Joshua fixed everyone Belgium waffles (his birthday specialty). He made a triple batch and still everything was completely devoured.

breakfast yum

The boys played computer games, ran around outside, raked the grass, wrestled some more, and on and on. Tim took David off to the park for an AWANA Sparks hike. They walked down to the water and spent most of the time throwing rocks in the lake. Tim reminded me, this evening, that one of David’s first phrases was “Throw rocks! Throw rocks!” Ah, doesn’t that sound like a boy.

david at the lake

Daniel opened presents after lunch. He has some very nice friends. They are fun and cheerful and seem to thoroughly enjoy him. It was a delight having them over.

daniel and adamdaniel and boys

Sarah spent a good portion of the day playing at the top of the stairs. She got all of Rachel’s doll clothes out and played dress up for a long time.

sarah and Niki

At some point one of the swings on the swing set broke. Daniel ran in to report the damage, got directions (and inspiration, no doubt) from Tim and then set off to repair it. He and Adam did a great job although who knows how secure the whole thing is.

adam and danielfixing a swing

I tried to motivate the family to clean the house today (instead of waiting until Sunday) since we have Bible study coming tomorrow evening. Most everyone pitched in and we actually got a good bit done. Hopefully tomorrow won’t feel frantic in the afternoon before people arrive. Well, I can hope, can’t I?


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P365 – Day 108 (Chess)

The children have taken to playing chess these days. I’m not sure when it started or who initiated the first game but Chess has definitely arrived into our home.

thinking hard

who's winning?

I’m a TERRIBLE chess player. I’ve tried but I just can’t seem to put my heart behind a game that encourages/requires silence. I play games to ‘relate’ to people. I guess that can be translated – I want to TALK during a game. Chess requires way too much concentration to be fun. It seems like a simple game but I found this online:

The number of possible ways of playing just the first four moves on each side in a game of chess is 318,979,564,000. [Source: Isaac Asimov's Book of Facts]

I don’t know which is more mind-boggling, the fact that the number of possible moves is so high or that someone took the time to figure that number out!!

For several years my father would host an annual Chess Party. It was probably the strangest party I’ve ever been to – silent groups of men and boys, bending over chess boards in intense concentration. They would occasionally break for treats before scurrying back to find another opponent. The women folk (hate to be sexist but I don’t know if any women joined in the chess game time) and assorted children would be in the other room playing rousing games of Scattegories or Pictionary.

young chess players

Tim and my dad play a few rounds of chess on the porch of my grandmother’s home in Virginia. Boy, were they young! Phil, in the corner, looks to be high school age.

big smile

That’s a big smile, Tim, are you winning??

My friend, Lee, has two sons who both enjoy chess. One of them taught chess and went on to compete in several chess tournaments, even winning (I believe) a chess scholarship. I don’t think we have that level of skill going on in our home but it’s fun to see the boys learning something that teaches logic, reasoning, math skills and problem solving.

Note: Lee’s two sons graduated from their homeschool, receiving full college scholarships. Lee now works with parents on a consulting basis, helping them with high school transcripts, college applications and scholarship searches. She is highly motivated, organized and completely professional. Check out her website for further information. She loves working with homeschooling parents and has some amazing resources at her disposal.

I think at one point this week we had a game of Chess going in one room and Go Fish in the other. The mind reels. I know where I belong. :)


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P365 – Day 87 (One pathetic picture)

It’s not that we had such a busy day. I could have taken more pictures. The children were brilliant and photogenic as always. We went places and did things – all potentially photo worthy.

Joshua made chocolate chip cookies for Sarah’s AWANA class – that would have been a great series of photos, featuring Chef Joshua (Baker Joshua?). Rachel and I ran some errands this evening. We could have taken some shots of Trader Joe’s (love that store) or the bulk food section at Fred Meyer. Julee and I went for a great walk this evening. Gorgeous sunset over the water.


All I ended up was this one, rather pathetic picture. I almost hate to post it, but I do have a Project 365 obligation to meet. Here it is. My picture for the day:

kids at the park

Kids at the park – even the title is rather pathetic.

I had a meeting at the park this afternoon with some awesome friends from the Women’s Retreat Team (we need those capital letters – helps us feel official). Normally I would spend most of the park time running (okay, walking) after the kids and taking fantastic pictures of their adorable cuteness, but this time I actually had to sit down and do some work. I guess my “awesome friends” don’t really understand the significance of this blog. Sigh. After the meeting I considered restaging the whole park/play time for the sake of some good pictures but I was so darn cold from sitting on the bench that I hurried us all home instead.

I can just see the little shake of his head and hear the scorn in Joshua’s voice as he reads this blog, “Only one picture, Mom, one?” Not quite a question, more a statement of disbelief. Such disappointment. I’m not sure how I will look him in the eye.

Tomorrow is another day, Joshua, that’s all I can say.


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P365 – Day 84 (Chocolate Brownies)

Somehow I don’t think this is what Jesus meant when he said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Mt. 19:14

brownie attack

Plus, one of those “children” looks a little big. Mr. P couldn’t resist sneaking into the picture. Some would say he’s just a ‘big kid’ anyway so he’s invited into the kid photo. :)

We had our small group Bible study this evening and the P’s graciously brought chocolate. The pan was just barely enough to feed the whole crowd (I blame the ravenous children for the lack of leftovers). We’ve moved our study to an earlier hour which is working out great except the children are often famished by the time we’re done meeting. They descend like locusts when the snacks are revealed.

Lately I’ve been starting dinner while the guests are visiting and gathering up their things. I don’t mean to be rude as I pull together things for a quick dinner, it’s just that the children rapidly move into starvation/grumpy mood the later the hour gets. Thankfully I am a multi-tasker so I can usually gather food for dinner, chat with friends, and take pictures all at the same time.

It’s a gift and a curse.


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A Workout Partner

Last night my faithful walking buddy, Julee, called to see if I wanted to go to the Y to work out. Julee lives nearby so on sunny days (hard to find in a WA winter) we try to sneak in a good 2 or 3 mile walk. In the spring and summer, especially as it is lighter later in the day, we can often find time to walk. Julee and her family have a membership to the Y so it’s only natural (if exercise is in the air) that we get together for an occasional workout. The Y isn’t too far from home so it’s fairly easy to hop in the car and run over to the Y for a quick (or not so quick, depending on energy levels) workout on the elliptical machine.

elliptical machine

This is my favorite elliptical at the Y. It’s by Precor and runs around $3899 so you can see why I go to the Y to use it. Ha!

Just recently something has changed in all of this Y exercising. Rachel has started joining me. She went with me last week and read her book on the bike before heading off to play Wallyball with the rest of the family. Last night, Julee, Rachel and I all went to the Y. Rachel read her book on the recumbent bike in the front row of the room while Julee and I exercised on the elliptical machine just behind her. For 45 minutes!!! Way to go, Rachel!!

elliptical machine

I like the way you have the option of using your arms as well (total body workout and all of that) plus this machine has the reading rack at just the right spot – just perfect for flipping through a magazine in between strides.

I didn’t bring my camera with me so I don’t have any pictures. Not that sweaty, workout pictures would be that visually appealing :)

This afternoon I had dinner all planned out (Thai chicken in the crock-pot, rice on the stove, and stir-fry veggies in the frying pan), my homeschool co-op classes all coordinated, and the children busy working on school and chores. I asked Rachel if she was ready to hit the Y again for another work out and she said yes. How amazing! I have an exercise partner right here in the house. I’m so excited. It has been so special watching Rachel grow up and one of the delights is carving out mother/daughter time. I love doing things with Rachel. She’s an excellent companion when we go shopping. She is almost always ready to go and run errands or visit the library (an almost daily activity lately). I just never thought she would also be an exercise buddy. How fun!

Tonight we did 30 minutes on our favorite machines. I got off to get some water and lost my momentum when my workout routine timed out. Drinking fountain was too far away, I guess. I tried to do some time on the bike next to Rachel but it was too hard to get a good pace (either way too easy or too hard). I didn’t feel like I had gotten in an intense enough work out (after all, tomorrow is weigh in day and, short of fasting, I want to know I tried my best on the day before) so I asked Rachel if we could cool down on the treadmill. She agreed (reluctantly, after all we’d already gotten in a decent workout).

We went downstairs, found side by side treadmills and started walking. We both went at a SLOW pace (tired at this point) until I suggested we jog/run a little bit. We decided to jog for 30 seconds. After a minute passed, Rachel said we should jog again. We ended up jogging for 30 seconds, walking for 30 seconds, for a good 8 or 10 minutes. It was awesome. I was jogging alongside my little girl. What a surreal experience for this VERY non-athletic person. We got in a decent 15 minutes on the treadmill and then took our sweaty bodies on home.

Thanks, Rachel, for being my exercise pal!!!

rachel and kathy

A non-exercising, couch potato, homeschool reading, mother and daughter moment.


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