It’s time to grab your keyboards, a pot cup of coffee, and some chocolate and head over to Homeschool Blog Awards. The nominations for this year’s blog awards begin on Monday and continue through the 16th. Voting takes place in the beginning of December and there are prizes for the winners. Prizes, fame and more prizes.
Look at this great list of winning categories:
1. Best Homeschool Mom Blog
2. Best Homeschool Dad Blog
3. Best Blog Design
4. Best Artistic Content Blog
5. Best Crafts, Plans & Projects Blog
6. Best Family or Group Blog
7. Best Encourager
8. Best ‘Live-What-You-Believe’ Homeschool Blog
9. Best Unschooling or Eclectic Homeschooling Blog
10. Best Geographical Blog
11. Best Current Events, Opinions or Politics Blog
12. Best Homemaking or Recipes Blog
13. Best Teen Girl Blog
14. Best Teen Guy Blog
15. Best Teen Group Blog
16. Funniest Homeschool Blog
17. Best Cyber-Buddy Blogger
18. Best Curriculum or Business Blog
19. Best Variety
20. Best Thrifty Homeschooler
22. Best Nitty-Gritty Homeschool Blog
23. Best NEW Homeschool Blog
Wow! Did you even know there were that many different types of homeschool blogs? Of course, it seems like they are missing a few significant categories. How about these:
1) Blogger most likely to homeschool in her pajamas
2) Messiest school room blog
3) Most prolific blogger – who needs sleep when you can blog?
4) The Homeschool blogger you love to hate
5) Best Homeschool Worrier Blog – will my kids succeed, are we doing enough school, will they get into college?
6) Best “My Kids are Cuter than Your Kids” Homeschool Blog
A little blogging here, a lttle blogging there. Airport blogging with wi-fi is the best.
I figure I easily qualify for the Messiest AND the Sleepiest Blogger Awards. Did I mention there are prizes this year? Prizes. And fame. Oh, the glory of it all.
You’ll notice there isn’t a homeschooling category in the whole 2007 Weblog Awards. Education, yes, but not homeschooling specifically. I bet they don’t even offer prizes. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
No hanging chads in these elections, I’m sure.