Category Archives: Events

A Twice-Happy Birthday

Today is a big day in our home, as we celebrate the birth of our sweet Sarah, who turned five today. It is also a day of great celebration as we celebrate the birth of Kathy, who graciously shares this day with her daughter.

Birthday girls
But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children – with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts. (Psalm 103:17-18)

We opened one present for each of the birthday girls before the family headed off for a week at camp — a CD for Kathy, and a couple of little people for Sarah to play with on the drive.

Once we were all ensconced in the Duckabush house, we started to open presents in earnest. As the clock sliced away at the minutes before I had to get to bed (I have to work this week, and so am staying home while everyone else is at camp, sniff, sniff!) I began to run into some peculiar resistance. Kathy didn’t want to open her presents. She loves the anticipation of her birthday so much, that she can hardly stand to let it end. As we have tried to follow a budget this year, she knows this will be a sparser year than some, and I had to promise her that I had at least one present still in the mail before she would agree to open most of her gifts.

Sarah and her new Kelly dolls
Sarah can always count on a brother or two hovering nearby to ‘help’ her with her gift-opening

Sarah had no such compunctions, but we did end up limiting her gift-opening so as not to overwhelm her with the generosity of her siblings and over-indulgent parents.

Rachel and Sarah bought their mama a new tea kettle, something she has wanted for a good while. Daniel and David went in on a fancy new frying pan, one with a handle that can stand the heat of the oven (in case she wants to make a frittata, I’m told). Joshua bought some music CDs, as we renew our efforts to satisfy Kathy’s love for variety in Christian music.

A new towel ... how ... thoughtful!
Some years ago I bought Kathy a colorful beach towel for her birthday, and eventually inherited it as my bath towel. The towel is starting to fade with age, and so …

I looked up ‘birthday’ on my favorite online Bible reference site and discovered that the only recorded scriptural accounts of people celebrating the day of their birth (apart from Jesus and the three Magi) seem to involve Pharoah (the good one, who was smart enough to hire Joseph) and a rather gruesome tale about Herod’s birthday party. Celebrating birthdays doesn’t seem to be much of a big deal in scripture, except for this rather graphic reference in the book of Ezekiel, when God reminds Israel that she was nothing before he chose her:

On the day you were born your cord was not cut, nor were you washed with water to make you clean, nor were you rubbed with salt or wrapped in cloths. No one looked on you with pity or had compassion enough to do any of these things for you. Rather, you were thrown out into the open field, for on the day you were born you were despised. Then I passed by and saw you kicking about in your blood, and as you lay there in your blood I said to you, “Live!” I made you grow like a plant of the field. You grew up and developed and became the most beautiful of jewels. (Ezekiel 16:4-7a)

My two birthday girls were not despised on the day of their births, but it is sobering to think that, except for God’s kindness toward each of us, we would be ‘thrown out into the open field’ to die, forever cut off from his glory because of our sin. Remembering our helplessness and God’s gracious salvation through His son, Jesus, it seems very fitting that we celebrate Jesus’ birth with such lavish display and outpouring of good will toward our fellow man. Kathy and Sarah’s birthdays are well-situated at the other end of the year, when our budget and shopping stamina is not so exhausted from Christmas.

Kathy examines her new frying pan
This year the kids seemed to have definite ideas about what to buy their mother, which was a great relief to me.

For several months, Kathy has been hinting about her desire for Photoshop Elements, a software package that she hopes to use to enhance some of her digital camera pictures. In June, she stripped the veils off her hints and began making less guarded comments, perhaps fearing that I would somehow not realize what she wanted for her birthday. Spitefully, I maintained an air of insouciance and bland disinterest, desperately clutching at the hope that I could still give her the software as a surprise. I’ve never been very good at insouciance, as it turns out, so I’m sure she was not surprised to receive Photoshop Elements as her ‘big’ present. Smug and delighted: yes, surprised: no. At least I can spell ‘insouciance’, which is no small thing in this day and age.

Now she has to contain her glee until she gets home, since the software will probably not install on our old laptop. And she thought opening the gifts would end the anticipation!

As the household settled down, Kathy persuaded the passel of boys in the next room to brush their teeth, with some success. It should be a fun week of Camp and Cousins!

Three Boys a-Brushing
Teeth-brushing, tongue-brushing, what’s the difference, as long as you’re sincere?

Kathy with her little 'helpers'
He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD. (Proverbs 18:22)

Thanks be to God for His abundant favor and blessing to me! Thanks, Mamie and Grand-dad, for raising such a godly and delightful daughter!

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Scenes from the Dentist

As they escorted David to his awaiting dental chair, he dramatically announced, “I’m going to die! I’m going to die!”

Some things, as they say, are caught and not taught. I have a STRONG (almost paralyzing) aversion to dentists or at least dental work. So, all I do is contact Eccella Smiles for more info and to schedule an appointment with my dentist. Nothing personal of course. I doubt, however, I’ve ever said anything about death on my way to the dentist (at least not aloud). Doom, destruction, despair, yes but death, no. That would be a wee bit over-reacting, don’t you think. Really, children are so silly.

Cosmetic dentist directories are web based services offering a fast, efficient way for finding a cosmetic dentist who practices dental aesthetics and dental restorations. These are designed to provide you and your family an opportunity for finding the right dental professional in your area. In these directories, the dentists are listed by location including state or city. Both free and downloadable cosmetic dentist directories are available.

Cosmetic dentists include oral surgeons, periodontists, endodontists, orthodontists, and prosthetic dental practitioners. They provide many types of services such as porcelain veneers, revitalizing cosmetic dentistry, bridges, fresh breath treatment, metal-free fillings, tooth whitening, crowns, and instant orthodontics.

For finding cosmetic dentists, you can search directly by name, map, zip code, or specialty. All the important cosmetic dentistry procedures and dentists’ newsletters that emphasize the professional care and services are also included in these directories. These also contain articles and information that assist you to find a local professional dentist who fits your needs. Here is a popular cosmetic dentist notes, do visit here.

In most cosmetic dentist directories, the dentists listed are licensed to practice cosmetic dentistry. The directories provide their level of education, experience, and expertise when working with complex dental procedures. Most cosmetic dentist directories are updated daily, so you can collect the most updated listings.

Since David did beautifully at the dentist,

david opens wide

even when being walloped by the x-ray machine, I can’t imagine where his predictions of death by dental assistant came from.

x-ray on your head

Okay, he didn’t really get whacked in the head with the x-ray machine, it’s just some creative picture taking on my part. Okay, bad picture taking. Give me a break, it’s hard to get good shots inside a little x-ray room.

Sarah, on the other hand, was a wee bit apprehensive about going in for her exam. She isn’t verbal like David but, instead goes for the passive-aggressive approach: she only opens her mouth about a half an inch. With a dentist Rexburg you’re in good hands. The entire exam went something like this:

X-rays: “Honey, open your mouth. A little wider, please.”
Brushing: “Sarah, lean back and open your mouth.”
Flossing: “I need to get to your teeth, Sweetie. That means you have to open your mouth.”
Dentist: “I wonder if Sarah has any teeth. Can I see them, please?”

She was unmoved by their pleas (however pleasant and patient). I, on the other hand, was impressed by how much they could get done in such tight quarters. I spent most of the morning leaning over Sarah with my mouth wide open, showing her how it’s done. I’m sure that helped quite a bit. I’m surprised the hygienists weren’t more appreciative of my efforts. You know me, just trying to be a good example.

sarah's waiting

Sarah looks very relaxed for her check-up.

Instead of spacing the children out, the office scheduled them all for appointments at the same time. We pretty much took over the place. When we walked in Daniel looked around and said, “It’s not very crowded in here.” Glancing at our group, I told him, “It is now that we’ve arrived.”

working on all the kiddos

The younger four get cleaned, scrubbed and fluoridated all at the same time. Joshua was off in another room, no doubt pretending he didn’t know us.

In the end, we walked out victorious! The entire group was Cavity Free!!! It was a near thing. We were 4 out of 5 by the time we made it to Joshua’s final check-up with the dentist. The pressure was on. Would Joshua shame our family’s name? Would he make it to the Cavity Free Club? Would the dentist find some horrible black spot on Joshua’s x-ray? You could have cut the tension with a piece of floss.

Okay, it’s possible David gets a little bit of his flair for the dramatic from his mother.

The kids cheered when Joshua received the “All Clear/Thumbs Up” from the dentist.

big cheer

Truly a beautiful moment for all of us. We celebrated with Tootsie Pops and ice cream sundaes.

Just kidding. Really, what kind of a mother do you think I am?

We only have ice cream after getting shots at the doctor’s office. There are times when you need some sugary goodness. Just don’t tell our dentist. Interesting how Sarah is able to open up wide for a Frosty. Hmmm.

five out of five

Not a single cavity in this bunch of rascals.

On a personal note, I should add that since discovering Ativan (not quite Valium but close) my dental troubles have relatively disappeared (well, except the part about still having to GO to the dentist twice a year and covering tooth filling cost). No more anxiety or fear or projections of doom and gloom. Just happy thoughts and a vague haze where those dental memories are stored. It’s lovely.

Go and Floss!

Project 365 – Day 190

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We’re Campers!

Tim had some computer work he needed to do for friends out of town. The weather was so incredibly beautiful that I begged to go along. Okay, I actually didn’t beg or even ask, I just announced, “I’m coming with you.” The children wanted to go as well. They did beg. There might have even been some desperate pleading and bribery (“Chocolate is always a good place to start,” I could have told them).


A scary bunch of hitchhikers if ever I saw them.

When the dust settled we decided to go and camp overnight. The kids thought this was the best idea ever (obviously never having done any real camping, at least not with me). Joshua immediately set about making lists and collecting sleeping bags and food (gotta cover the essentials).

And now we are campers. Oh yeah, we camped. We’re the Campsters! There were tents and flashlights and a fire. We had fights over pillows and sleeping bags and tent zippers that didn’t work. All the glory of camping wrapped up in one night.

marshmallow time

The Marshmallow Research continues.

We even discovered a new school of thought regarding marshmallows. It turns out Tim’s careful study of marshmallow roasting was incomplete. I’m sure he’s terribly embarrassed. He somehow overlooked the Stuff Them in Your Mouth and Eat Them Right Away class of people. We suspect this might be a very large group.

As David says, “I like to eat them raw!”

Still, the night of the Family Camp Out wasn’t without a few glitches. This is not the time or place to go into details but I will have to say one family member slipped out of the tent at 2:45 am, snuck away, pillows (yes, as in more than one) in hand, to spend the rest of the night on the sofa couch (prepared by knowing grandparents). Even with the air mattress, this pampered/spoiled person couldn’t last all night in the tent.

Does sleeping three hours in a tent count as truly camping? I’m thinking….No.

We’ll just have to extend a little grace here, people. After all, look what happened to those who did remain in the tent all night. Serious Bed Head.

sarah's a camper

Look at that dirty face! This girl is a TRUE camper.

Or what about this child, munching on a delightful breakfast of roasted hot dogs.

daniel's yummy bkfast

Sarah is very particular about her grilled food. She does not want there to be any indication that it was actually cooked. She doesn’t like those delicious marks on a hamburger that show it has been grilled to perfection. And she ESPECIALLY does not want a hot dog roasted all crisp and black.

this is MY hot dog??

“Um, do you expect me to eat THIS hot dog? I don’t think so.”

My goodness we are a spoiled group. The next thing you know she’ll be sneaking off in the night with her mother to find the hideaway bed.

Oops. Did I say that aloud? Heh, heh. Well, it is important to get that beauty rest. I’m not sure what you get when you’re tenting can be called beauty or even rest. Next time I’ll shoot for 3 1/2 hours.


I’m off to get a hot shower.

Project 365 – Day 188

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Simon Says

You might think, after having been gone for 3 weeks, I’d be unpacking and working all day at getting the house (and our WA lives) back in order.

lots of snacks

The long flight coupled with possible lack of airline seats and hours of wait ahead of us in the Cincinatti airport, threw me into an utter panic. I reacted by buying candy and snacks and toys with abandon. This is what is LEFTOVER from our long day of travel. And trust me, those children did their best to eat everything before the final plane landed.

Nope. Instead I’ve been hiding and ducking my head in shame over the terrible lack of pictures in yesterday’s blog. To have my identity called into question, caused my dear husband to suffer deep heart distress, and forced my sister-in-law to actually read the post rather than just skim along looking at the pictures. We’re talking serious infractions here. And that’s only what I know from the few who deigned to comment.

The word is out that my faithful mother has mailed my camera cord and it is already on its speedy way here. If something happens to it in transit I have word from Debbie in NY that I can easily buy a little USB card reader for my camera. Whew! Life can progress along smoothly. Well, as smoothly as can be imagined with five children.

We went to a wonderful Fourth of July party yesterday. Most of the pictures are, of course, buried in my camera (so not going to go there) but I do have some that Tim took. The party opened with games at the nearby park.

simon says

Time for a little “Simon Says.”

Okay, “Simon Says” is not a new game. I mean, is there anyone who hasn’t played or watched their kids play this game? This question got me thinking about international versions (I think I’m easily distracted).

Jacques a dit — French
Santos dice — Spanish
Wilhelm sagt — German

This would actually be a fantastic game to use as a part of language study. Of course, homeschoolers might be more interested in a Latin or Greek version. Filing this little winner of an idea away to market later.

more simon says

The crowd is thinning but Sarah and I are still in the game!

I was warned that Mr. L ran an intense game of ‘Simon Says” but I have NEVER played it quite like this. Our game leader was ruthless! He was easy on the kids (at the beginning) but then began whipping through the commands, disqualifying people left and right.

Sarah and I made through round after round. We even survived the tricky, “Simon Says it’s no longer Simon but Mr. L Says so Simon Says put your arms down.” I mean, we were unfazed by the subtle or even the obvious orders to shake, rattle and roll. In a moment of tragic distraction, however, I blew the whole game. Argh!! I bent over to speak to Sarah (who wouldn’t leave my side and was completely overwhelmed by the all the games no matter how friendly Mr. L was). In those few precious seconds, my brain failed to track the order of “Mr. L. now says that it’s back to Simon Says; Simon Says bend down and touch your knees.” The next thing I knew the other two gals had their hands on their knees and Sarah and I were thrown out of the game.

You can see it hit me very hard.


Sarah tries to comfort me but the loss is just too devestating. :)

Rachel and I tried to make a come back at the next game – Inner Circle/Outer Circle. I can’t remember the actual name but it was something similar. Basically each grown-up paired with a child. The grown ups (and I use that term loosely) stood in circle (inner) facing their partner (outer circle). At the count of 3 the grown ups walked in a clock wise direction while the kids walked in a counter-clock wise direction.

here we go, merrily

This would work perfectly with music (sort of a moving musical chair thing). When our fearless leader shouted, the adults dropped to one knee and their partner had to run (frantically, knocking down small children and any grown ups not paying attention) to sit on the offered knee.

sitting ducks

Again, I made it close to the final round of the game. I’m telling you, I was ON yesterday. Since I am not a game person, at least not this type of game, I was doing pretty well to participate at all. Give me a deck of cards or a Settler of Catan game board and I’m good for hours. Relay races involving balloons, eggs, and spoons in any combination?


Thankfully Tim did not get a shot of Rachel and I losing. It wasn’t pretty.

Let’s just say I went home and took an hour and a half nap after our time at the park. A very strong cup of coffee and a change of clothes and I was ready to re-join the party for dinner. Enough said.

Project 365 – Day 185

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Random Wedding Pictures & Computer Fussing

Okay, why is it that all the computers in the house work fine with the new wireless connectivity except mine??? Are there mischievous blogging imps sneaking around, trying to keep me off line? All I want to do is blog away happily. Is that asking too much? Well, I would like to be able to get my e-mail, write a few back here and there, read all the blogs I’ve been missing over the vacation and comment excessively. My requests are simple. Really.

the family gathers

We’re going to the chapel for a wedding! The cousins and I pose with Aunt Stephanie and Aunt Kate.

I have to be careful, though. If I’m very vocal about my complaints, my mother will hand me a piece of paper and tell me to try to remember those ancient days before they had things like google and the internet and blogging. Gasp. I suppose they also developed film and mailed the doubles away to friends and family. I hope there aren’t any children reading this. The shock might be too great for them.

mamie and the girls

Mom sits in a pew with Rachel and Sarah, looking oh so coordinated and lovely.

In the midst of my hardships, I’m hobbling along as best I can. It’s important to keep the readers happy and I’m willing to do what it takes. Right now it takes some creativity, a USB memory key and access to another computer.

chase and uncle dan

Cousin Chase and Uncle Dan flash big grins for the camera.

I’m here for you all. Don’t despair. I won’t even mention the tragedy that happened tonight when Dad and I took the children to a fantastic park nearby and I, horror of all horrors, forgot my camera. Sigh. It didn’t help that my father kept saying, “Boy, this would be a perfect blog picture,” as the kids ran up and down the grassy knolls, oohed and ahhed over baby ducks and took turns on the zip line.

rachel and emily

Rachel gets a hug from her new aunt, the gorgeous bride herself.

We won’t even talk about it. I’ll stick to stunning wedding pictures, since wedding is a really special day and that’s why people look for the best mens wedding ring collection for using in this special day. Much more satisfying than any old baby ducks. Sniff. Thankfully, most people will skim over my fussing, not really bothering to read the blog itself, and just enjoy the happy family shots.

jenn and sarah

Sarah and Aunt Jenn pose for one last picture before the day ends.

Until next time. May you be surrounded by friends and family who love you and computers that blog along speedily.

Project 365 – Day 174

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