Category Archives: Events

Project 365 – Some Changes

Okay, mainly just one change. I’m a wee bit tired of naming each post P365 – Day (insert number here). It’s just a boring way to write. It stifles creativity and, more importantly, doesn’t let me use long, descriptive titles for my blog entries.


Sarah is waiting in eager anticipation to hear about the blog change.

I do, however, like keeping track of the Project and the current day. I mean, I’m over 100 days into the Project and some people thought (hoped??) I wouldn’t make it past 6 weeks or so. I don’t blame them one bit. As I’ve readily admitted before, I’m a great starter of projects, not so great a finisher.


David is ready to squirt anyone who maligns the blog or his blogging mother.

I’ve been thinking about how to hold on the sanctity of the Project (I like capitalizing it, makes it seem so official like it’s a ‘Study’ or ‘Thesis Title’ or something). I’ve decided I’ll just write the interesting, creative, emotional, spiritual, funny, informative, whiny (not all at the same time, of course) blog and, if the pictures included are from the current day, I’ll put a little Project 365 Day # on the bottom. I bet I could even get Tim to create an icon for me.


Daniel is sure this is a GREAT idea. The excitement on his face is nearly overwhelming.

So there you have it. Sorry to take up internet cyber space with a random blog announcement like this but I needed to make this change and I didn’t want to do it without an official proclamation. :)

Project 365 – Day 137

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Playing Favorites

In our ongoing and insatiable desire to increase the number of people who read our blog, we’ve created a new page, entitled Favorites. We’ve picked out a few of the entries that we think are representative of the ‘best of the blog’ over the three-plus years that we have been writing.

It would be interesting to us to hear from our readers with regard to the blog entries which you most enjoyed. Perhaps if you encounter one that you think is worth remembering, you could nominate it for ‘Favorites’ in a comment.

Rachel ponders her favorite blogs
Rachel is no doubt working on another Guest Blogger post.

To inspire (encourage, bribe) our readers to comment, we’re offering a new copy of Third Day’s cd, Wherever You Are. Pick a favorite blog, submit a comment and you will be automatically included in a drawing for this Grammy Award winning cd. The drawing will close on Sunday at midnight (Pacific Time Zone). One entry per person (although feel free to nominate as many blogs as strike your fancy). Sarah (age 4) will select the winning entry.


Tim and Kathy

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P365 – Day 132 (A Mother’s Day Gift)

Tim and the children went off for the day, the whole entire day, leaving me alone. Alone. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Sorry. I’m still a bit giddy with the luxury of it all. So I spent most of the time working on laundry and cleaning, it was quiet. If it wasn’t quiet it was because I was listening to music or lectures or sermons on my new, super cool Mother’s Day MP3 player.

Did I mention I was alone all day?

Here are the sweet kiddos who made me a Mother.


Picnic lunch out on the property.

There was a work party and board meeting out at the Retreat Center. The logs and stone are slowly being added to the building. It’s very exciting! The new, hand crafted, door is gorgeous!!



Is there something wrong about celebrating some of the Mother’s Day weekend totally alone, no children in sight? Thankfully I have a wonderfully understanding and supportive husband who knows I rarely have any time to myself and is thrilled to give me the gift of time. Since, tomorrow we are hosting a party for our Small Group and I will surely be busy with cooking and cleaning duties, Tim was pleased to let me have today “off.”

Ah. I washed laundry, swept floors, organized and put away clothes and papers, read e-mail, talked to one of my brothers, sorted Polly Pockets and Playmobil, did more and more and more laundry (I still have at least 5 loads before I’m all caught up), listened to an excellent talk on evangelism and 2 long sessions on parenting and even had time to begin one of my dad’s sermons (I am crazy about this new MP3 player). Some people might think this sounds like a work day but I was alone and didn’t have to take care of anyone but myself. I didn’t have to go anywhere or make any significant decisions (other than ‘Polly Pocket in this bin and Playmobil into the other’). I ate lunch at 2 pm and dinner at 8 pm. I stayed in my sloppy clothes the whole day (never did get a shower).

Truly a day for the special pages. :) I hope your Saturday was just as lovely.


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P365 – Day 131 (David’s Great Loss)

Ah, it’s an emotional day in a parent’s life when their child (be it their first or their last or somewhere in between) loses his first tooth.

david's first tooth

Last week David bumped into a boy in his swim class and came out of the ordeal with a loose tooth. It was his first one and he was rather worried, distracted and excited about the whole thing. He wiggled it and even tugged on it (when asked) but basically waited patiently for it to fall out. Yesterday a soccer ball connected with his face in a rather friendly way, no doubt trying to help the loose tooth on its merry way.

Today, in the bathtub of all places, the tooth fell out! I don’t know how David managed to keep hold of the tooth in the midst of all those bubbles, but he did.

got a tooth

Later on, dressed with hair brushed, David told me, “And I’ve got another one loose right here.”

Sniff. In the middle of all the chaos and busyness which is our life, I am sometimes awestruck that the Lord gave me these precious five children. That He lets me walk through their days, their accomplishments and failures. That He lets me share in the shaping of their lives.

I love that this blog has become a regular part of our family journey. What a gift to have a pictorial journal of this year – everything from silly to spiritual, serious to sadness.

Happy Tooth-Losing Day, David!


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P365 – Day 130 (Sunshine and a New Friend)

The sun has been shining like crazy the last few days. It’s wonderful. It’s heavenly. It’s probably short lived but still, I LOVE IT!! Today the children and I were invited to go over for an afternoon play date. When your children leave the toddler stage are you still allowed to call visits ‘play dates?’ Is there a more mature, sophisticated term out there I’m missing?

daniel and sarah

At the Women’s Retreat last month I connected with a wonderful homeschooling mom. When we returned home we made plans to get our children together (testing compatibility) and have a play date. It was a perfect day for visiting a (new) friend. The sun was high, the sky deep blue with nary a cloud in sight, and the kids eager for a break from school.

david climbs

The afternoon was a success! The children had a great time playing together. We spent a long time exploring their back yard (complete with chickens!) and then took off for some time at the nearby park. The only wrinkle in the fun was Joshua. He was a little bored with our play time. Heather’s oldest son is turning 12 this month. He and Daniel got along fabulously. Rachel and Heather’s daughter were quite the pair.


All in all it was a fun afternoon and I hope we didn’t wear out our welcome. Thank you, Michelle, for bringing Heather to the Women’s Retreat and sharing her with us. Thank you, Heather, for the very lovely visit.


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