Category Archives: Events

The Burts start Blogging

I’m so excited! Our good friends, Greg and Tina Burt, have started a blog.


Tim, Kathy, Tina and Greg the week they left for Thailand. Sniff, sniff.

They are missionaries with New Tribes Mission, currently serving in Thailand.


The boys enjoyed MANY hours of playing together.

We’ve known the Burt family for 7 years and love them dearly. There were many tears when they left to serve in Thailand.


These girls are quite a special group of friends.

Please go visit their new blog and leave a comment, saying hi! Encourage Greg and Tina as they work hard learning the language and ministering to the people. Thanks!


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Vacuum Give-Away

No, sorry to say, I’m not the one giving away a vacuum cleaner. I can’t spare mine. Every month or so it’s time to vacuum and I wouldn’t know what to do without it. Just kidding, the kids are regular vacuumers (is that a word?) and several of them can actually change the bag like a pro.

5 Minutes for Moms (a website that encourages bloggers to connect) is hosting a vacuum give-away. Go to the website and sign up your blog name (they also have instructions on how to be a part of the contest if you don’t have a blog).


This Dyson Slim vacuum cleaner is worth over $450. What an incredible give-away. A big thanks to Susan and Janice (the twin sisters who run the 5Minutes4Moms blog) for reviewing the vacuum cleaner and sharing the opportunity with us.


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P365 – Day 86 (I won!!)

Unlike Lindsay Lohan, in Just My Luck, I am not a particularly ‘lucky’ person. Of course, as a Christian, I can’t really subscribe to the idea of ‘luck.’

The Bible seems clear that God is Sovereign over all and thus nothing is merely the matter of chance:

In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will…Ephesians 1:11

Remember the former things, those of long ago;
I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like me.

I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please. has this to say about luck:

“From an earthly perspective, as Ecclesiastes 9:11-12 share, things may seem to happen at random, but throughout the whole of Scripture, it is clear that God is in control of all of His creation and is somehow able to take the random acts of natural law, the free will of both good and evil men, and the wicked intent of demons and combine them all to accomplish His good and perfect will (Genesis 50:20; Job chapters 1 and 42; John 9:1-7). And Christians, specifically, are given the promise that He works all things, whether seemingly good or bad, together for God to those who love Him (Romans 8:28).”

How wonderful to serve a God who loves us enough to care about our character and our hearts more than our comfort.

cute bag

This gift bag is so cute. Can I use it as a purse? Would anyone realize it’s just made out of paper? What would happen in a good rain? Hmmm.

With all of that said, I certainly won’t say no to a little blessing coming into my life. I had a meeting this evening with a friend. We scheduled it before realizing there was a baby shower at church. Of course, we wanted to go and celebrate that sweet little baby. We decided to go to the shower and then have our meeting afterward.

At the shower we played a version of Bingo – Baby Bingo. You fill out a blank Bingo card with the items you think the mother is going to receive. As she opens the packages, you mark off a square until you get Bingo. I won in the first 10 minutes!! Being mature and in the company of godly women, I restrained myself from jumping up and down and shouting, “BINGO!” Of course, I’ve won games at showers before and the gifts were often less than impressive. Still, the competitive side does flare up from time to time and winning is always fun.

This time the gift was something quite lovely. I won this adorable bracelet by Lillian Vernon:


The great thing about this gorgeous gift is that if you don’t have time to put in your own pictures, you can just claim the ones on the bracelet as your own family.


During the lull between food, games and gifts, Michelle and I went ahead and started our meeting. We decided to scrap the coffee shop (original plan) and go the Y instead for the rest of our meeting. We managed to sneak in a good, solid hour of cardio. Oh yeah! That’s what I call a Power Meeting!

Michelle made me try her favorite elliptical (for 30 grueling minutes) and I promised to post a picture on the blog.


Unlike my fave, the Precor, this one is by Cybex. Again, it’s a bargain at $3500. Here’s one going on Ebay for over $5500. Let me just say, my monthly Y membership seems much more reasonable when I factor in the costs for all the machinery they offer (not to mention classes and pool time and so on).

The night ended (is it over yet? I’m up so late I’m not sure if it’s morning or night) with a call from my wonderful Thai missionary friend.

Ah! Presents, an awesome workout, and a call from a friend. That’s a pretty blessed evening! Thank You, God, for orchestrating all of those details.

Why would I ever give fate or faceless luck the credit for the good things that come into my life when there is so clearly a holy and sovereign God who loves me and wants to be a part of my life?


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David’s Caterpillars

David is taking a bug class at co-op this semester. He’s moved out of the kindergarten classes and into the first grade level. It makes for a long day but he’s being stretched and is learning so much.

This week the teacher passed out caterpillars. The children are supposed to record and document the changes they see as the caterpillars spin cocoons and turn into butterflies. David’s are doing great. It’s fun to watch.


I’m still playing with the settings on my camera to get a good, close up shot.

Poor David, right when I was ready to take some pictures of his cool, new caterpillars, he got hurt. Are these some pathetic photos, or what?

david frownsfake smile

Nice fake smile there, buddy! Sorry you got hurt. Can’t wait to see the caterpillars be transformed.


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P365 – Day 81 (Rubbing Fish)

That’s a catchy title! Sure to draw in the crowds. It’s sort of sad what a girl will do to get more readers for her blog. :) Since I’m determined not to disappoint, I’ll open with this great picture.

rachel's fish

A SHS loopie friend (from my Yahoo homeschooling e-mail group) has a wonderful business that she and her family run called, Hands and Hearts. They sell educational toys and games, history materials, books, crafts and so on. One of their treasures is a line of history kits.

far east kit

I LOVE books and can read to the children for hours. I am NOT, however, good at providing hands-on activities. Thankfully there are co-ops and people like Kate who want to help the unskilled among us.

Since we are using Sonlight’s Eastern Hemisphere this year for our history, Bible and reading curriculum, the Ancient Far East kit seemed a perfect fit. Today our project of choice was printing a fish. This kit contains an actual preserved gray perch (fish) that you use to create a gyotaku print on real rice paper. The gyotaku link has some amazing prints, ours are a little (ahem) more basic.

gloves required

The instructions carefully describe exactly what you do, beginning with Wash the Fish. This was probably the most intense part of the whole adventure. It’s pretty much all mellow, easy and downhill after you’ve taken a dead fish, held it in your hands (albeit gloved) and washed it. Remember, we are BOOK people not Actually-Go-Out-and-Do-It people so, although we’ve read many tales of exciting (and gross) adventures, we have led a fairly tame life.

Daniel (of course, need I say more) was elected to handle the Dead Fish Bath. He did a great job, to the admiration and appreciation of his followers.

fish washing

One hand is bare! He touched the fish, he touched the fish! Ewww! Mommy, Daniel touched a dead fish!

Dan handles the fish!

Notice the intensity with which everyone watches Daniel. He is definitely the star of the moment!

Thanks, Dan!

Next things were laid out and the paint readied.
ready supplies


The children worked carefully to brush the water/paint mixture on the fish scales. Joshua was our “instructor” for the day. He read directions, supervised the application of paint, and did several of the actual rubbings. I’m barely needed for the project as all. Of course, I was needed to take 50 pictures. I obliged with hardly any complaining.

here we go

I kept the fish around for several days, hoping we could dissect it (him?), but I’m afraid I must have very strange homeschooled children, not a single one of them was interested in slicing that little guy open. There was no strange odor to the fish so I can’t understand why they didn’t leap at the opportunity.

final product

The final product! Colorful fish prints.

A squeamish bunch perhaps? How are they going to handle biology in the upcoming years? More importantly, how are they going to become rich and famous doctors and support me in my old age?


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