Category Archives: Events

Beth Moore Conference

This weekend a friend and I went to Redmond for a Beth Moore conference. What an excellent time of worship and teaching. Michelle used and found us a great hotel. The Lord worked it out that our hotel ( Red Lion) was directly across the street from the Sheraton where her friends were staying. The tickets for Beth Moore’s conference sold out so fast (I believe 5000 people attended this weekend) that there were only a few from our church.

I took some pictures of our hotel room and then promptly ran out of batteries. Argh! This first afternoon. The first hour. Rats. Who knew that we would go on to have a series of adventures – some of which DEFINITELY should have been documented on film. I did get a picture of Michelle making phone calls (we spent a LOT of time connecting with people via various phones).

Michelle at the hotel

Thanks so much, Michelle! You were a wonderful retreat partner!

I also managed to get some pictures of our room (too crowded with our messy stuff) and bed. This bed, by the way, was the most comfortable bed I think I have EVER slept in. Michelle and I were both amazed at how wonderful the mattress was (and that’s not just the sleep deprived side of us talking). Literally I am going to call the hotel and ask them what kind of mattress they have in room 219. It was unbelievably comfy.


Ah, a bed fit for princesses – where’s that pea?

I am WAY too tired to write any more about the conference right now. The seating was general admission so we had to be at the church quite early in order to sit on the main floor. I do NOT think you should have a 5 am wake up call (which came at 4:45 am!!!) on a Saturday morning – especially when you are sleeping in the most plush, soft bed ever.

I’ll try to blog more later.


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Happy Birthday Aunt Kate

happy b day

Today is my mother and her twin sister’s birthday. We love them both so dearly. The kids shared a few words for their beloved Aunt Kate. Rachel made this sign and will share her thoughts tomorrow.

Aunt Kate (aka Kathy) is the most wonderful aunt a person could ever want. She is loving and kind and encouraging. She is compassionate and merciful and bubbly. She reaches out to the people around her and loves them as friends without reserve. She is wise and affirming and supportive beyond measure.

Every year we try to visit my parents at their summer home in TX; without fail the children (that usually includes Tim and myself) BEG to have Aunt Kate come and join us. It just isn’t proper to have a family gathering without her there. We understand (in the back of our minds) that she has her own children and grandchildren but we greedily claim her as OUR OWN.

I Peter 4:8-11 describes much of how Aunt Kate lives her life:

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Aunt Kate loves deeply – she will tell you that she has seen how God’s love can transform the heart and bring about healing and true love.

Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Kathy opens her home to friends and family with a generous heart. She loves people with a whole heart.

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. Kathy lives out God’s grace in the way she loves those around her, accepting them where they are and with all their faults and foibles, walking along side them.

If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. I have hardly ever known anyone who speaks words of encouragement and comfort with such truth and love as Aunt Kate. You have been blessed if you spend time in conversation with her.

If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.Kathy serves faithfully and consistently – in her church, in her family, in her community. Even when weary or busy, she reaches out to claim Christ’s strength to work through her.

Truly she is an amazing person and well do we love her!!!

Here are some words from the children.

David – Have a good birthday, Aunt Kate. I hope you come and see us sometime. Thank you for sometimes giving me presents. I miss you very much. Are you going to have cake on your birthday? I really want for you to come over because I miss you. I just want to see you so much. Have a good time with your sister, Mamie. Thank you for letting me stay at your house at Texas. I really liked it.

david and daniel
Daniel and David, getting ready for bed, at Aunt Kate and Uncle Jerry’s home in Texas.

Daniel – Happy Birthday, Aunt Kate. Did you get any presents for your birthday? What were they? Thank you for the popcorn at Christmas. It was delicious. I liked it when we were with you in Texas. Did you like the photo book about Fort Clark? I miss you. I hope you come and see us.

Sarah – Happy Birthday to you! You look like Mamie.

sarah outside
Sarah – sitting in the windowsill of the sunroom in Aunt Kate’s TX home.

Joshua- Happy birthday Aunt Kate, I hope you had a happy birthday I love you.


Joshua – relaxing in Aunt Kate’s TX porch.

Kathy (proud to be named after her beloved aunt)

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Happy Birthday Mamie

happy b day

Happy Birthday Mamie!!! We love you. I’m so sorry we couldn’t be there to celebrate with you. It’s hard living far away. I could go on and on about what a wonderful mother you are (does everyone have a day or two??).

You have taught me how to love my children, support my husband, walk with Jesus, and be a good friend. You shared with me the love of reading and encouraged me to learn all that I could. You have loved me through the ups and downs of life. You give me wise counsel and weave strong bonds in our family even though I live miles away. You continue to teach me how to encourage and affirm people by your example. How often did you tell me I was a wonderful daughter and you were blessed to be my mother? What an amazing gift!

When someone asks me how I am able to be so patient with my children, I will always tell them that I had the most loving and kind mother who laid down her life for the Lord and her family. You challenge me regularly to be more passionate and faithful in my relationship with Jesus. When I think of how tirelessly you serve others, I am convicted to lay aside my selfishness and follow your example. You made raising a family and managing a home look easy, now I realize how hard you worked, without ever seeming to complain or fuss.

On your birthday, I send you my sweetest love and affections!

mamie and kathy

From the children:

Rachel (age 11) – Mamie is so fun. She’s awesome. I love the way she plays with us and watches and listens. I love going to the Inn and swimming with Mamie and Grandad. They stay in the hot tub with their books. Going to Texas was such a blast! It wouldn’t have been fun without Mamie and Grandad there.

rachel tx
Rachel lounges by the pool in Texas.

mamie and the girls

David (age 5 1/2) – Happy Birthday, Mamie! I love you! I hope you have a good birthday. I hope you come over in February. I love you really much. I like it how you play with me. I hope you have a good time with Grandad. Thank you for giving me presents. I miss you so much. I just want to go to the hotel and have a fun time. I’m becoming a really good swimmer. Thank you, Mamie, for letting me spend the night at your house a couple of times. I really like your house.


Daniel (age 9 1/2) – Happy Birthday! Did you get a cake? What kind? How many candles will you put on it? What kind of cake do you like? We ate some of Chandler’s birthday cake at lunch. I liked it. We went to PE today and had fun swimming. I remember when you taught me how to swim.

daniel pool

Sarah (age 4 1/2) – Happy Birthday! I liked it at Texas. I love you. I want to give you a hug. I had fun in the snow.


Joshua (age 13) – What I like best about Mamie is probably her selfless generosity. Nearly every time we visit her, she presents us with a bag filled with small gifts and candy. She also routinely invites us to spend the night with herself and Grandad when they stay at the hotel. This makes us feel very loved. Almost yearly she and Grandad either visit us, or invite us to visit them. I enjoyed every visit with Mamie, but I think my favorite one was the time we went to Maranatha. I love Mamie and I hope to see her soon.

joshua and boys

Joshua with Thom, Chase, Phil and Daniel at Marantha Camp in 2005.

Proverbs 31 describes my mother:

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.

She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.

Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:

“Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.”

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

Happy Birthday!

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Project 365 – Day 20 (Christmas tree)

There comes a point in most people’s lives when they have to take down their Christmas tree. It’s inevitable. Some people put away their decorations the day after Christmas, others wait until New Year’s and then begin the process, and then there’s our family: we try to make it until Valentine’s Day.

sarah and the tree

Sarah helps by posing sweetly in front of the almost empty tree.

Yes, that’s right, Valentine’s Day.
In February.
The middle of February.

Today I was called Mrs. Grinch, by my very own beloved husband. And why? Because I was taking ornaments off the tree and packing them up.


Last year I convinced Tim and the children to buy an artificial tree. I found a gorgeous one at Lowes after the holidays. It was on sale and turned out to be a great deal. I think the kids hoped I would forget about it and end up buying them a real one anyway. I’m not sure how you can forget about a big huge, eight foot long box sitting in the garage but then I’ve seen our garage, it’s easy to get lost out there.

tim and joshua

Tim and Joshua worked out in the garage this afternoon.

The artificial tree was a terrible disappointment to the children. It’s amazing they survived Christmas at all. Joshua would barely speak to me about it. Rachel gave a whole devotional during school, one day, on how people with FAKE trees are like people who have a FAKE relationship with Jesus (definite emphasis on FAKE). It was truly inspiring. Everytime a visitor remarked on how beautiful the tree was and how it looked real (actually touching it to be sure) it was like rubbing salt in a wound. Poor dears! The only thing that helped them get through this tragedy was the large mound of presents that lay heaped under the (FAKE) branches.

When we lived out in the country (away from the convenience of Home Depot tree lots) we drove up into the mountains to cut down our own tree. One year Tim was sick and our neighbors were kind enough to bring us a freshly cut tree. We managed that two years running although eventually they realized Tim was faking it and we had to go and actually find a tree ourselves, preferably one that was for sale.
kathy and kiddos

Kathy, David and Sarah in November, 2003.

We were all very excited about getting our own tree. We were especially proud of Tim as the valiant tree conqueror.

tim and jay tree
tim tree hauling

Who gave these children an axe for splitting wood???

christmas tree ax

When your Christmas tree is real (be it fir, spruce, pine, etc) and you put it up in November or early December, by the time Christmas arrives the tree is standing up by sheer holiday spirit alone. One good breeze and you have a shower of needles on your beautiful tree skirt. No matter how thorough a sweeping and vacuuming job we do, it’s usually not until we move out of a house that we seem to get rid of those pesky tree needles.

Well, who knew that the purchase of a fake tree would result in a rather large, eternal, green living room center piece. I think Tim and the children would have been content to leave our tree up until next year. Mind you, now that I’ve spent half the afternoon taking down decorations, finding the Christmas bins, labeling things, and on and on, I’m more inclined to see their point of view. Lol! Especially since I’m no where near finished.

playmobil calendars

Stacks of Playmobil Advent Calendar boxes–empty now of their little pieces, ready to be filled next year.

I’m not sure why the Christmas un-decorating falls so squarely on my shoulders (although Tim and the boys do the box/bin hauling to and from the garage, no small task when you have over 10 bins). Does that happen in other houses or just mine? Is it because I attempt to be ultra organized and it’s impossible to follow my directions? Do I micro-manage? Is it that Christmas has passed so long ago that no one really wants to think about it? Putting away of decorations is just another ‘chore’ I’m trying to assign? Is it a passive/aggressive attempt to punish me for destroying the spirit of Christmas in January? Is it only fun to take OUT the decorations (“Yay, Christmas is coming!”) and therefore sad to put them AWAY. You hardly ever hear any one saying, “Yay, Christmas is over.” At least not the children or husbands in my house.

These are questions I ask myself as I wrap up ornaments, go around the house taking down bows, lights, Christmas cards, etc., knowing full well that no matter how hard I look, how organized I am, it won’t be until I stack all the bins neatly and tightly on the shelves (full to the brim with their lids pressed on securely) that I will find the last of the Christmas decorations. I try to stay ahead of the little impish elf who hides these things and keep a half empty bin ready and waiting but invariably I put that container on the bottom of a big stack. Sigh.

On a delightfully positive note, as I was pulling the lights off the tree this afternoon I found two Christmas presents tucked into the branches – both addressed to me!! Two cd’s from Tim that must have been forgotten. Surely that makes all the work worth while. Right? Don’t worry about answering, I’m too busy trying to turn these red bows into Valentine hearts.


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Chuck E. Cheese

I took all sorts of pictures at the Chuck E. Cheese birthday party we attended this morning. The birthday girl was a 3 year old from our church Small Group.


Originally I was going to send Rachel to help with Sarah (and the other little girls) but then David begged to go. Since I knew Daniel would be sad if I let Rachel go with David and Sarah, I decided we’d just all go and I would stay as well. Thankfully our wonderful hostess rose to the occasion and managed to find coupons for more pizzas (do you want hungry 13 and 9 year old boys at YOUR pizza party???) and tokens so the whole family could join in on the fun.

ready for fun
Here we are, ready for some fun!

We had the place completely to ourselves for most of the party. Excellent planning on Leah’s part. Of course, it did cut into our school day but the children worked before and after the party and got most of their studies completed. I even finagled in a little nap before swim lessons (thankfully no one captured that on film – ha).

Joshua managed to sneak in a game or two for himself when not taking care of David.

j fliesJoshua flyingouch
Crash landing ahead! Ouch!

Rachel stuck close by Sarah and was a wonderful helper to me and the other mothers. Thank you, Rachel!!

rachel trolleyclose up

Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters.

rachel helps s
rj and SSarah flies

Sarah had a fabulous time – the rides were just her speed (super slow and not too long).

sarah's carriagesarah's clock

I had trouble getting a picture of Rachel and Joshua to work – Joshua is just too tall. How did he grow up so fast?? Of course, Rachel is petite so it makes Joshua look even taller. Still, they aren’t my little ones anymore. Sniff, sniff.

j and rjsmiling

I haven’t managed to get any pictures of our weekly wally ball games. Hmmm. I’ll make that a priority for next week. Tim meets us at the Y on his way home from work and we play some wally ball while David and Sarah are at swim lessons. It’s lots of fun and everyone is improving. We are definitely quite something (not sure what) on the court. Lol!

I was very impressed with the children at the end of our time at Chuck E. Cheese. They had a good sized collection of tickets from their game playing – Joshua had won the grand prize on one game, 250 tickets – and yet when I suggested the give their tickets to Hannah, not a single child complained. They didn’t have quite enough to buy a big toy but they could have spent every bit of their tickets on little toys and candy. Instead, they cheerfully ran over to Hannah’s mother and gave her their receipts. My heart was warmed by their generous spirits. It was a fun party.

daniel and david


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