Lately I’ve been struggling with my vision for the blog.
What do I want to say?
Who is my audience?
How much time and effort can I / should I spend writing?
Is blogging a ministry or more a photo-journal for the family?
I rode my bike to the library with some of the children this week. Actually we’ve been twice this week. There’s a nice, easy path that leads nearly all the way to the library. I rode alongside David (age 7) this evening. The sun was shining and the landscape green and lush.
“This is a beautiful ride, Mom,” he said to me as we pedaled together companionably. I was grateful for the moment away from the chores and duties of the house and the responsibilities of grown-up life. I was struck by how fleeting life is and how quickly those precious moments fly by.

Daniel helps Sarah with her New Bike.
At the library I did a strange thing, I checked out a book. Several books in fact. Works of fiction, for adults. Not a picture book or a movie. Not a school book novel or a cookbook. Later on in the evening, I continued with the strange behavior. I read the book. Many pages consecutively. It was a thrilling experience, but reading a book takes away from bloggy reading and writing.
Last night I was too tired to stay up and blog. The reason I was so overcome with fatigue? The night before I had stayed up until the wee hours reading a novel. This morning I had nearly two hours at Starbucks all by myself. I brought seven books with me (all non-fiction), my Bible, a journal and a thick notebook. I didn’t blog or even think about blogging the entire time.
You can see the trend developing, I’m sure. And I haven’t even mentioned the conviction upon my heart regarding the time I need to be spending schooling the children with focus and attention.

Cousin Timothy is here from Norway! Just in time for a game of Power Grid with Joshua.
I love blogging. I love the energy and the connection with other bloggers. I enjoy crafting a meaningful or amusing post. I like pairing interesting blogs with beautiful pictures. I appreciate the opportunity to hone my writing or minister to readers.
But…what is my vision? How does the Lord want to use this blog? Do I care about numbers, stats and comments? Am I only energized and excited about the blog when readership is growing? Do I have the time and energy to make the blog excellent, to write with care and purpose?
Compelling thoughts. I’m not sure what answers will come forth but the process is certainly an adventure.
What about you? If you blog, do you have a mission statement or vision for your blog? How much time do you spend reading and writing? What are you looking for in a blog? What are you NOT looking for in a blog?
Thoughtful in WA,
Kathy – Day 170
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