Category Archives: Family


Love languages: by Rachel

Hi peoples! Whats up??

smile for the camera

Today I am writing a blog because my mom and dad don’t want to!! Yep, that’s pretty much the only reason! Anyway, we were talking about love languages this evening. I don’t really know what mine is. I thrive on quality time and gifts. When Mom and I go shopping we can combine them both. I did really like words of affirmation, but my parents say they aren’t very good at praising people, so I guess I’ll stick with the quality time and gifts.

Bring on the gifts!!! Just kidding.

We weren’t just talking about my love language. Mom and Dad wanted to figure out the whole family’s different love languages. Mom thinks Daniel needs physical touch, Joshua likes quality time, and David feels loved with gifts giving. Just like his big sister!!! We haven’t decided on Sarah’s yet. Maybe she’s too young.

Tonight we had Bible study, so while I baby sat I got to talk to my girl friends!!! That was fun!! Yesterday, I baby sat for a family that goes to our church. It has been a pretty good weekend. Mom and I went to the movies on Friday night. Too bad I have to do school tomorrow. :(

time to type

One thing I have to look forward to, is I am going to Norway in May!! I know that is, like, so cool!!!

Well, it is late and I had better go to bed.

See ya later!

(aka) RJE

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A Man of Many Talents

Not only is he a chef par excellence, but Joshua is also a party planner extraordinaire. Perhaps there is something inherently flamboyant about a large family, but ours certainly loves parties and the opportunity for a fun gathering. Birthdays are always a festive occasion at our house. Cheerfully the children have all embraced the joy of celebrations. Joshua, as the oldest, has long been assisting me with birthday parties – everything from planning menus, hanging decorations and organizing games.

the children gather

The party opens with bright skies and sunshine.

Today was no exception. I couldn’t have hosted Daniel’s birthday party without tremendous help from Rachel and Joshua. Rachel was my assistant in the kitchen – baking cookies, wrapping treats, filling goodie bags, and making ice cream/pudding parfaits. Joshua developed and executed a massive treasure hunt – complete with buried treasure bags in the back yard. This book was his inspiration.

treasure hunts galore

I found this “treasure” at a used curriculum sale last spring.

Daniel had eleven guests at his party which made for a lively crew. Throw in a few siblings and the number of children running about the house was seventeen. Last week, of course, it was 80 sunny.

Today – it snowed.
In April.

No matter, Joshua (the game/slave master) had the kids out in the hail and rain racing about looking for clues.

get outside and start shoveling

don't worry about the hail and snow

What’s a little rain and snow if there’s treasures to be sought?

One of the clues was buried underneath Rice Krispy Treats covered with pudding “slop” (leftover from our fancy dinner on Thursday). Joshua was gracious enough to give the kids spoons – only one was brave enough to dive in without using any utensils.

let's eat!

After the treasure hunt (nearly an hour and a half long), Joshua handed the party over to me and retreated to his room. Hosting a birthday party is exhausting.

push up time

Every good birthday party includes push-ups. Very trendy these days.

Exhausting – tell me about it. I still had another hour and a half of time to fill before the parents returned. Crafts, gifts, dessert and a portion of a movie and then I could go hide in my room as well. Ha!

Happy Birthday, Daniel!
Thank you, Rachel and Joshua for helping with the party, and Tim for taking pictures! It is such a joy to watch the older children give of their time and energy to their younger siblings.

Project 366 – Day 110

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Chef Joshua

This year Joshua took a class at our homeschool co-op entitled For Boys Only. They have studied finances, banking, insurance, renting policies, and COOKING.

come for dinner

This evening our family was the grateful recipients of Joshua’s final project.

Dinner for Seven hosted by Joshua

Chicken Bake Appetizers
Fresh Veggie Crudities
Yogurt Fruit Salad
Homemade Rolls (Mesa Manna recipe)
Juice Spritzer Punch
Baked Potatoes w/sour cream, shredded cheese, and turkey bacon
Steamed Broccoli
Salad w/toppings
Grilled Steaks
Layered pudding dessert as the finale

drinks anyone?

Joshua worked for hours preparing the meal. He planned the menu, organized the recipes, and did the shopping. He even used existing groceries rather than spend too much at the store. It was truly a culinary gift to the whole family. He set the table in fine style and helped (through his exhaustion) with the clean up.


I’ll have to share his chicken bake and layered pudding recipes because they were quite the hit with the family.

hooray for Joshua

Thank you, Joshua, for the amazing meal.

Project 366 – Day 107

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Birthdays on a Budget

This whole budget thing is rather strange. Or perhaps it’s just the actual sticking to the budget that I find unusual.

Daniel’s birthday is this week so Tim and I went shopping this evening. We picked up Rachel at the YMCA on our way and brought her with us. We looked at all sorts of things and ended up purchasing some secret items. I can’t go into detail on the blog, of course, as Daniel is a loyal reader and his birthday surprises would be ruined.

Let sleeping boys lie ...
Daniel rests up in preparation for his birthday …

I will say that it was incredibly difficult staying within our budgeted amount. We are used to buying one substantial gift and then probably 5 to 8 additional presents. We are indulgent parents in this area. Or at least we used to be. Now we are financially wise and responsible parents.


Knowing how many toys are strewn about the house, shoved into corners and neglected, keeps me from being too sad. Our house is bursting at the seams with fun in all shapes and sizes. The children do not NEED additional toys. They enjoy variety and fresh entertainment, but they don’t need it at the cost of credit card debt.

Dan without a tan

Daniel, we love you so much! You are a wonderful boy, growing into a sweet young man. I’m sorry we have been so financially irresponsible over the years and modeled poor behavior to you and your siblings. We are excited about your birthday and eager to celebrate with you. Our love for you will NOT be measured in how much money we spend or how many toys we buy. Our love is priceless and immeasurable, there are not enough presents in the world to demonstrate our joy in being your parents.

Happy Birthday Week!!


P.S. How do you all plan birthdays on a budget? I have Joshua running the party itself and the siblings sharing in the present exchange, but I would LOVE some additional ideas.

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Sleepless in Seattle

When Kathy organized the 5 for $5 contest earlier this year, I decided to sign up (even though I was the only person of male persuasion to do so). I knew there wasn’t a chance I would win, but I wanted to motivate myself, and I figured it would placate Kathy. Now that she has kept her weight off for more than two years, she casts an appraising eye on me, with a physical makeover in mind.

“How’re those push-ups and sit-ups coming along,” she’ll ask, pretending to be subtle. “What are you going to do to get some kind of cardio workout?”

Power Nap
Not my actual power nap strategy.

I bite back a sarcastic retort and smile ambiguously, avoiding eye contact. “I’ll figure something out,” I mumble vaguely. Whenever Kathy begins to be satisfied with her weight, she pays more attention to mine. “Maybe we need more magazines around here with unattainable, waif-like female bodies on the cover,” I muse to myself. (Sometimes when I’m musing, I’m not very kind.)

Anyway, the point of the 5 for $5 contest was to come up with five health-related goals that you could measure and track over a five-week period, with a maximum of 100 points each week. I came up with four pretty easily, but I couldn’t seem to think of the fifth. Then I remembered a recent study I heard about where they tracked sleep patterns of two groups, and found that those who slept at least 7 hours a night were more likely to lose weight than those who slept less than that. So I set my fifth goal such that I would try to get 7 hours of sleep at least four days a week.

Sleepy Giraffe
Have you ever seen a giraffe asleep? I haven’t. Maybe this giraffe is dead?

It is surprisingly difficult to get that much sleep in this season of my life. I have to get up pretty early most days, either because of my commute or in order to meet with ‘my boys’ for prayer before work. I’m a night-owl by nature, and there always seems to be one more thing I want to do before I sleep. Because of my involvement at church, evening meetings are not uncommon. From time to time I do some side-work, much of it volunteer labor for non-profit organizations. I try to spend time with my wife and my five children each day, and I do like to play a half-hour chip’s worth of computer gaming whenever I can fit it in. And then there’s writing blog entries whenever Kathy comes up empty. There just don’t seem to be quite enough hours in the day, and so I cut it out of sleep time, more often than not. To compound the problem further, during allergy season (late February to early May, for me) I don’t sleep very well and often wake up in the middle of the night, sneezing and congested.

Monday came too early
This could have been me on the train this morning.

Some people get by on less than six hours of sleep a night, while others need at least eight. One friend of mine routinely sleeps less than four hours a night, and I know several who view sleep as an enemy to be vanquished or avoided. People vary, but nearly everyone I know complains of being tired, especially on Mondays. I find that when I’m tired, my view of life darkens and narrows considerably, yet I’m unwilling to give up many of the things that vie for my time.

Don't wake me 'til at least 10 am.
I thought about posting pictures of myself asleep, but the logistics were kinda tricky, so I settled on sleepy animals.

Scripture seems a bit divided on this topic. On the one hand, sleep is portrayed as an enemy to financial security:

”How long will you lie there, you sluggard?
When will you get up from your sleep?
A little sleep, a little slumber,
a little folding of the hands to rest-
and poverty will come on you like a bandit
and scarcity like an armed man.” – Proverbs 6:9-11

Yet on the other hand, even God rested when He had completed His work, creating the world. And Christians are encouraged to look forward to their eternal “Sabbath rest”. As I get older, the idea of eternity as ‘rest’ begins to seem a lot more attractive to me.

”There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience.” — Hebrews 4:9-11

Polar exhaustion
We have a bear like this at our local zoo …

So I’ll take an informal comment-poll: What is your philosophical view of sleep? Is it important for your health, or is it a necessary evil? How much sleep do you get, and what steps do you take to improve your chances of getting enough sleep?


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