Category Archives: Family

Better Than Sleep

I had a whole post written out (okay, so it was in my head) about the power of scripture and staying in the Word. I spent a good portion of yesterday catching up on my Bible study homework. I’m going through Beth Moore’s study on the book of Daniel at church. Because our leaders understand that we are lazy and shallow busy women, they have devised a way to encourage us to complete our homework.

A basket of goodies!!

Yes, if you finish your weekly homework you can select a gift from the You Go, Girl! basket. In the basket they have candles, note cards, hair accessories, lotion, etc.

let's study Daniel

What a cute headband. Why yes, it’s a prize for doing my homework.

It’s basically Bribery for Women!!

And it works. Sigh. I was determined to finish my homework, even if it meant doing FOUR lessons in one day. Pathetic!

rachel's Bible study

what a great book

Rachel is working through a Kay Arthur study on the book of John.

Of course, wouldn’t you know it every single thing I had been dealing with and struggling over this past week were specifically addressed in the daily assignments.

My Discontented Spirit
My Feelings of Discouragement and Failure
My Self-absorption

Every single one.

When the Lord sets out to speak to me and teach me a lesson, I find that He is often creative, patient and THOROUGH. Not only did I learn that I simply MUST stay in the Word in order to have the right perspective on life and my identity as a daughter of the King, I also clearly saw that God is ready and waiting to teach me if I run to Him. Only a great and sovereign God could orchestrate it so this week’s lesson would apply directly to my spiritual battles.

If only I had met with Him.
If only I had done my lesson each day.
If only I had turned to His word instead of wallowing in feelings of self-pity and discontent.

Praise the Lord that He is faithful and forgiving and welcomes me back whenever I tarry. Praise God that He loves me with compassion and that His mercies are new every day.

Because I need them.

daniel's Bible study

look at this diligent student of the word

Daniel is studying I and II Samuel in his Bible lessons.

Wouldn’t that have been a great post! Wouldn’t you have loved to read it. Wouldn’t you have been encouraged and challenged to get into the Word yourself.

That’s what I was going to write. I was. The Lord spoke to me through a friend, on Sunday, and showed me it wasn’t sleep I needed, but Him.

Spiritual Food is Better for the Soul than Sleep

Yep, that was my intended title. I had it all planned out and mostly written.

Then I fell asleep.

Really. It would be too pitiful to make this up. I went upstairs to talk to Tim, got into my snuggly warm bed, completely intending to go downstairs in a few minutes to inspire you all with my blog, and fell promptly asleep.

There’s another lesson in there somewhere, but I don’t have time to unearth it right now. I’m blogging in the middle of the day (gasp) and there are children to feed and educate.

Project 366 – Day 43

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Snowy Pictures

Although our neighborhood is green and slightly muddy, there was definitely some snow out on the property where we went to celebrate Grandpa’s birthday. Nothing like a little snow to bring out the kid in, uh, the kids.

That’s just brilliant. It’s obviously past my bedtime.

David and Daniel did some sledding on the deck while Sarah watched from inside. Who needs a hill when you can sled on the porch?

sarah watchesdavid's ready to throw!daniel's gonna sleddavid too

I managed to stay inside, cozy on the couch, and visit with Tim’s mom. She prepared a delicious birthday dinner for us – pork roast with vegetables, twice baked potatoes, green salad with avocados and hard boiled eggs, acorn squash, and rolls.

How does she make it all look so effortless?

Eventually the screams of the children drew me outside, with my camera of course. Because if there’s going to be a traumatic accident involving little kids and a not-so-frozen-pond, I want to catch it on film.

let's crack the iceand fall in

The screams turned out to be cries of joy. Daniel and Rachel had discovered a new game called Break the Ice. They would walk across the frozen pond, find a weak spot in the ice, smash it with their boots, and then laugh uproariously as they crashed down into the cold water.

Doesn’t that sound like fun?

Thinking back to my warm, cozy spot on the couch, I couldn’t quite understand the charm of the game. I did, however, manage to sneak in a few pictures. Sarah and David stayed on the edges and watched.

sarah watches

Later the big kids played a long game of Guesstures. Joshua had a CIT (counselors in training) meeting in the afternoon so he was busy until dinner. We brought three friends from “the big city” with us to join the collection of counselors. Grandma and Grandpa were gracious to include some extra teenagers in the birthday celebrations.

joshua takes a turn

taking a break from the game

There was a delicious cake for dessert.

acupuncture and cake

Nothing like a little Pick Up Stix acupuncture to go with Black Forest cake.

It was a whirlwind visit – yummy food, games, snowball fights, laughter, and birthday wishes.


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Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

Today we celebrated Tim’s father’s birthday. What a precious gift it is to have such a godly man as my father-in-law and the grandfather of my children.

Happy Birthday, Dad!!

happy birthday!

More pictures tomorrow – I took a few while we were enjoying our day.

Okay, more than a few, something close to 300. What can I say, I spent the afternoon playing with my camera. I’ve lost my user’s guide and am a frustrated novice, randomly shooting pictures and pushing buttons on the camera. :)

Project 366 – Day 34

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Not How I Want to Spend My Evening

On the way home from church this evening, I was in a car accident.

Miraculously, this is the extent of the damage to our car.

that's it?

We lost our hub cap (it was subsequently run over and destroyed) and have a small gash in the side.

I was passing through an intersection near home when the driver, waiting in the left turn lane, decided (misguidedly) that she had the right of way and turned directly into the back corner of my van. It was rather traumatic in a slow-motion sort of way. I was not speeding or rushing through the light. I could see the other car was making the turn and I swerved as far away from her, over to the right as I could.

Poor Daniel, who was with me in the van. He thought we were going to “… hit the lamp post, explode, and that would be the end of us.” A car accident lawyer can assist people in filing complaints against insurance companies for car accidents. They also represent people in car, as well as other vehicle, accident claims. It is very essential for an individual who becomes the victim of a car accident that they contact a skilled accident lawyer as early as they can after the accident happens. It is important to get the highest recompense that the victims deserve for their injury and harm due to the accident.

When a victim of any car accident is going to search for a lawyer, they should take into consideration certain points about the lawyer. For instance, the lawyer should be knowledgeable as well as experienced in car accident and relevant cases. The key issue is the lawyer must be endowed with a thorough knowledge about injury law. They should know the rights of any victim, the severity of the accident, as well as, achievable recompense for that and also other necessary relevant factors. Besides, the car injury lawyer should be experienced in dealing with car accident cases and related cases. Experienced car injury lawyers know best how to defend victims against insurance companies – they can ensure the victim gets the best possible recompense. So, if the lawyer has a good record of defending and winning related cases, it will be beneficial for the victim. You can also visit for more information.

A good and experienced car injury lawyer usually provides some idea to the client about how to claim and take further legal steps against the insurance company in order to protect the victim’s rights properly. The car injury lawyers aid the victims in doing all the necessary things – they help the clients to arrange medical assistance, to contact the insurance companies, along with other important steps. They are generally experienced in evaluating necessary things like medical or police reports; they also conduct interviews of the witnesses. After gathering all the necessary information related to the accident, they try to find out how and why the accident actually happened and who was responsible for it. The lawyers know best how to construct cases according to what really happened – they will obviously do their best so that the victim can receive a just settlement.

A knowledgeable and experienced lawyer may become very useful in related cases wherever discussions may be necessary to make sure that the injured victim gets the best settlement for the pain they have encountered. A superior car accident lawyer always considers the legal rights of the victim and takes steps in such a way so that the injured victim gets the best result.

Explode? Makes you wonder just what kind of movies he has been watching.

Unfortunately, the other driver received a harsher blow.


I can easily think of over 100 things I would rather be doing on a Wednesday evening than stand in a parking lot, surveying damage to vehicles that have collided on the road.

Praise God we were safe and no one was hurt!!

Project 366 – Day 30

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Snowballs of Great Mightiness

It’s really quite impossible to do school when there is snow, glorious snow, covering the yard. When I got up this morning, Daniel, David and Sarah were already dressed and pulling on snow pants.

this boot will fit, I know it will

It was 7:15 am.

Snow pants – before 9 or even 10 am. There’s just something wrong with that picture.
bundled boy

I convinced the kids they should wait until at least 8 am before venturing out into our little Winter Wonderland. I felt sympathetic for those souls still snuggled in bed (why wasn’t I one of them?) who probably didn’t want to hear shrieks, no matter how joyful, that early in the morning.

Literally at the stroke of 8 am, the Three Rascals charged out the door, into the back yard. The snow was perfect – think and dense – just right for making snowballs, snowmen and snow forts.

sitting for a spell with my snowball

“I wonder if this would work as a snowball?”

taking my snowball for a walk

“If I can just carry it over to the side of the road.”

It’s important to know what to do with a good pile of fresh snow. Inviting a friend over for a game of King/Queen of the Mountain is a good place to start.

Ally and Daniel climb to the top

daniel takes a dive

rolling and tumbling

If you can’t stay on the top, at least you can have company on the bottom.

Project 366 – Day 28

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