Category Archives: Family

Chestnuts, Roasting on an Open Fire

Well, not exactly an open fire. Or roasting, really. Or chestnuts, to be completely truthful.

It all started on a quiet Saturday. Nobody was away on an overnight, nobody had friends over, nobody had meetings or other engagements out of the house.

Kathy and I opened the day in prayer, asking God specifically that He would help the day to be a fun relational day, and that the attitudes of the kids would reflect the fact that we like being together as a family. At breakfast, as I tickled and laughed with the children, David asked me, “Why are you being like this, Daddy? Usually you don’t act like this. I have been a bit preoccupied many recent Saturdays with work and other responsibilities. Time to have some silly family togetherness.

Around 2 pm, I inveigled everyone into a walk around the lake near our house; although it started to drizzle, we had a good time. As we left the park, I noticed two large chestnut trees, having recently dropped hundreds of their glossy mahogany-colored fruit and their prickly husks.

The First Lake Expedition
This crew, however, was not particularly prickly about being photographed.

Apparently none of us know the actual words to ‘Chestnuts, Roasting on an Open Fire’, but that didn’t stop us from bellowing out the few lines we did know, on the way home. Following my lead, the children have learned to compensate with volume for a lack of musical talent. Never having roasted chestnuts over any heat source, let alone an open fire, I decided to sponsor an expedition back to the park to harvest the chestnuts.

We gathered bags and bags of them, to the evident dismay of a rather scruffy-looking squirrel, which seemed intent on eating them all. We did him a favor — overdose by chestnuts is probably a painful way to pass from this world. Arriving home, I did a quick search for chestnut recipes online, and we began to prepare a batch of the nuts for roasting on a cookie tray.

Bags o' Nuts
Don’t they just look too good to eat! Our mouths were watering …

Kathy was on the phone with her mom, who was very impressed with our foray into the world of Christmas lore. Unfortunately, she had never actually tasted roast chestnuts, and was not a good source of information on the topic.

I immediately thought of my Mom, who grew up at least part of the time on a farm. She used to tell us stories about the many old-fashioned Christmas traditions they enjoyed. I figured her generation probably had more in common with Little House on the Prairie than the hustle and bustle of this modern age. “After all,” I figured, “she’s old — she probably knows about this stuff.” We got her on the phone.

“Nope,” she answered. “I’ve never even tasted them.” I guess all that old-time Christmas nostalgia is a crock. She compounded my disappointment by mocking me: “Also, watch out for those poison chestnuts. They’re just like mushrooms, you know.”

I rolled my eyes, which had little effect, over the phone. “We saw a squirrel eating them, Mom. Shows what you know.”

Prickly Girl
For some reason, we all wanted to show Kathy (who didn’t go nut-gathering) the prickly husks.

Mom was quick with an answer to that. “Ah, but as everyone knows, squirrels can tolerate a much higher level of toxicity than humans.” She’s a hoot, my Mom is. I laughed patronizingly and hung up, threatening her with some of our culinary efforts when she next visits.

Except that this time, she was right.

Prodded by a feeling of unease (that I have come to recognize is from the Holy Spirit), I did a little more research online. As it turns out, Sweet American chestnuts were nearly obliterated in the United States by the dreaded Chestnut Blight, so that most American chestnut trees were wiped out by 1940. Apparently the blight continues, and so even chestnut trees that have grown up since 1940 are often killed by the blight fungus before they reach maturity. Chestnuts eaten today in this country are almost entirely imported. The chestnuts we harvested so gleefully are from an unrelated horse-chestnut tree, toxic to humans (but not, strangely enough, to deer or squirrels).

Don't put those in your mouths, kids!
Fortunately, most of us, no longer toddlers, are past the ‘put everything in your mouth’ stage.

I’m told that the horse-chestnuts have a very bitter taste, which may have limited the number we would have eaten, but I felt we had a narrow escape. As I read on one website: “Chestnut poisoning is rarely fatal, but typically causes vomiting, loss of coordination, stupor, and occasionally, paralysis.”

As I read on another website:

Horse chestnut trees do not produce the “chestnuts roasting on an open fire” that Nat King Cole croons about every Christmas. The edible chestnut grows on the European sweet, or Spanish, chestnut. The ones we buy for the holidays are most likely imported from Italy.

Horse chestnuts contain a bitter poison called aesculin. Even though we see squirrels going after them, horse chestnuts are toxic for humans.

I’m thinking of a new Christmas Carol, adapted for modern times:

Aesculus, baking on an aluminum cookie sheet,
Drizzly mist, falling on your ears
Yuletide carols, being sung out of tune
and folks without raincoats, standing in the rain.

Everybody knows, some stomach ache and stupor
help to make the season memorable
tiny tots, with vomiting and paralysis
will find it hard to sleep tonight.

… but I don’t want to give away the whole song. I contacted Freddy Cole (Nat’s younger brother) about singing it for me; so far, he hasn’t returned my call.

Project 365, Day 279

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Outback Birthday Bash

I have a wonderful husband. Truly, he is helpful and kind, funny and wise, patient and thoughtful. He also understands being a mother of five is exhausting, full-time work with no overtime pay.

Those pamphlets for Whispering Pines (Home for Haggard Homeschooling Moms) sometimes look mighty appealing.

As a result of this awareness, Tim is very careful to make sure I carve out time for myself – walks with a neighbor, work-outs at the Y, and occasional outings with girlfriends. Last week I snuck off on Thursday night for some shopping with another homeschooling mom. This evening I went to dinner at the Outback, celebrating a friend’s birthday.

the girls

Sabrina, Holly and I after a delicious dinner.

We had a wonderful time, talking and laughing, discussing everything from courtship to September 11. On the way home I reflected on how generous Tim is to me. He hardly ever takes time for himself in this way yet never fails to encourage me to go off and enjoy myself. I came home refreshed and cheerful, ready to once again face the demanding joys of motherhood.

The dinner was a birthday celebration for Holly but ended up being a gift to me. Thank you, Tim, for your kindness.

Project 365 – Day 278

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“Who Is Going to Take Care of Me?”


This little guy makes us laugh nearly every single day. He has thoroughly captured my Mommy Heart.

Today David was worried about AWANA, our church’s evening children’s ministry that begins this week. Last year his big brother, Daniel, was in the program with him, easily accessible in the next room. More than once, Daniel was a comfort to David in the busyness of the night and the large crowd of children.

Now, of course, Daniel has graduated and moved up to the 5th and 6th grade group. I tried to reassure David that he wouldn’t be alone, Sarah has moved out of Cubbies and into Sparks with him (anyone familiar with AWANA will know what in the world I’m talking about). He was not particularly comforted. We had a long conversation about how the night would go, he wanted the entire schedule thoroughly detailed.

“Sarah will need me to look after her,” David told me. “You know,” he gestured toward his little sister, “she expects me to take care of her.”

Long pause, fretful look.

“Who is going to take care of me?”

Bless his little 6 1/2 year old heart! I was ready to send Daniel along as a permanent body guard, ready to battle any and all foes (imagined or real). Nothing like a big brother to make you feel safe. Our discussion continued.

“I remember one time when I was all alone,” David said, looking pensive, “I just kept telling myself Jesus is with you. Jesus is always with you. I guess I’ll be okay.”

I'm outta here!

Little Buddy, I think you are going to be more than ‘okay.’ You’re going to be AWESOME!!

Then Jesus came to them and said …. “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18a, 20b)

The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. (Deuteronomy 31:8)

Project 365 – Day 275

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“I Always Have Something to Say”

So says my beloved, 11 year old daughter. No doubt she could write today’s blog in her sleep if I would just do the typing for her. :)

rachel shivers

Here Rachel is saying, “I’m cold, stop taking my picture and get me a sweatshirt.

I’m hungry but it’s close to bedtime and I’m trying to be careful not to eat late at night. I had a lovely cup of tea but somehow it wasn’t quite as tasty as the huge bowl of popcorn Tim and the children devoured. Go figure.

pass the bowl

We watched The Ultimate Gift this evening. It was a moving tale about a spoiled young man who receives 12 gifts from his deceased grandfather. Each gift (or task) is designed to teach him a lesson about life. There are some intense scenes of peril in the second half but our entire family enjoyed the movie.

movie of the night

The Ultimate Gift certainly made me wonder if I am teaching my children the lessons illustrated in the movie – the gift of work, true friendship, the value of money, how to help others, etc. It is so refreshing to find movies the entire family can watch together.

Project 365 – Day 271

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Three Princesses and the Pea

In the original story, there was one princess, up to 20 mattresses, and a single pea. In our little tale, there are three princesses, one mattress and nary a legume in sight. We do have lots of blankets, books, and giggles.

here they are

Sarah and the girls snuggle in for bedtime. Notice Tarah’s smile.

Rachel was invited to a birthday sleepover this weekend. We were offered Adam (the birthday girl’s brother) in exchange for Rachel. I figured that was a good beginning and so I bargained (I’m quite the savvy shopper) for the youngest sister of the birthday girl as well. Now we were starting to get some where. A phone call or two later and I had managed to snag another 5 year old. In the end, the older sisters all went off to the birthday party and the younger girls came here.

Rachel, having learned from prior Princess Parties, tucked the ladder to her top bunk in my closet. Hmmm. I wonder if she really thinks that will stop 3 persistent princesses, one of whom is already an accomplished gymnast. We’ll see.

giggles galore

Sarah giggles, Elise tries to look serious and Tarah continues to smile pretty.

Daniel, David and Adam are happily (and quietly) settled in their cozy den of pillows and sleeping bags. The girls, on the other hand, have been calling for the past 30 minutes, claiming to be scared. Of spiders.

“The bwack and gwey ones are da worse,” one of the royal members informed me as I tried to scoot her to the other edge of the bed. “I can’t go over dere, spiders might come up otta the hole.”

How can you argue with that logic. I told her to stuff a blanket up against the wall, prayed with them, and turned up the Donut Man cd as I sprinted out into the hall. They were nicely settled in until one of them decided to go to the bathroom. Sure enough, all three girls decided to use the facilities together.

It’s going to be a long night and an early morning. :)

we're silly

Throughout it all, Tarah maintains her perfect, picture ready, smile.

Now to see that they actually go to sleep. Then I can work on finding an appropriate collection of princes.

Project 365 – Day 264

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