Category Archives: Family

2 Corinthians 4 – Renewing the Heart

Our Sunday School’s study of 2 Corinthians continues. I can’t help but think adult fellowship classes are like an overlooked treasure, a valuable antique that has been shoved to the back of the attic. Few people recognize the value but those who do are richly blessed.

In Sunday school we have time to dive into the scriptures and study God’s Word. The superficial “Sunday” smiles and hello/how-are-you’s are replaced with genuine relationships as people gather week after week. There is time for sharing prayer requests and lifting each other up before the throne of God. There is laughter and conversation (and occasionally baked goods).

It is obviously a sacrifice of time to attend Sunday school class as well as the church service and it can be difficult for children to be in the nursery or classroom for two hours. But, but, but, what an amazing opportunity to learn more about the Bible, to read, discuss and apply a passage; to have an hour of fellowship with other believers. Over my years in the church, I have been blessed to see hearts knit together and lives changed in the faithful practice of Sunday school attendance.

sarah looks at the pretty flowers

Sarah reaches for a flower.

This week we looked at chapter four of II Corinthians. We had an excellent discussion on the hope we have in Christ and how we carry around His life in us. At one point Ray (our wonderful guest teacher for the day) had us read the passage in the role of prosecutors and defenders of Paul’s ministry. That certainly sparked some lively conversation and challenged Ray’s ability to keep the class on track. :)

There is such a richness and depth to this chapter. At the end of the class period, I was wishing we had more time to further study, ponder, and apply the verses. I was particularly convicted by a verse near the end of the chapter.

2 Corinthians 4:16

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day. (ESV)

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. (NIV)

The aging process is unavoidable and often unmerciful. No matter how hard we search for an eternal youth (with medicine, plastic surgery, lotions and potions) we can not keep death and decay at bay.

Outwardly we are wasting away.

And yet, and yet, Paul says we do not lose heart. Why not? Because inwardly we are being renewed.

sarah's new hat

This verse grabbed and held my attention as if the Holy Spirit had taken a highlighter and marked my Bible. Would the Lord say this is true of me? Am I becoming more and more like Christ every day? Am I being renewed and changed and transformed? Do I focus on my struggles, difficulties, and the aches and pains that come with my aging body or do I look at the “eternal glory that outweighs them all.”

Do I settle for an ordinary and complacent Christian walk or do I live and run with the “all-surpassing power” that belongs to God?

For this slight momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:17-18).

Lord, give me eyes that look for Your eternal glory, a heart that is renewed every day, and a mouth that speaks of Your good news.

Project 365 – Day 154

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Sand Art

On Tuesday, Rachel decided it was time for some arts and crafts. Poor Rachel, she has a decidedly uncrafty mother. Thankfully she has very skilled grandparents with whom she can learn painting, sewing and gardening. From me she learns the joy of blogging and e-mailing. Hey, her typing is improving every day.

sand art in progress

Gathering the tools – cups, sand, food coloring, glass jar and a good spoon.

Rachel has realized that sometimes you just have to go out and find a craft ready to happen. Waiting for me to work some hands on art magic usually just leaves you….waiting. Rachel has decided to bypass me altogether (“no offense, Mom.”) She pulls out all the arts and crafts books from the shelves, digs through the art desk drawers and then sets off to CREATE. See, she’s also learning to be an independent learner with lots of initiative. I’m just teaching all the time.

rachel's funnel

An artist at work.

This being summer and all (well, almost) Rachel chose sand as her art medium. She siphoned off some sand from the bags of play sand in the garage.

“I covered the holes back up with paper after I got enough sand out of the bags, Mom.”

Um, good. Way to show some initiative.

Next she put some sand in four different cups, added food coloring, and began to create sand art. She found two glass bottles in the garage (ah, the garage, the source of all sorts of treasures) that would properly show off her creations.

We were all amazed at how beautiful they turned out.

rachel's piece of art

Rachel, I’m proud of your determination and hard work. You aren’t discouraged by the obstacles keeping from your art (a distracted mother, sweet but pesky siblings, lack of proper supplies, and so on). I love to see what you create. You have an eye for beauty and an imaginative knack for art. Thanks for sharing your creations with us.

Rachel's sand art

Project 365 – Day 149

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Time for a Slumber Party

More or less.

Some people have this misconception that families with many children, especially homeschooling ones, are eager to get away from each other.

david colors

It’s certainly true that my children love being with their friends. They beg for play dates and park dates and cantaloupe chucking dates (okay, that one hasn’t really come up yet but you never know). They are still in mourning for the homeschooling co-op. The week just doesn’t seem complete without us rushing off to “fake school.” The moms, of course, have coffee mugs raised in relief that another co-op year has finished. Somehow we are able to ignore our children’s sniffles and sobs.

With all of that said, my children really and thoroughly enjoy playing together. Most of the time. I’m not saying if you offered them ten dollars they wouldn’t sell their brother or sister in a heart beat. Still, in a few days they would be really, really sad about their loss (that is until they moved all of their things into the now empty room).


David and Sarah are buddies. They do school together, read books, watch movies, play dolls and soldiers (sometimes simultaneously), run around outside and so on, throughout the day. They are often thrown together during the older trio’s school time. At least once a day we have to ask them to play a little quieter. Their very involved Playmobil/Match Box cars/marble games can get a bit rowdy.

I wouldn’t think, at the end of a very family centered week, this would be the request Sarah would pose.

“Can I sleep in David’s room?”

A sleepover? With your sibling? Your sibling with whom you spent most of the day? Aren’t you a little tired of him? Ready for some of your own space?


I went up to see how they were doing this evening. It was, after all, bedtime, and I’m a good mother, ready for kisses or chastisements (as the situation requires). They were happily ensconced in their sleepover positions.

slumber party!

Let’s see, we’ve got stuffed animals, coloring books and Prismacolor pencils, pink pillow, Michigan State t-shirt, and big grins. I think they’re all set.

Night kiddos!

Project 365 – Day 145

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My Three Sons

It’s morning! Time for breakfast, school, chores and a little brotherly snuggling. Thank goodness there is always a camera at hand to capture these sweet moments. Look, no tears, fighting or name calling. They’re obviously still asleep.

three brothers

Joshua - I’m the long suffering big brother. My smile is calm and serene but notice my death grip on Daniel’s hand. This is definitely a battle I’m going to win.

David - This is such a comfy spot. I love Joshua. Let’s Wrestle, Josh!

Daniel - It may be early morning but I’m dressed and ready to play NOW! Yeah, Joshua, let’s wrestle. I think I can take you!

Ah, brothers! Where else can you push and pull and wrestle and fight and love your way through life?

And, if you are very, very blessed, one day you might end up with sons (and gourds) of your very own.

boys will be boys

Cousin Timothy, Tim, Joshua and Uncle Momo (aka Mark) Thanksgiving 2005.

Kathy – Mother to three boys/Sister to three boys/Wife of just one

I am obviously one of the Very Blessed!!

Project 365 – Day 143

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Sarah’s First Haircut

It was time. Time to get Rapunzel and do some work on those split ends.
long hair

Man, that is some LONG hair! Somebody, run and grab the scissors. Don’t, of course, grab the scissors and run. Everybody knows you don’t run with scissors. That would be plain dangerous. Safety first, people!

long hair again

One more look at the luxurious locks of my little lady. There is such grace and poise in her bearing.

As soon as I whipped out my scissors (with great care, of course, I read the notice on the package that says “Warning: scissors may be sharp!”) Sarah turned into Rapunzel Contortionist Girl and tried to watch me cut her hair. Now, with the boys this is a difficult feat, but with hair as long as Sarah’s it wasn’t impossible. It did, however, prevent me from getting a nice straight cut (and I’m only that good of a stylist in the first place). Thankfully, Rachel stepped in to help. Rachel, a sweet Princess of Long Locks herself, grabbed the dry erase markers and began to draw on the white board. This was the perfect distraction.

rachel helps

Sarah managed to hold still during her hair cut.

blue cape

She’s all done! What a beauty!

sarah's new look

I wouldn’t go so far as to say she now has short hair, but I did cut off quite a bit. Let’s do the comparison thing.

The Before Shot:

long hair

And After:


The Milestone of the Day – Sarah’s First Haircut!

Project 365 – Day 142

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