In the original story, there was one princess, up to 20 mattresses, and a single pea. In our little tale, there are three princesses, one mattress and nary a legume in sight. We do have lots of blankets, books, and giggles.

Sarah and the girls snuggle in for bedtime. Notice Tarah’s smile.
Rachel was invited to a birthday sleepover this weekend. We were offered Adam (the birthday girl’s brother) in exchange for Rachel. I figured that was a good beginning and so I bargained (I’m quite the savvy shopper) for the youngest sister of the birthday girl as well. Now we were starting to get some where. A phone call or two later and I had managed to snag another 5 year old. In the end, the older sisters all went off to the birthday party and the younger girls came here.
Rachel, having learned from prior Princess Parties, tucked the ladder to her top bunk in my closet. Hmmm. I wonder if she really thinks that will stop 3 persistent princesses, one of whom is already an accomplished gymnast. We’ll see.

Sarah giggles, Elise tries to look serious and Tarah continues to smile pretty.
Daniel, David and Adam are happily (and quietly) settled in their cozy den of pillows and sleeping bags. The girls, on the other hand, have been calling for the past 30 minutes, claiming to be scared. Of spiders.
“The bwack and gwey ones are da worse,” one of the royal members informed me as I tried to scoot her to the other edge of the bed. “I can’t go over dere, spiders might come up otta the hole.”
How can you argue with that logic. I told her to stuff a blanket up against the wall, prayed with them, and turned up the Donut Man cd as I sprinted out into the hall. They were nicely settled in until one of them decided to go to the bathroom. Sure enough, all three girls decided to use the facilities together.
It’s going to be a long night and an early morning.

Throughout it all, Tarah maintains her perfect, picture ready, smile.
Now to see that they actually go to sleep. Then I can work on finding an appropriate collection of princes.
Project 365 – Day 264
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