I love my camera! It’s a Nikon d7000 – Tim bought it for me several years ago. I’ve taken one basic digital camera class (would LOVE to take some more), spent hours reading blogs and photography forums, and taken 1000′s of pictures. Today I took my camera in for a sensor cleaning.
So incredibly pleased and thankful to have an excellent camera shop right here in town where I can go for help.
I am eager to spend some time shooting tomorrow on the 4th and see if all the black spots are gone. As you can see from these pictures, I’ve had this problem for some time now. Not sure why in the world I waited so long to treat it.
July 4th, 2012 – look at these sweet girls!! (click on the picture to see it more closely – spots are in Sarah’s blue sweatshirt)
July 4th, 2014 – another sweet group of girls!! (spots on Tarah’s face)
Can’t go around having black spots on my beautiful subject’s faces! I’m very thankful that I have Photoshop and can edit things as needed, but I’m thrilled to have the actual problem fixed.
No more spots, I hope. I’ll see tomorrow!
Project 365 – Day 184