Category Archives: Photography

Camp Kids Come Home

This year the middle school and high school winter camps were the same weekend. Stop and read that again. The Same Weekend. As in, the same weekend.

Note to the church youth leaders -

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! You are the best ever. Thank you for loving my (occasionally? often?) moody, goofy, beloved children. Thank you for playing crazy games with them. Thank you for modeling a Christ-centered life before them. Thank you for listening to them and rebuking them and leading them. Thank you for being serious at times and wild and messy at other times.

Thank you for scheduling things so all three of my children went to camp at the same time.

I wish I could pay you each a million dollars each. Or at least bring you a basket of apples

Buying apples on the way to pick up the kids.

I should have bought this whole basket of apples and the flowers.

I was gone on Friday when Daniel, David and Sarah were dropped off at church. Normally I follow them around and take pictures of the groups of eager students and all the piles of sleeping bags and suitcases. Thankfully one of the other moms snapped a quick shot in the parking lot and forwarded it to me.

A forwarded picture, however, can only capture so much. My little mama’s heart wanted to be there when the kids came home. Normally I’m more than willing to let Tim run and pick up the children from church events or have Daniel drive everyone. But I missed those rascals. I’m not ready for an empty house. A weekend was long enough (well, almost). I knew they would be coming home, tired and wearing their camp shirts, surrounded by their friends. I wanted to hug them and take pictures of them and stand around with other moms and dads, eager to have their weary (and potentially 3 days unshowered) kids home.

My sweetie - picking out some fresh tomatoes for dinner.

My sweetie – picking out some fresh tomatoes for dinner.

Tim was very kind and took me off on a little date to buy some fruits and veggies on our way to pick up the children at church. I love that man! He is so kind and patient with me, especially when I am sentimental and silly at times.

Shopping for fruits and veggies with my sweetie makes me happy.

Shopping for fruits and veggies with my sweetie makes me happy.

And there they were. Just as I expected. Tired and sweet. Thankful to be picked up. Suitcases full of dirty clothes. Ragged plastic bags holding sleeping bags. Vans of leaders and teens. Parents emerging from waiting cars. Lots of hugs.

David and Zachary - too tired to stand up.

David and Zachary – too tired to stand up.

Love these two kids!

Love these two kids!

Daniel and Jordan - glad to be home!

Daniel and Jordan – glad to be home!

Beautiful middle school girls!

Beautiful middle school girls!

At home Daniel went for a walk – needed some alone time. David and Sarah ate supper, started laundry, took showers. We listened to stories, looked at their camp journals, and listened some more.

My sweet Sarah

My sweet Sarah

Later Rachel called and had a LONG talk with David and Sarah while they unpacked and settled down for the night. I love hearing their voices as they connect with their big sister. Then Daniel got on the computer and Joshua popped online. The boys went on to have a LONG conversation. Oh my word, my heart is full to the brim. To see my older children pour into their younger siblings. To trust that they give godly counsel and encouragement. To know that they want them to love the Lord and serve Him. To know that they want to hear the details and know what questions to ask.

Blessings Abundant.
Welcome home, Camp Kids. Sleep well.

Project 365 – Day 53

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Love Box

Kathy spent the last couple of days at a Beth Moore conference in Redmond, and I have missed her quite a bit. I spent part of the time assembling a belated Christmas present that never quite got finished — a Love Box.

Fireproof for up to a half-hour, the box says.  I sure hope our house burns quickly, if we have a fire ...

Fireproof for up to a half-hour, the box says. I sure hope our house burns quickly, if we have a fire …

The basic idea is to have a central place to store important documents and instructions in case something happens to me. It was a little weird to assemble all this information — planning for my own self to be out of the picture. A lot of the details (things about bank accounts, assets, retirement accounts, life insurance) was scattered all over the place, and some of it was only in my head. I feel better about having it written down, in case the Lord calls me home early.

Remembering Kathy’s Dad’s sudden illness and death four years ago, it seems the sort of thing I should do, just in case. I only hope that I can be anywhere near as careful in providing for Kathy as Granddad was, in his financial provision for Mamie.

Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink

It was a gorgeous afternoon here — temperatures in the 60′s, with clear blue skies. Kathy and I went for a walk along the waterfront in Steilacoom, and she chattered away about the conference and a myriad of other things. That girl can really talk, when we’ve been apart for a few days!

Fortunately, I am a pretty good listener, and very glad to have her home.

Project 365, Day 52

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Beth Moore Conference

Sitting in the balcony in a beautiful church, listening to Beth Moore share from Isaiah 11.

God is good and I love studying His Word.



Too tired to write more.
Project 365

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AWANA Night = Easy Dinner Required

In our home, AWANA days are bursting full with the energy of family ministry. This year, Tim is heading up a new Drama and Serve team with 9 or 10 kids from the AWANA program. (Too much pie in the face last year, Dear?) Daniel is running the games for the Sparks and the T&T groups. David splits his time between being on the Drama Team and working as a leader in Sparks group. Sarah is on the Drama team with Tim, and I’m firmly planted in T&T administration.

Side Note – hugely miss having Rachel and Joshua here!! Joshua was an excellent games director and actor in Tim’s weekly skits. Rachel ran an amazing Sparks group with David as well as acted in the skits. Sigh. These kids who are wonderful and then grow up and go off to college. Harrumph.

Joshua and Rachel - summer 2007

Joshua and Rachel – summer 2007

Meals are always a challenge on AWANA evenings. We leave fairly early after, what is often, a crazy AWANA prep afternoon. Tim is usually gathering props, re-writing his scripts, printing things out, or coming up with creative serve projects. The kids are finishing up school, learning lines for skits, or helping me with admin stuff. I’m either already out of the house at a mentor meeting, or racing around printing out paperwork for the Sparks and T&T leaders. Full. Energy. Ministry. Serving. Faithful. I hope those are words spoken about our family.

Dinner?? Um, sorry family. Grab what you can for a snack, we’ll eat later.

David can always be counted on to help when needed.

David can always be counted on to help when needed.

Over the years of our involvement with AWANA (and I’m sure this is the same for families with busy sports schedules) we have tried all sorts of things:

Freezer crock-pot meals
Eating out
Rotisserie chicken from the grocery store
Pasta w/meatballs
Eggs and pancakes

Tonight I decided the kids could assemble a simple meal and have it ready for our evening dinner. Sarah filled an oversize casserole dish with frozen vegetables from Costco. Then she placed frozen chicken breasts on top of the veggies. Olive oil and seasoned salt and that dish was ready to cook.

Meanwhile David did the dishes while Daniel prepped a potato dish. He cut up red potatoes and layered them in another casserole pan. Sarah chopped up a big sweet onion and added it to the potatoes. Olive oil and seasoned salt and the second dish was ready.

Both pans into the oven. Timer oven set for 45 minutes. Delay start to make sure dinner was ready when we got home from AWANA. So easy.

Chicken & Veggies plus potatoes and onions.  YUM

Chicken & Veggies plus potatoes and onions. YUM

And then, because I Don’t do dishes anymore, after we enjoyed a delicious dinner, I cheerfully left the children working while I finished up some correspondence. Another busy day.

My evening kitchen crew!

My evening kitchen crew!

Project 365 – Day 49

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Project Tyranny

When I agreed with Kathy to restart our blog with Project 365, I didn’t think she would be quite so … relentless about it.

My share of the project sounded like not such a big deal — just post a quick picture every other day — what could possibly go wrong?

I didn’t know there would be all kinds of rules.

Today is an odd-numbered day, so I’m responsible to uphold the sanctity of the Project. Never mind that I’m tired, and my bus was late, so I missed my train. Never mind that I spent all day in a 5th floor cubicle, and that I didn’t take any pictures today. Never mind that it is 10:40 pm, and I have to be up at 5:30 tomorrow morning.

“I’ll just use one of the great pictures I took yesterday,” I told Kathy, confidently. I took 87 pictures yesterday while we visited Mount Rainier for David’s birthday. A number of them were pretty darn good pictures, if I do say so myself.

“No, you can’t do that!” Kathy was aghast. “You have to take a picture today!”

“Since when?” I challenged, lamely.

“That’s what Project 365 means,” Kathy insisted, rather scornfully.

Fine. She doesn’t want one of my great pictures from yesterday, and hogged the day for her own pictures of that glorious mountain? I can roll with that.

This is the face of a man who forgot to take a picture today.

This is the face of a man who forgot to take a picture today.

Today is also an historic moment in the life of our blog — with this blog we will exceed (in 2015) the number of postings from all of 2014, so some might say we have already succeeded in our effort to enhance our blog-writing.

It looks like it might be a pretty good year, for blog-writing.

It looks like it might be a pretty good year, for blog-writing.

Project 365, Day 48

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