Category Archives: Photography

Happy 14th Birthday, David!

Today is David’s birthday, and what a glorious day we had.

Awaiting his birthday breakfast.

Awaiting his birthday breakfast.

Next weekend all three children will be heading off to winter camp with the church middle and high school youth groups. Normally they can count on plenty of snow with sledding and outdoor games to fill their happy hearts. This year, however, it’s been unseasonably warm, and the kids are starting to panic in the fear that there won’t be any snow at camp.

Cue – snow starved, sad, pathetic, worried faces.

I know, I know, obviously we do not live on the east coast. Sorry Boston, but here in Washington we have NO snow anywhere in sight, and the kids fear spring is rapidly approaching.

David decided he didn’t want a big birthday party this year. When he turned thirteen last year, we celebrated in style with an Olympic Theme. There were games, friends, pizza and an entire sundae bar.

How to make this year special without a party?

Snow! That seemed a pretty obvious answer. In the summer the answer is usually the beach or lake or pool or some combination. But, with camp looming SNOWLESS in sight, we definitely needed to do something.

Thankfully we live near an incredible mountain. “The Mountain” as folks call it around here.

If I would let him, Tim would pretty much take pictures of Mt Rainier ALL DAY!

If I would let him, Tim would pretty much take pictures of Mt Rainier ALL DAY!

The weather promised to be good. The Mt Rainier webcam promised some sort of snow. Even if it was just along the edges of the parking lot, I was determined to go. Daniel suggested everyone bring a friend on our mountain adventure. Smart idea! So James, Eli and Julia joined us. I brought Tim as my bff. ;) I also let him drive and treat us all to food on the way home. I’m smart too.

Friends – check
Boots – check
Snow pants – check
Gloves, scarves, hats – check
Picnic lunch & sodas – check
Sleds (borrowed from friends) – check

And off we went. The drive was beautiful. It was sunny and warm without a hint of snow except for glimpses up on the mountain. Uh oh.

No jacket needed until we get to the mountain on this gorgeous Feb day.

No jacket needed until we get to the mountain on this gorgeous Feb day.

On the way to the lodge - sunny and mild.

On the way to the lodge – sunny and mild.

We walked the trail around Longmire – beautiful, but still no snow! Thankfully we “adventure” with the best group ever. And they know how to find fun in every aspect of the day.

The birthday crowd!

The birthday crowd!

Climbing a tree

Climbing a tree

Upon reaching Paradise Lodge we discovered the sledding was closed (not enough snow), but, oh my, there was definitely plenty of snow! We bundled up in our assorted winter gear and set off to explore. The kids were soon way beyond us on the slope. Tim and I clambered, slid, climbed, and walked alongside the Lodge and up into the mountain snow enjoying the gorgeous day for ourselves.

Julia and Sarah

Julia and Sarah

Run up that hill or slide down it - all fun!

Run up that hill or slide down it – all fun!

At one point, we saw the birthday group – WAY up on the top of a snowy spot. We were down below, on a walking trail of some sort. The kids had climbed up from the other side.

Look closely - you can see them.

Look closely – you can see them.

They had discovered a way to “sled” without sleds – basically going down on their backs with a “catcher” at the end of the hill. Thankful they weren’t careening wildly off the mountain, Tim and I climbed up to join them.

The kids are "thatta way."

The kids are “thatta way.”

Or you could try sledding face down.

Or you could try sledding face down.

“This is the happiest I’ve ever been,” David exclaimed at one point.

My birthday boy!

My birthday boy!

That’s a pretty good thing to be able to say on your 14th birthday.

As always, I wish I had taken dozens (hundreds?) more pictures of our wonderful Birthday Celebration. But all that means, I’ve decided, is that we need to go back for another adventure soon!

Project 365 – Day 47

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A Home for the Heart

From March of 2000 until September of 2004, our family lived in a green house, tucked in a small clearing in the forest about two miles up the Duckabush valley. Although our time there ended in difficulty and sorrow, I still remember being astonished almost every day that we were allowed to live in such a beautiful place.

Our little green house in the forest.

Our little green house in the forest — there was a family staying there, so I had to take my picture rather stealthily, so as not to disturb them.

Personally, I really liked living there. Now we reside in the suburbs, but there is a part of my heart that still yearns to wake up each morning in the Duckabush. There is something about the tranquility of the valley that seeps into my soul — I feel like I can let my breath out … all the way out, and really be at peace.

Unlike Boston, we've had very little snow, this winter -- Mt. Jupiter is bare in February -- very unusual.

Unlike Boston, we’ve had very little snow, this winter — Mt. Jupiter is bare in February! Very unusual.

That isn’t hard to imagine on a day like today. As occasionally happens in February, we’re experiencing a warm and sunny spell these days, and the whole valley was flooded with golden sunshine and blue skies, promising that Spring will come soon. (Of course, such days of promise are lying through their metaphorical teeth — Spring in Washington means rain, and lots of it.)

I never get tired of taking pictures of the gold leaf Refuge sign at the top of the driveway.

I never get tired of taking pictures of the gold leaf Refuge sign at the top of the driveway.

There was a Counselors in Training (CIT) meeting this afternoon at Wilderness Northwest (WNW) and I was the designated adult driver for the Lakewood contingent (we brought ten kids out in two cars). The meeting lasted for about three hours this afternoon, so I had some time to kill. Unfortunately, I neglected to tell my parents I would be coming, so they were away for most of the afternoon. I only got a few minutes to visit with them, which seemed rather ironic, after such a long drive.

The main lodge of the Refuge -- locked, so all my pictures today are of the outside.

The main lodge of the Refuge — locked, so all my pictures today are of the outside.

So I spent the hours being reflective. I reflected on how beautiful the Refuge is, and how much I miss living in the valley. I reflected on God’s goodness to me over the years, and how my eyes delight to soak in the gold and brown and blue and green of God’s creation. And I reflected on how I really should have brought a book with me, or at least a laptop.

The view from our road -- such a pretty blue sky -- what a treat, in February!

The view from our road — such a pretty blue sky — what a treat, in February!

Being reflective is good for me. It gives me the time I need to shake all the thoughts in my head so that they fall down into their proper places, sort of like one of those toys for toddlers with progressive-diameter sieves, so that different sized pieces can sort themselves into discrete layers by size.

Like this toy, my brain needs time (or some pretty brisk shaking) to properly sort its thoughts properly.

Like this toy, my brain needs time (or some pretty brisk shaking) to properly sort its thoughts properly.

I admit, some of my thoughts get stuck in the wrong layer, and then the metaphor breaks down pretty quickly.

One of the little 'camping cabins' that my parents have added, to expand the capacity of The Refuge.

One of the little ‘camping cabins’ that my parents have added, to expand the capacity of The Refuge.

It was a lovely afternoon, and I was a more than a little sorry to dispel the peace of the day by piling back into the car with six teenagers for the drive home. But we sang and joked and wended our way back to Lakewood, where I am also very much at home. Maybe my heart can learn to live with two homes, and take joy in both.

Project 365, Day 46

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Happy Valentine’s Day

Tim surprised me with a lovely evening out last night. Saturdays are often crazy in our house these days with VERY frequent teen overnight guests, kids who like to go to youth group, and other activities, so, Tim was clever to pick Friday (Valentine’s Day Eve) as our date night. A long drive in our Valentine Red car, a thoughtful movie, and some delicious Mexican food, what more could a girl ask for?

Presents from Daniel and David

Presents from Daniel and David

This morning, on Valentine’s Day itself, I slept in. Ah, it was wonderful. When I finally meandered downstairs, Tim told me David and Daniel were off on a secret mission. Shortly after they walked in with a Venti Americano and beautiful red roses for me and pink carnations for their sister Sarah. Such thoughtful boys!! They win the prize for sure.

You're never too young for flowers and chocolate on Valentine's Day!

You’re never too young for flowers and chocolate on Valentine’s Day!

Following my family’s tradition, we love to celebrate Valentine’s Day with little gifts for each other. Tim usually buys something sweet or special for the girls and I buy for the boys. The sun was shining today, and we were all glad for a lazy morning.

Daniel loves his Vanilla Clusters from Trader Joe's.

Daniel loves his Vanilla Clusters from Trader Joe’s.

I think David knew what his gift contained.

I think David knew what his gift contained.

Dark chocolate for my Sweetie!

Dark chocolate for my Sweetie!

Since it was my turn to take a picture and write today, I couldn’t resist a search on the blog for old Valentine’s Day posts. It turns out Tim and I both like to write about Valentine’s Day. In 2014, Tim shared how Sarah gave him the best Valentine ever. And I blogged in 2007, during our first Project 365, about all our Valentine gifts & God’s LOVE. And how could I forget our romantic Valentine trip to Leavenworth in 2010.

Of course, not all Valentine memories are sweet. In painful, recent history, was the holiday I was far away from Tim and the kids. In 2011, I spent a month (missing both Valentine’s Day and David’s birthday) in Minnesota with my mom at the hospital bedside of my beloved father. Tim, ever the thoughtful husband and son-in-law, had flowers delivered to our hotel. Sigh. Little glimpses of God’s creation and beauty in the midst of our deep, deep sorrow. When we are weak and mourning, we need those around us to bring care, comfort, and sometimes beautiful flowers.

Beautiful Valentine flowers

A bouquet for each of us.

Oh the tears we cried that February.

Oh the tears we cried that February.

Looking through these old posts, savoring the pictures of our family over the years, and thinking about God’s blessings in our life, I remember why we blog. We want to capture the tapestry of all that God is doing before our eyes, around and through us, amidst the pain and the joy. These simple posts we share are like a living, growing journal of our family. As the Psalmist David cries:

I remember the days of old;
I meditate on all that you have done;
I ponder the work of your hands.
I stretch out my hands to you;
my soul thirsts for you like a parched land. Ps 143:5-6

Happy Valentine’s Day 2015

Project 365 – Day 45

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Old Fashioned

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I wanted to take my sweetie out for a date. One nice thing about having lots of children — your wife tends to be a pretty low-maintenance date — I can take Kathy pretty much anywhere if I’m willing to talk.

I settled on the movie Old Fashioned, which opened today. It was hard to find — only a few theaters in Washington are showing it. We had to drive up to Tukwila (about 40 minutes away).

Amber and Clay from the Old Fashioned movie.

The premise of the movie is that the young man (Clay) has rejected the superficiality of the ‘dating scene’ and is seeking to adhere to some ‘old fashioned’ boundaries in the way he treats women. For example, he won’t be alone with a girl (unless she’s his wife) which makes for some awkwardness when he needs to repair Amber’s stove (he gives her a blanket and an umbrella and has her wait outside while he works on it). Of course, as the movie unfolds, we find that both Clay and Amber are reacting against some pain in their past relationships.

We were a little late leaving home, and then there was an accident on I-5, so we missed the first few minutes of the film. I think it started pretty slowly, so hopefully we didn’t miss too much. It was an odd movie — strangely paced, and a bit gloomy for a fair bit of the time. I liked it, though, and it ended pretty well — I recommend it as a good date movie (some irony, there) if only for the discussion it may spark.

My Valentine

My pretty Valentine — she’s not usually this blurry, but hey, this IS Project 365, so you have to take what I have.

Afterward, we wanted to get something to eat, so we found a Mexican restaurant in the mall not far from the movie theater. Unfortunately, the entire population of Western Washington was also there (at the restaurant, not at the movie) and so we rapidly decamped. We found a much quieter restaurant close to home and finished the evening there.

All in all, it was a lovely chance to get away together. I’m so very glad that my Valentine is still my best friend, after 22 3/4 years of marriage.

Project 365, Day 44

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Nutella Valentine Mailbox

Each year our homeschool co-op has a fun Valentine’s Day party. The halls or sides of the gym are lined with creative Valentine Day boxes – from small paper bags covered with hearts to large Dr. Who’s Tardis. Last year we made a tall Starbucks cup out of a laundry basket with a pvc pipe wrapped in green paper as the straw.

And we won a prize, oh yeah we did.

This year we decided to make something chocolately and silly in honor Tim.

A Nutella Valentine’s Day Mailbox

We started with a tall rectangle laundry basket – it was the perfect shape. We searched and searched for brown paper. Who knew that would be the difficult aspect of this venture. We went to The Dollar Store – no brown poster board or table cloths. Next, on to Michaels – no brown poster board or table cloths. Next a trip to Target. We looked again. Nothing. Seriously? Seriously? I suggested Good Will for a brown curtain or random piece of fabric. David thought maybe Hobby Lobby. Sigh. We’d already been to Michaels. Thankfully all of these stores are close by.

Laundry baskets are versatile - useful in so many ways!

Laundry baskets are versatile – useful in so many ways!

Of course, this was AFTER a long day of school, mentor visits, Trader Joe’s shopping, science projects and cooking at a friend’s house.

We decided we’d try Hobby Lobby and, if we couldn’t find anything brown, we’d switch to silver wrapping paper and make a large diet Coke can. Sarah didn’t want us to give up, but David and I needed a Plan B. Ha.

Hobby Lobby proved to be a treasure trove of BROWN products. Who knew! First we found a package of dark brown napkins on clearance. “I think we can wrap the laundry basket in napkins if we have to,” I told the kids. At this point they were ready to agree with anything just to get started. “Mom, you do realize it’s almost time for dinner and we haven’t STARTED making this?”

What’s your point, children? Dinner can wait, we have a mailbox to make! There are prizes on the line here.

After napkins we stumbled on 12×12 pages of scrapbook paper in the PERFECT shade of brown. We gathered enough to cover the basket and matched them to the napkins (just in case). Before checking out, we wandered around the store a little longer. In the clearance section, in the back aisle we found a collection of poster size paper. What color was on the bottom of the stack?? Beautiful brown. And on sale. Hooray. Jumping up and down in the middle of Hobby Lobby is totally normal, right?

We (okay I) designed some Nutella Valentine Day cards and printed them out. Sarah organized them all and then David taped a Pixy Stix to each card.We’ll put them into the mailboxes tomorrow during the party. We didn’t have the time to make homemade Nutella brownies or cookies, or the funds to buy little Nutella single packs for all 69 families (or the 167 kids) at our homeschool co-op. Even I draw the line at some point.

Homemade Valentines are so much fun!

Homemade Valentines are so much fun!

While the boys played computer games, Sarah and I wrapped the basket in the brown poster board. Using some leftover foam board, we made a lid (cutting a hole for Valentines and treats). Sarah divided a piece of white poster board into strips, drew on lines and fashioned an edge to our lid. After taping it all on, we printed out Nutella logos and even found a place where we could request personalized Nutella labels. The kids kept exclaiming over the tape, “Mom, this tape is amazing! It works so well.” Oh dear, I guess that Dollar Store tape we used at Christmas was NOT the best. LOL.

Sarah and David's personalized Nutella labels.

Sadly we are out of real Nutella.

Finally we were all done. So festive! We were all pleased with the final product! Maybe we’ll win some sort of a prize this year. I hope the kids will share it with me. ;)

The final product!

The might be a big enough Nutella jar even for Tim!

Project 365 – Day 43

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