Category Archives: Photography

Choosing a Path

Over the past few days, I’ve been working on a PowerPoint presentation for my middle son, Daniel. Some people actually talk to their children, but I prefer PowerPoint.

OK, not really. But sometimes, it is better to put things down in writing, and some concepts are easier to explain with cartoon clip-art characters.

I’ve been thinking a lot about Daniel’s future. As he finishes his Senior year in High School, the opportunities multiply, and may seem overwhelming. On the flip side, some young adults can get locked into a single vision for the future, and I worry that Daniel may feel he has no other options.

When I was a young man, I wanted to get out on my own so badly, I grabbed at the first opportunity as my ticket to freedom, not really thinking about what would be required of me. As it turns out, when you accept a 4-year ROTC scholarship and use it to attend college, they want you to actually go to class from time to time.

Later, when I lost the scholarship and found my life in ruins, I regretted having put so little effort into choosing my path more carefully. It took several years and a considerable amount of pain to get my life back on the rails.

So I put together a 20-slide deck to cast a vision to Dan of his future. We went out to dinner at Red Robin and talked about it.

We forgot to take a picture at Red Robin, so we staged this picture back at home.

We forgot to take a picture at Red Robin, so we staged this picture back at home.

In many ways, a young man who graduates from high school is in a very enviable position. He usually has no bills, no commitments, no dependents, no obligations. He is probably more free to choose than he will ever be again.

It is exciting to think of what path Daniel will choose, and of what God will do in his life.

Project 365 – Day 3

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Christmas Good-byes

Hellos are some of my very favorite things – HELLO, Summer! HELLO, Spring Break! HELLO, Mamie! HELLO, Beloved College Kids!!

Sweet family picture at the airport curb.

Sweet family picture at the airport curb.

Good-byes, I guess, have their place as well. I don’t mind saying good-bye to winter or a long school year or extra pounds.

Driving to the airport, however, and dropping off beloved family members is NOT my favorite thing. Last week we said good-bye to Mamie (my mom) and she flew home to Michigan. Today we drove Rachel to the airport to return to TN for the January term at Union University. Sigh.

How many people does it take to drop off one college student?

How many people does it take to drop off one college student?

We loved having Rachel home with us this Christmas break. Such a sweet time of relaxing, celebrating, shopping, playing cards and games, baking Christmas cookies, watching movies, visiting friends, and so on. As always, we will long for her return in the spring and another HELLO.

Project 365 – Day 2

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A Fresh Start

It has been delightful to have Joshua and Rachel home for Christmas, but there has been one sour note. Joshua, who is pretty careful not to say anything negative, remarked on our blogging practice.

“Yes, I remember when I was younger, you used to blog all the time,” he reminisced. “Now that I’m away at school, I often check the blog to see what is going on, but all I see is the same post from two months ago.”

It is true that our blogging seems to come in fits and starts. In 2013, we had a total of 6 posts; we did better in 2014, with 47. In our heyday, we posted 405 times in a single year (2007).

Admitting that more is not necessarily better, we’re resuming our blog with Project 365. Basically, we’ll try to post every day, alternating between me and Kathy, posting at least one picture taken that day or the day before.

Here’s a picture from last night’s New Year’s party.

Some people seemed to feel that to properly celebrate the new year, you need to kick off your shoes.

Some people seemed to feel that to properly celebrate the new year, you need to kick off your shoes.

Each year, we host a New Year’s party, inviting many of our closest friends. This year, one of our gracious friends offered to host it on our behalf.

“Let’s have your party, but do it at our house,” they offered.

It is true that our house would have been overwhelmed — this year 95 people attended, whereas usually we keep it to 50 or so. We played many games, ate delicious food, and celebrated the new year with abundant joy.

We are so thankful to have so many friends, to share life with, and to encourage and help us live in a way that is pleasing to God.

Project 365 – Day 1

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Just Another Day in Paradise

It is hard to believe that it is already Saturday — and yet we have already enjoyed three-and-a-half full days of tropical sun, water and glorious beach. If today was our last day, we could easily come home fully satisfied with having experienced ‘A Caribbean Vacation’.

We haven't actually used it yet, but the tennis court is pristine, and (of course) has a view of the beach.

But it is not our last day. We aren’t leaving until Wednesday afternoon — four more incredible days await us. As Kathy and I sit with our laptops, side-by-side at the kitchen counter, looking out at the water, we continue to be amazed at God’s grace and goodness to us, that we can enjoy this. Just this morning, I was thinking about how incredible it is to have eyes that can see all the contrasts of colors and shades within colors — even though I have to squint sometimes, I almost want to drink in the scenery with my eyes.

The pool is as warm as bathwater, and useful for snorkeling practice, or just to rinse off the salt, sand and coral at the end of the day.

Yesterday we drove around the island and saw many of the poorer parts. For all its lush vegetation, the island is mostly coral and rock — we didn’t see a lot of arable farm or garden land. It seems evident that many homes have been abandoned or are unused, most of the time — sad to think of the lost opportunities bound up in those properties.

Kathy enjoyed a delicious Mexican salad at the Seaside Cafe, at Ocean Club West. I had a very tasty blackened-fish sandwich, with a mountain o' fries.

It is a little weird driving here — very strange when you come over a hill, around a corner and there is a car in the lane to your right, coming towards you. There’s a moment when you grip the wheel in panic, ready to swerve out of the way, before your brain kicks in: “It’s OK, you’re supposed to be on the left side, he isn’t going to hit you!” Sure enough, no one has hit us yet — the drivers here have actually been quite kind and courteous, with only an occasional luxury SUV careening at double the legal speed limit.

As we step out our door, these flowers greet us each morning.

We visited several of the other resorts, including the Ocean Club West, the Royal West Indies Resort, the Paradise Caribbean Inn, and the Seven Stars Resort. We decided to limit our stay here at the Aquamarine Beach Houses to a mere seven nights, and to spend our last night on the island at one of the other resorts. I must admit, I’m leaning toward the Seven Stars as the culmination of our visit — it was very swanky.

Breakfast on our own little beach side patio -- and of course, you can't go wrong with a good biscuit or two.

We’ve mostly been cooking our own food, partly for economy and partly because of the norovirus that struck some of the all-inclusive resorts just before we arrived. Still, dining at the beach, on food that someone else has prepared, has a definite charm.

There was this one lady in a pink hat that kept staring at me, all through lunch -- I suppose this is the sort of adventure you must expect, in the tropics. Maybe she is Mrs. Pollifax's beautiful niece?

One question we’ve been asking people who live on the island, is whether the beauty of the beaches has become routine or mundane to them. No one has yet admitted to this, but a few have seemed startled by the question — I can imagine that after a few years, you might become inured to the beauty, just as we have come to take our mountains and rivers for granted, where we live.

This morning, Kathy asked me, “What is one thing you would like to change, when you get back home?”

“I’d like to make better use of our mountains,” I told her. “There are people here on this island who will never see a mountain, all their lives, and we sit at home, not really exploring them or getting the most out of them.”

Maybe this year I’ll actually take the kids camping or something.


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A Decorating Photographer I Am Not

It turns out there’s more to taking artistic pictures of living rooms and hallways than just snapping the camera.

dining room

This casual corner is the dining room. I must admit I LOVE the pink wall. A splash of COLOR.

First you have to clear away the clutter, anything that indicates you actually live in your house.

Thankfully I have helpers for that kind of work.

get to work, Sarah

Notice Sarah working hard to clean up the hallway.

she's a keeper

look at our clean hallway

Then there is the required posing and search for proper lighting.

standing is better

“Hey, Sarah, casually stand in front of the door stop and pose again, will ya.”

What kind of angles work best in long rectangular rooms? How do you take natural looking pictures of a room with lots of windows without the light from those windows throwing your, um, lighting off?

what do we do, David

All in all, I have a new appreciation for the gorgeous pictures you find in magazines on a regular basis. I never did get a satisfactory photo of the living room. Of course, I’m still on the look out for some things to put on the walls. The room isn’t quite finished.

My decorating money is about gone, however, so I’ll be scrimping and saving for the last few things.

50 degrees and park weather

When all else fails, throw in some pictures of cute kids playing at the park.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new blinds and curtains in the living/dining room. We’ve lived here four years, that seems long enough to wait before deciding on drapery. I see why we waited, decorating is expensive!!

Thank you for all your hard work, Dad, I couldn’t have done it without you!


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