Category Archives: Photography

Indian Winter

We didn’t have anything to say for a couple of days, and attracted some angry messages on our answering machine.

“Where is everybody? Where’s the blog that greets me in the morning? Don’t you people have any sense of responsibility?”

Well, maybe it wasn’t as harsh as all that. But Kathy’s Dad is one of our biggest fans.

Sadly, we still don’t have a lot to say. But we do have a few pictures. We’ve had some snow these last few days, which is a bit disconcerting. We were ready for Spring, not for another bout of Winter.

Snowball Thug
Not content to throw snowballs at me, this little punk also shouted insults.

Zip line memories
Of all my children who rode our zip line, David was the only one who ever fell off. Happily, he doesn’t remember it, and he probably won’t sue.

A boy at the Refuge
We continue to be excited about progress at the Refuge

Early flowers
My Mom directed me to a few of the only flowers that have yet bloomed.

Baby Daffodils
These baby daffodils were planted by our friends David and Kendra.

It was a good day. We visited with some old friends, enjoyed my folks, and came home in time to post a quick blog. Hopefully all will be forgiven.

Project 366, Day 89

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Sometimes You’re Up

david takes off

there he goes!

And sometimes you’re down.

ouchget up, buddy!

I wish I could keep a smile on my face when life knocked me down.

I’ve been struggling to be faithful with my 5 for $5 Goals this week. Easter weekend was lovely and I rejoiced in the celebrations by eating too much and moving too little. Now I’m fighting to get back on track. Or even WANT to get back on track. I don’t feel like drinking my 8 glasses of water or recording my food or keeping my calories down. My workout schedule is all thrown off this week with our break from PE. Not only that but I made some delicious rolls on Sunday and practically need a restraining order to stay away from them.

To top it all off I found out this morning that I need a root canal. Yuck! Did I mention Tim and I are planning to wean ourselves off credit and get on a serious budget come April 1st? That’s in less than a week.

sarah crawls away

Thankfully I’m surrounded by great friends who encourage me to keep going. Tomorrow a friend is picking me up and dragging my sorry bones to the Y for a great workout. And I received this email from another friend this evening.

Just ONE DAY AT A TIME……okay? Don’t beat yourself up. DON’T DO IT. The enemy wants to you feel defeated, that you’ll never make it, and to just give up. WELL, know that you are a DAUGHTER OF THE KING AND ‘…God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.’ You have the Spirit of God living in you…..don’t let your thoughts go anywhere but there…..

Whew! I needed that reminder. I might be crawling around on the ground with my knee pads and helmet on but at least I’ve got support ready to help me up.

Project 366 – Day 84

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Pudding Parfaits by Daniel

My mom is making me blog. She does the typing, I do the talking.

wanna bite?

Last night, Mom and Dad had a Date Night. That basically means the kids go off in the garage to eat, watch movies or play games while the grownups stay in the house, have a nice dinner and talk.

We had pizza, curly fries and broccoli. Joshua and Rachel made a delicious pudding parfait for the kids’ dessert. They layered vanilla pudding, Cool Whip, graham cracker crumbs, chocolate pudding, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, and more Cool Whip.


It was wonderful!

Feel free to have another Date Night soon, Mom and Dad.

Project 366 – Day 78

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After all sorts of cloudy weather, the sun came out today. It was beautiful. This afternoon Daniel was snooping around playing and found some balloons on Tim’s desk.

That could mean only one thing.

anybody wanna play?

Yep, you guessed it – water balloon time!

Project 366 – Day 75

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