Category Archives: Project 365

Baptisms Galore

One of the things I love about our church is the way that Baptisms are handled. New believers (and anyone who has never been baptized) are encouraged to make a public profession of faith sooner rather than later, which I find refreshing. Personally, I delayed my baptism until I was nearly 30 years old — there just never seemed to be a good time to do it, and so I never did (until I wanted to be a Deacon in a church that required baptism in their Deacons).

Dave Pritchard had the privilege of baptizing Julia.

Dave Pritchard had the privilege of baptizing Julia. I love the way that each baptismal candidate gets a chance to tell (or read) their testimony.

Several times a year, a Baptism class is offered, and anyone who goes to the class is then baptized in one of our church services the next weekend. This weekend we have fifteen people being baptized — it is quite a celebration and very exciting to be a part of a vibrant church with a steady flow of new believers.

This soldier was baptized, and then immediately turned around and baptized his son.

This soldier was baptized, and then immediately turned around and baptized his son.

I was privileged to witness the baptism of two of my good friends tonight — two girls who I have known for many years. It was very encouraging to watch each of them take this important step in making their salvation their own.

It was very moving to see my nemesis good friend baptizing his little princess bug.

It was very moving to see my nemesis good friend baptizing his little princess bug.

Project 365, Day 80

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Playing the Odds

In early February, I usually start some tomato seedlings. I think I wrote about this just a a few weeks ago.

I start with a bank of 72 peat disks, with a seed (or sometimes two seeds, if I’m paranoid) in each one. Then I plant them in larger pots and try to nurse them through the Spring, hoping to end up with a dozen healthy plants. I’m basically betting that I can keep a few plants alive until I put them in the ground around Memorial Day.

How many of these will make it into my garden?

How many of these will make it into my garden?

Since I start with 72, I can afford to lose or give away five plants for every one I keep. By the time I plant them in my raised-bed gardens, I have selected only the strongest, hardiest plants with (I hope) the best chance for producing a plentiful harvest.

Children are not quite the same as tomatoes, in spite of what our culture would say or do. Whatever children you get, those are the ones you plant, and those are the ones that will ultimately produce a harvest for the King. If you start with five ‘seedlings’ (as I have), you’d better do the best you can to make sure they become strong, healthy adults.

A few days ago I noticed that the peat disks on the edges were dry, and that I have lost a number of my seedlings. Also, I kept the greenhouse lid on too long, and a number of the plants have grown too tall for the container, and are now lying across other plants. Already I think I’ve lost about half my seedlings through carelessness and inattention.

Daniel was listening to his music while doing the dishes, tonight -- caught him like a deer in the headlights.

Daniel was listening to his music while doing the dishes, tonight — I caught him like a deer in the headlights.

Parenting is not for the faint of heart. My inattention to my children could have terrible repercussions. Playing the odds is not an option with my beloved offspring — I’m not willing to ‘lose’ even one.

It makes me think. I sure hope I can parent better than I tomato-farm.

Project 365, Day 78

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Joys and Sadness and Promises

I started this blog with the intention of writing about how the kids sometimes spend their time during our school reading. I loaded the pictures and started writing. I even came up with a few titles.

Couch Time Arts and Crafts
Read Aloud Entertainment
Random Craft Books We Like

David and Marco - working on the Buck Book

David and Marco – working on the Buck Book

Hmmm. Yeah, had a hard time coming up a very catchy title.

Sarah's art book

Sarah’s art book and her bucket of gel pens – art waiting to happen!

I tried to do a search on the blog for other posts I’ve written on this subject, and then I got lost in all the cuteness of the kids from blogging days gone by. Is it weird that I find my own writing entertaining? Oh dear. Is that a little narcissistic? But really, this blog about Rachel getting glasses. I mean, how could I resist spending time reading about a day from Feb 2007. Especially when Sarah and I went to the eye doctor yesterday.

Strange how life circles around.

And then I started wondering about the passage of time and the hopes, dreams, and changes in life. Does the Lord protect us from seeing too far into the future because He knows we need to live in TODAY and not focus on the joys, sadnesses, losses, heart breaks, and victories coming in the TOMORROWS ahead of us. But that seems odd because, wouldn’t we treasure the moments today if we knew they were fleeting? Or maybe we would dread the pain that was coming too much to walk forward. It would paralyze us. And we would cling too much to the joyful moments that we couldn’t enjoy them, knowing they were going to end.

Sarah's beautiful creations

Sarah’s beautiful creations

I don’t know. This is what happens when I blog late at night after reading old posts of “days gone by”. I start to wax on a bit maudlin in tone. Oh dear, now I’ve used the word maudlin in the day’s blog.

When I search the scriptures and think about the hope that the Lord offers and the peace that He promises, I think it is okay to savor the joys and mourn the losses. I can’t turn back time and relive the years when my father was alive or the busy days of homeschooling all five kids. I can’t live them any more fully than I did.

Regrets do nothing but amplify pain and sadness.

I can, however, be PRESENT in today.

Love that grin!

Love that grin!

I can listen when David tells me his dreams from last night’s sleep.
I can pay attention when Sarah shares thoughts about friendship and cliques and “being cool.”
I can look at Frisbee clips on the computer and laugh at random videos with Daniel.

Working on Ultimate stats

Working on Ultimate stats

I can capture the day’s moments on film and journal on the blog.
I can hug more, fuss less.
I can praise more and criticize less.
I can be thankful EVERY DAY for the abundant blessings in my life.
I can teach and study and share my love of learning.
I can love and forgive and encourage the kids to do the same.
I can be transparent when I’m moved by God’s grace and power (even if that means tears).
I can mourn losses and give us all freedom to grieve when we need to.

“Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Rev 21:3-4

I can live with joy today because I know that I have a future ahead of me that is greater than anything I can imagine. I can walk in peace today because I have a God who promises never to leave or forsake me. I can laugh and cry over memories of yesterday without letting it consume my tomorrow.

And so the post I started writing (arts and crafts and read-alouds) took a bit of a rambling turn and ended in a sweet message from the Lord to me. How fitting that the song that He gave me to end my time was Matt Maher’s Lord, I Need You.

Every hour I need you. Amen.

Project 365 – Day 77

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Portal Chortle

A few weeks ago, I began playing a strange new geek game on my phone. It is called Ingress and is based on the premise that strange ‘Exotic Matter’ (XM) is entering the world through ‘portals’. One side (the Enlightened) believes that the XM is good, and can be used to uplift mankind into some kind of superhuman race. The other side (the Resistance) believes it is an evil attempt to take over the world, and must be opposed. Based on what I know about the nature of mankind, I felt that I had to side with the Resistance.

A typical portal

A typical portal

Both sides try to convert the portals to their faction, and then link them in triangles to cover the face of the planet. It is a little like geocaching, since the portals are tied to physical locations of significance (usually some sort of art, civic building or other interesting landmark). But it has a combative element, since portals can be attacked and seized, and links and fields can be destroyed.

This sculpture is a portal at the train station I use to commute to work.  It is usually a friendly blue portal, but I live in hope of its takeover by the evil green side.

This sculpture is a portal at the train station I use to commute to work. It is usually a friendly blue portal, but I live in hope of its takeover by the evil green side.

I’m embarrassed to admit that I have already invested considerable time into this game. Today I met with another player at work, who walked me through some of the basics. Sometimes I drive around, looking for portals to ‘hack’ and (if they are enemy-controlled) to attack. When I was visiting my brother and sister-in-law in Portland, I spent a good bit of the time looking for portals to attack (since my own area is dominated by my own faction, and thus rather boring, from a combat perspective).

My current status in the game ...

My current status in the game …

I’ve recently reached level 5 (out of a possible 16), and I’m starting to understand that there is some strategy to this game. I’m hoping the game will encourage me to get out and walk around a little more, and maybe explore some interesting landmarks of our town. I’ll keep you posted.

Project 365, Day 76

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Dan and My Van

Daniel doesn’t currently have a job. He’s put in lots of applications and has some leads going, but right now he’s unemployed. Which is difficult when you have bills to pay. And you like to drive a car to school and not take the bus.

Such a cheerful worker!

Such a cheerful worker!

We are a very easy going family in many ways. We aren’t overly scheduled or structured. I’m afraid Tim and I are just too relaxed, easy-going, fun, (lazy?) to run our lives and the home in a austere or overly orderly manner. That means things are often a bit of a mess, we’ll drop work for ministry and fun, we miss appointments (not on purpose), and we get behind in projects at times.

We can't all live the life of ease and luxury like Marco.

We can’t all live the life of ease and luxury like Marco.

We try to encourage the children to be servant-leaders and to invest in our family and the lives of others. When the older kids were home (ie before college) and managing busy schedules, we often set aside “Bless the Family” time on weekends. We asked the children to spend some intentional time working on a project or cleaning chore that blessed the home in some tangible way before they went off with friends or to work.

As Daniel finds himself without work and funds, I want to encourage him. I want him to be a diligent hard worker. If he can’t work outside the home, than he can labor for me. He can put some of his available time and energy into blessing the family.

A few weeks ago, I told Daniel he had to get some side jobs in order to use my van that week. Or at least TRY to get some work. Within minutes of posting on FB, he had a yard work job. And that job led to another project. Yesterday I had a LONG meeting up in Auburn. Tim and the kids were all off at the Duckabush for a CIT meeting. Before I left for my appointment, I wrote down a list of things Daniel needed to do (before Monday morning) if he wanted to use my van.

A few chores

A few chores

Of course, I forgot to tell anyone that I made that list. Heh heh. Around 9:45 pm I remembered. A quick call in to Tim set Daniel to work. When I arrived home at midnight, the chores were all crossed off and the place looked neat and tidy. [Kudos to David for doing all the dishes and cleaning the kitchen as well while Daniel worked on other things.]

Today Tim asked Daniel (who wanted to take a car to pick up friends and go to an Ultimate Frisbee Game), “What can you do that will make us glad for you to be off using the van? And not in a, ‘Dan, you need to get out of here you’re causing trouble!’ sort of way.” LOL! “What can you do to help around the house that will show that you are a blessing and a joy to have around?”

My Van - getting all freshened up.

My Van – getting all freshened up.

I love how Tim crafts things in ways that empowers the children and gives them the opportunity to earn respect. I tend to “mother” and nag and make lists. Ahem. Well, I am a mother, so I guess that’s somewhat expected. Tim’s approach, however, let Daniel “own” the work and be a part of the decision making process, even if it was only regarding a small thing. Daniel still needed some ideas, but he had sovereignty and control of what work he did.

Nothing like vacuumed seats.

Nothing like vacuumed seats.

Parenting teens is hard work! Teaching and training and discipling them is hard work! In my mind they are still my little ones.

2004 - sweet faces!

2004 – sweet faces!

Letting them go and make their own decisions is hard work! Only by God’s grace and strength!

Project 365 – Day 75

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