Category Archives: Silliness

P365 – Day 108 (Chess)

The children have taken to playing chess these days. I’m not sure when it started or who initiated the first game but Chess has definitely arrived into our home.

thinking hard

who's winning?

I’m a TERRIBLE chess player. I’ve tried but I just can’t seem to put my heart behind a game that encourages/requires silence. I play games to ‘relate’ to people. I guess that can be translated – I want to TALK during a game. Chess requires way too much concentration to be fun. It seems like a simple game but I found this online:

The number of possible ways of playing just the first four moves on each side in a game of chess is 318,979,564,000. [Source: Isaac Asimov's Book of Facts]

I don’t know which is more mind-boggling, the fact that the number of possible moves is so high or that someone took the time to figure that number out!!

For several years my father would host an annual Chess Party. It was probably the strangest party I’ve ever been to – silent groups of men and boys, bending over chess boards in intense concentration. They would occasionally break for treats before scurrying back to find another opponent. The women folk (hate to be sexist but I don’t know if any women joined in the chess game time) and assorted children would be in the other room playing rousing games of Scattegories or Pictionary.

young chess players

Tim and my dad play a few rounds of chess on the porch of my grandmother’s home in Virginia. Boy, were they young! Phil, in the corner, looks to be high school age.

big smile

That’s a big smile, Tim, are you winning??

My friend, Lee, has two sons who both enjoy chess. One of them taught chess and went on to compete in several chess tournaments, even winning (I believe) a chess scholarship. I don’t think we have that level of skill going on in our home but it’s fun to see the boys learning something that teaches logic, reasoning, math skills and problem solving.

Note: Lee’s two sons graduated from their homeschool, receiving full college scholarships. Lee now works with parents on a consulting basis, helping them with high school transcripts, college applications and scholarship searches. She is highly motivated, organized and completely professional. Check out her website for further information. She loves working with homeschooling parents and has some amazing resources at her disposal.

I think at one point this week we had a game of Chess going in one room and Go Fish in the other. The mind reels. I know where I belong. :)


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P365 – Day 97 (Cowgirl)

The sheriff is here and she’s ready for any trouble that might be brewing.

Sheriff Sarah

Of course, with that mask you might wonder if she’s helping or stirring up trouble herself. Either way I’d be sure to stay out of her path. She doesn’t look like she will put up with any shenanigans.


This here sheriff is weary – it was obviously a long day on the ranch (plus the mask gets hot after a while).


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P365 – Day 96 (MOGL)

We have at our house a MOGL – it’s not a dreaded disease, a new cookbook, or a large bump on a ski slope. No, it’s a Mower Of Great Laziness! We’ve had this visitor here before. Last year the lawnmower would run for a minute or two before shutting off. You basically had time to get around the yard once. At that point you were pretty much forced to sit on the porch swing with your book, waiting until the mower was ‘rested’ enough to continue. A half an hour mowing job could be parlayed into a whole day’s work (with time for smoothie breaks).

the boys

Here David and Joshua check out the dandelion collection.

To my great joy, and Tim’s disgust, a visiting elf (no doubt kin to the shoemakers crew) came by while we were on vacation and had our mower repaired. Ah, the lawnmower was back in business. No more lazying around. The front AND back lawn could both be mowed in ONE day.

look at them dandelions

Boy, look at this beautiful dandelion garden.

It’s spring here in the beautiful northwest and we are very overdue in taking care of our lawn. We live in a lovely neighborhood. It isn’t fancy or pretentious but the homeowners do take care of their lawns. Driving up and down the street you are treated to sights of Japanese rock gardens, stunning roses, perfectly manicured lawns, and the House O’ Dandelions. Uh, that would be our place. I should say – The House O’ Dandelions and Other Weeds.


This is on the OTHER side of the backyard fence. The owner of this piece of property must use some pretty mighty Weed and Feed. Maybe it’s called Blackberry Miracle Gro.

Despite having skilled gardeners on both sides of our family, Tim and I do not have a single green thumb (or even a pinkie) between us. It wasn’t too long after we were married that we realized we were both waiting for the other person to take on the landscaping job. In my family it’s my father who is the gardener, in Tim’s family, it is his mother. It’s been almost 15 years (next month!!!) and neither one of us has risen to the task yet. I’m afraid we are doomed.

sarah points

Even Sarah can’t help but point out the intense growth of dandelions raging around the yard.

Thankfully, this fact wasn’t known by the cul-de-sac police when we rented and eventually bought this home. Of course, with three boys (and one a teenager) you would think our lawn maintenance troubles were solved. Isn’t it practically a rite of passage that a young boy mows the family’s lawn? And with five children, there is surely always someone in trouble who needs a job (oh, weeding comes to mind).

weed and feed

Don’t worry, Mom, we’ll take care of these nasty, old weeds.

Joshua went out and used up an old bag of weed and feed last week. Is that really what it’s called? It does beg the question – are you feeding the weeds? That’s what it sounds like to me. Scary. It’s certainly working in our yard. I think the dandelions are multiplying on a daily basis. Joshua decided he had better mow before spreading out any more weed killer (smart boy, that one, and useful too). This was when we discovered the tragic news.

The MOGL was back and it might, in fact, be a dead MOGL (mostly dead, we’re not sure). This does not look good for our lawn and the hope I had for some kind of damage control on the dandelion explosion. Joshua isn’t taking the news very well.

no good lawn

taking it out

I’m not sure that’s really a very effective way to get rid of the weeds, Joshua.


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P365 – Day 90 (Pancakes w/Asparagus)

This morning Kathy had the privilege of driving a good friend to the airport at 5:30 in the morning. I tried not to snicker into my pillow as she stumbled around the bathroom … such actions do not promote marital bliss, in my experience. Still, it was hard not to take some satisfaction in the thought that Kathy was sharing in one of the unpleasant facets of my life, since I have to get up early most days.

As the day progressed, it never did deliver on the promised sunshine, but stayed gloomy all day. I kept waiting for Kathy to ‘crash’, since she had stayed up late the night before. Instead, she got a little punch-happy, which was a little strange for the kids.

tim's dinner plate
Kathy always likes to ensure that there is some greenery on our plates.

I never have been very fond of asparagus, and have enjoyed it only once (when Kathy’s aunt served it in Minneapolis). As you can see, our Saturday evening traditional pancake feast took a nasty turn.

tasty pancake
I’m don’t think this photo will make it to the cover of the Williams Sonoma catalog.

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P365 – Day 85 (Incognito)

I realized at the end of the day that I hadn’t taken a single picture. What kind of a Project 365 person am I if I can’t even remember to take one photo??? Alas, Mondays are often difficult for this little family and this one was busy as usual.

daniel 2

Thankfully no one took a picture of me falling asleep during our reading time (Bible reading time no less – I don’t remember anything the kids read in chapter 16 of John). Or a picture of me sweating on the elliptical machine (do women sweat, perspire or glow?).


This is NOT Nutella I’m reaching for, as some people have implied.

In fact, I think the most of the family was incognito today. No doubt hiding from the camera.


daniel 1
I hope these pictures aren’t a sign that the children will be going on Project 365 strike anytime soon. Thanks, Rachel, for grabbing the camera and covering for me. I’d hate to end the day with an empty, boring photo-less blog.


Do you find people like their picture taken or resist it? One of Joshua’s friends winces every time I pull out my camera. I can’t tell if he’s shy, hates the flash, or just doesn’t like his picture taken (can’t be bothered). Most of my children look up with their “Photo Ready” smile when they catch a glimpse of a camera. I sometimes use my camera to video the kids. I find it amusing to see how long they will hold their little photo-shoot-model pose before asking (always out of the side of the mouth), “Are you video taping?”

Do you remember to bring your camera along or forget it more times than not? Is there one person in your family who is the photographer and takes a majority of the pictures. If you have a great tip for taking great pictures, PLEASE SHARE!!!

Always curious!


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