The children have taken to playing chess these days. I’m not sure when it started or who initiated the first game but Chess has definitely arrived into our home.
I’m a TERRIBLE chess player. I’ve tried but I just can’t seem to put my heart behind a game that encourages/requires silence. I play games to ‘relate’ to people. I guess that can be translated – I want to TALK during a game. Chess requires way too much concentration to be fun. It seems like a simple game but I found this online:
The number of possible ways of playing just the first four moves on each side in a game of chess is 318,979,564,000. [Source: Isaac Asimov's Book of Facts]
I don’t know which is more mind-boggling, the fact that the number of possible moves is so high or that someone took the time to figure that number out!!
For several years my father would host an annual Chess Party. It was probably the strangest party I’ve ever been to – silent groups of men and boys, bending over chess boards in intense concentration. They would occasionally break for treats before scurrying back to find another opponent. The women folk (hate to be sexist but I don’t know if any women joined in the chess game time) and assorted children would be in the other room playing rousing games of Scattegories or Pictionary.
Tim and my dad play a few rounds of chess on the porch of my grandmother’s home in Virginia. Boy, were they young! Phil, in the corner, looks to be high school age.
That’s a big smile, Tim, are you winning??
My friend, Lee, has two sons who both enjoy chess. One of them taught chess and went on to compete in several chess tournaments, even winning (I believe) a chess scholarship. I don’t think we have that level of skill going on in our home but it’s fun to see the boys learning something that teaches logic, reasoning, math skills and problem solving.
Note: Lee’s two sons graduated from their homeschool, receiving full college scholarships. Lee now works with parents on a consulting basis, helping them with high school transcripts, college applications and scholarship searches. She is highly motivated, organized and completely professional. Check out her website for further information. She loves working with homeschooling parents and has some amazing resources at her disposal.
I think at one point this week we had a game of Chess going in one room and Go Fish in the other. The mind reels. I know where I belong.