Category Archives: Works for Me Wednesday


WFMW – Love Languages (Gifts)

wfmw I love gifts! My mom is the queen of celebration. When we visit my parents in Michigan they always have little bags of treats and goodies waiting for us. And whenever they come to Washington they bring special gifts for each person (including Tim and me). This February they flew straight here from a vacation with my aunts and uncles. What did they do about the GIFTS? Not to worry. They mailed them ahead of time so they would be here waiting and ready for their arrival.

With all of that said, it’s not surprising that I have inherited some of this joy of celebration and gift-giving. Last week I read something in Gary Chapman’s book, The 5 Love Languages of Teenagers that reminded me of my mom’s creative way with presents. Chapman said that adding a bit of “ceremony” to gift giving can turn the ordinary into a special moment. This is especially true for children who have gifts as their primary love language.

As parents, we often buy needed items for our children (socks, toiletries, school supplies) and then hand them over matter-of-factly. There is nothing wrong with this, but to the child who feels especially loved through gifts, it is possible to transform these casual purchases into small tokens of love.

daniel and david

Since we have been discussing this topic over the week (as Rachel so cheerfully blogged for me), I have been sensitive to the nuances that might reveal my five children’s potential love languages.

I thought I would try Chapman’s suggestion with David, age 7, (whom I suspect has a strong leaning toward gifts as his love language). Tim and I bought some clothes for the children in October when we were in Virginia and stopped by a Children’s Palace outlet. Everything had been distributed except for a few items for David. I told David I had a little surprise for him.

“Nothing big, just a little something.”

two feet, skating away

He was ecstatic! He couldn’t wait to see what I had. He wanted to open it right then and there. He beamed and told me he was ready for the present.

I rolled up a pair of corduroy pants and put them into a gift bag (topped with some tissue paper). Next I took a pair of jeans and put them in another gift bag (complete with additional tissue paper). I brought the bags downstairs to David.

His eyes were big. “Why are there TWO bags?” he asked. “Just because,” I said.

I’m a mom so I can say inconclusive and vague things like that.

david tries out his new skateboard

David opened those two gift bags and raved over his two pair of pants as if he had been given a new remote control helicopter or exotic toy. He rushed to try them on. He showed them to his big brother and sister. He hugged and thanked me. It was a little moment of sweet joy.

All over two pair of slacks. With a little bit of ceremony (how hard it is to find a gift bag and some tissue) David felt special and recognized.

Interestingly enough, none of his four siblings fussed that he was getting a present and they weren’t. They oohed and aahed over his things and went on with the evening.

Of course, I am not saying you should try to buy your child’s affections with gifts or neglect any of the other four love languages. Frankly, I believe people need all five of the expressions of love – words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service, physical touch and gift giving.

dvid works in the

I do, however, think with just a little bit of extra energy and thought, you can take something mundane, make it special and bless your child.

And that Works for Me! Stop by Rocks in My Dryer for other Works for Me Wednesday blogs.


P.S. A few questions – have you read any of the 5 Love Languages book? Do you know your love language? Your spouse’s? Your children’s? Do you think the “Love Language” concept is accurate and helpful? Share!

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WFMW – Kids Clean then Craft


I believe you should put your children to work.

But first they should dress up.

As everyone knows, mundane chores, like vacuuming and cleaning, require proper attire. A hat if possible.

let's dress up

Sarah is quite the stylish girl.

vacuum time

After sweeping, vacuuming and tidying, it’s time to invite friends over and for an afternoon of crafts. I am NOT an artistic person so when I find friends who are creative, I try to exploit cultivate them.

crafting girls

“Would you like to come over for a visit?” I ask innocently. When they agree, I casually suggest we let the kids do a craft together. “Wouldn’t that be fun,” I say with a smile.

“Oh and could you design the craft, bring the supplies and oversee the project? I’ll provide the house.”

play doh is good enough for him

Christian joined us for play time.

Thankfully I have compassionate friends who take pity on my craftlessness.

bath salts and star boxes

Emma and Sarah show off their bath salts and painted star boxes.

A clean house and some fun crafts Works for Me! Stop by Rocks in My Dryer for other fun ideas.

I can’t believe the Tim and I have written 30 Works for Me Wednesday posts. Wow! We’re obviously incredibly helpful bloggers full of great ideas. Ha! And humble too.

Project 366 – Day 106

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WFMW – Hair Cuts

wfmwToday is the first day of our new budget!! Weaning off credit, paying down debt, and, gasp, saving money.

April Fools Day obviously suits us perfectly as the start of something so revolutionary and life changing.

And, in keeping with His great mercy, the Lord has already blessed our efforts. I ran into a friend last week whose daughter is studying at the Redken Hair Academy.

rachel's hair

Time to cut Rachel’s hair.

I cut all the boys’ hair in the family so we save money in that department (thankfully none of them, including Tim, are particular about their hair). The girls, however, are a different story. The expectations for us to look beautiful are higher. It’s a burden we’re willing to bear, with grace of course. Rachel and Sarah both have long hair and only need the occasional trim. I tend to splurge on the rare, but expensive, cut and color.

rachel's turn

Have I mentioned recently how lovely it is to have daughters?

What are the beauty academy prices, you ask? Well, let me share with you:

Hair Cuts – $9
Children’s Cuts – $5
Highlights – $29

Those fees are amazing!! I immediately made an appointment for both Rachel and myself. I figured if the haircut turned out well, I could go back for highlights.

keeping the length

Nothing like a fresh cut to improve the day.

Rachel and I were tickled with the ambiance and setting of the hair institute. The academy was professional and tasteful in decor and atmosphere. It felt more like a busy, fashionable salon than a school. Krista did a beautiful job. She was confident and friendly, taking care to listen to our requests and talk through different hair style possibilities. At each step an instructor came by to monitor and approve the work. Rachel and I were thrilled with our extremely affordable and gorgeous new looks. Krista even gave us a tip on the styling brush she used – $7 at Sally Beauty Supplies.

gorgeous girl!

Rachel’s new style is fresh and funky.

Redken Professional Academy definitely works for us! Stop by Rocks in My Dryer for other links, tips and ideas.

Project 366 – Day 92

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WFMW – 5 for $5

wfmwPicture this: sunny days, warm weather, cute summer purses and…

Bathing suits, shorts and tank tops!

I don’t mean to speak for all women, but those first images make me smile and the others CRINGE!! In rainy Washington, summer still seems awfully far away. Those gorgeous, warm days are coming, however, and I don’t want to let these frumpy, sweatshirt days lull me into thinking I am safe from skimpy styles and beach wear.

beach time

What to do? What to do?

Last year I went through a period of depression at the onset of summer. Instead of spending some time over the winter exercising and keeping fit and toned, I ATE and lazed my way through the cold months. I had a full bin of cute summer things I never even touched — too tight or pinched to wear.

This year I am determined to hit summer with confidence. I might not have that model worthy figure (I think that’s a bit elusive for this mother of five) but I can at least spend some time NOW eating healthy and exercising consistently.

How to do it? How to do it?

I am a person who loves a new idea, plan or contest. I need motivation and external rewards to keep me focused. As I thought about how to motivate myself to get off my comfy computer chair and into the gym, the Lord gave me a fantastic idea. I say the Lord because this was truly divine inspiration.

it's cold!

If you look closely you can see a little sister in the picture.
This is NOT beach weather.

Our church is hosting a women’s retreat in April. This provided the perfect, natural deadline. I’m on the retreat committee and will be helping to coordinate things over the weekend. In other words, I will be somewhat in the “public eye.” I have the opportunity to greet the women as they come, welcome new people, share some of how God has put this retreat together and so on. Last year we performed a hilarious skit using the Lord’s Prayer. I was in my bathrobe for that one but you never know what they’ll come up with this year.

Talk about motivation!

Five for $5

The premise is simple:

  1. Everyone who participates donates $5
  2. Each person selects 5 healthy living goals (food, exercise, water, etc)
  3. You have 100 points per week – distribute your points among your five goals
  4. Report your total points for the week each Monday
  5. The two contestants with the highest cumulative scores receive first and second prizes dividing the registration fees

That’s it! It happened to work out that there are 5 Mondays until our retreat so it’s actually 5 for $5 in 5 Weeks. Isn’t that perfect!!

My Goals ended up looking something like this:

  • A)Water: 64 oz/day (1pt/ day=7pts possible for the week)
  • B)Food Recording: 6 days/ week (4 pts=24pts for week)
  • C)Calories under 1700: 6 days/ week (4 pts=24pts for week)
  • D)Cardio – 45 minutes: 5 days/week (6pts=30 pts for week)
  • E)Wt training – 15 min: 3 days week(4pts=12 pts for week)

3 Bonus points if Cardio and Wt Training are completed for the week.

The response has been delightful! My initial thought was to invite only the retreat steering committee of four people (including myself). This soon spiraled beyond our group and we now have between 17 and 20 people participating. Almost every single person has thanked me for encouraging them to make some goals and Strive For Them! I’m thrilled that the Lord would use me to encourage others to develop self-control and a healthier lifestyle. Isn’t He creative!

I take no credit for the idea, it was whispered into my ear by the One who penned these words:

For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age…(Titus 2:11-12)

I encourage everyone to steal this idea, grab some friends and start your own 5 for $5 group. Let’s greet the summer with joy and confidence, knowing we have been disciplined and healthy in our eating and physical exercise.

It won’t be long before my kids are packing lunches, gathering suits and towels and heading for the beach.

from the ferry to the island

Grab the sunscreen and let’s go!

Project 366

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WFMW – Let’s Talk QT

wfmwIt’s backwards day at Works for Me Wednesday. I ask the questions and you all provide the answers. It’s wonderful! I don’t have to be profound, helpful, witty, or spiritual. That’s implying, of course, that we here at the Duckabush ever ARE those things.

We don’t have time to discuss that right now. :)

I have so many areas in my life which need assistance, as you already know, if you are a faithful reader of this blog.

oh dear!

Someone, please help this girl!

Lately I’ve been thinking and praying about developing self-discipline in my life. A friend spoke some intense words of conviction into my life on Sunday and I’ve been mulling about them ever since. I am trying to filter what she said through the reality of my life on a day to day basis.

Where are my priorities?
What are my goals for my family and myself?
Where am I letting laziness, distraction and self-indulgence prevent me from meeting those goals and addressing those priorities?

who is this shadowy figure?

It’s getting harder and harder to capture Joshua on film.

That’s where you come in. I want you to help me figure out my life, guide me in attaining my goals and teach me how to develop a core of self-control.

Or maybe not.

What I really want to discuss is basic Bible Study/Quiet Time habits. I know there are some amazing, godly women who do me the honor of visiting this blog and sharing their heart. I’ve been encouraged, prayed for and challenged by many of you. Thank you for taking time to read and comment. I am eager to be blessed by your thoughts on this subject!

I want to spend time with the Lord. I crave time with my Bible and journal. I’m doing a fantastic Beth Moore Bible study on the book of Daniel. I want to give the work some thought and attention.

I also have FIVE children. Five children who adore and love me and MUST be with me at all times. Between my younger boys who get up early and want to do their Bible devotions with me and my older son and daughter who are entering their teen age years and like to stay up late and just talk, my life is full! And that’s not even addressing the other responsibilities that come into play in trying to run a smooth household.

mother daughter time

And I LOVE that special one on one time.

I’ve tried to carve out some time in the middle of the day.
Did I mention we’re a homeschooling family? The middle of the day is not exactly prime “quiet time” material here.

The (late) evenings tend to be my only moments for rest and relaxation. I don’t have the depth of insight or energy that I want to give the Lord by the time that part of the day staggers along. Blogging I can do, studying the scriptures…no.

So I’m left with the morning. If I sleep in just a little bit it seems the entire morning vanishes. Little ones need help with breakfast. The laundry cries out for a little bit of attention – just a wee load before the day starts, it whispers.

I’ve been trying to do my Daniel study while David and Sarah (7 and 5) sit with me and read their Bibles.

Um, that does not work.

David, who can read, likes to do so aloud.

Are we in Daniel this morning, Mommy?
Yes, sweetie, chapter 6. You can read it in your Bible.

Several minutes pass while I try to answer the questions in my book, help David sound out words, and referee conflict taking place in the adjoining room.

No time for reading, let’s go outside!

It’s not exactly what I would call precious moments with the Lord.

Meanwhile, Sarah, who is just learning how to read, likes to describe all the illustrations to me … in detail.

So I’ve discovered that, while this is a lovely time of family devotion and an amazing opportunity to teach the younger children how to study their Bibles, it is NOT a place where I can effectively hear from the Lord.

Is this the longest Works for Me Wednesday ever?

Share with me from your experience.

Do you have time in your schedule set apart for one on one time with the Lord?
Do you read your Bible and pray on a regular basis?
Devotional? Bible Study book? Read through the Bible in a Year plan?
Do you journal?
Do you journal or record your prayers?
Do you teach your children to have a daily Quiet Time?
How LONG is your own personal time with the Lord?
WHEN do you find this time?

Remember I am a night owl with some early risers in the family. How early do I have to get up to set aside time in the Word? Do I hide out in my room and guard 20 or 30 minutes for prayer and Bible reading?

Stun me with your spiritual maturity and discipline.

Stop by Rocks in My Dryer to see how you can aid other desperate bloggers.

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