Category Archives: Works for Me Wednesday


WFMW – Laughter

WFMWOur family likes to laugh. I’d go so far as to say our family loves to laugh. We might even be addicted to laughter. It’s a sickness but we’re getting help. One source of help is a Christian comedian we recently discovered by the name of Tim Hawkins. He has several cds and dvds for sale on his website. We watched all the clips and then searched for more on and He has some hysterical songs online including, Things Not to Say to Your Wife, Kid Rock and Parents are People.

Disclaimer – humor is a personal expression and people differ on what they find amusing, appropriate and relevant. Tim Hawkins material is relatively family friendly and from a Christian source, but it is humor and therefore might benefit from previewing.

Pop over to Rocks in My Dryer for other Works for Me Wednesday ideas.


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WFMW – A Girls Weekend Away

WFMWThis weekend I had the delightful pleasure of sneaking away with some girlfriends. It wasn’t an official Women’s Retreat or a Homeschooling Conference. There was no business that needed attending or meetings scheduled for the entire weekend. We had a wonderful time and I knew immediately that this would be the perfect topic for this week’s Works for Me Wednesday post.

Planning a Girls Getaway Weekend

  1. Find a friend with a birthday. This should not be difficult as most people have birthdays. It is helpful if the birthday girl has parents with a timeshare or a second home at the beach. This keeps costs down considerably. Improvise as necessary with both the birthday friend and the accommodations.
  2. our birthday girl

    Michelle was the birthday girl who organized our weekend away.

  3. Hand off children to the beloved, helpful, and thoroughly capable spouse. If you do not have children or spouse, please skip this step. If your spouse is not helpful or capable (I’m presuming they are beloved) begin training immediately. This is key as children are not welcome at Girls Getaway Weekends. Unfortunate but true.
  4. Gather a collection of very silly friends. The problem here is narrowing it down to just a few, too many silly friends and things get out of hand. If you find yourself with a plethora of wacky girlfriends, do not despair, you can schedule several weekends away.
  5. wacky friends

    Victoria, Kirstin, Michele and Nancy pose for the camera. They obviously qualify as Silly Friends.

  6. Plan some relaxing entertainment. Suggestions include chick flicks, magazines, games, and shopping. All of the above should, of course, include abundant amounts of coffee and chocolate. Delegate as necessary.

    On our weekend, Beckie and Michelle prepared two delicious meals, Victoria created a relaxing ambiance with candles, music, and cozy blankets, Michelle brought up her espresso machine, Kirstin led us in some dancing with a Dance Dance Revolution game and I took pictures.

  7. anyone up for toast?

    If things begin to get dull, a small kitchen fire is proven to liven up the day.

  8. Be sure to include opportunities for outdoor activities. This is often best scheduled BEFORE the chocolate but AFTER the coffee, although professionals have been known to disagree.
  9. Jackie O

    Grab some fantastic sunglasses and hit the beach. I never had learnt how to read contact lens prescription, so I just bought some power sunglasses. Plus, I’ve found lenses to be hindersome, ironically.

    kirstin and michelle

    Kirstin and Michelle led the way on our Sunday morning hike.

  10. Remember this is a grown up getaway with no diapers to change, noses to wipe, sibling arguments to diffuse or kid meals to prepare. Revel in the luxury of an all adult weekend.

    Another alternative is to completely indulge your inner child.

  11. shall we swing

    Michelle and I hit the swings.


    Beckie tries out the zipline.

    tether ball

    It turns out Nancy is a KILLER tether ball player. I lasted about 2 minutes. Michelle fared a little better but the battle was fierce. The things you learn on a girls getaway are very interesting.

  12. Last but not least, take lots and lots of pictures. The blackmail, I mean blog fodder, alone is priceless. Use the self-timer liberally.
  13. getaway girls

Go and plan your own getaway weekends. There are many other tips at Rocks In My Dryer.


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WFMW – Backwards Day

WFMW Hooray, it’s another Backwards Day at Rocks in My Dryer. Instead of doling out sage advice and tips on lofty topics like diet/exercise, better sleep w/fans, and coffee, YOU all get to guide me with your wisdom.

I can hardly wait! I need lots and lots of help in almost every category. Well, I do have ‘blogging until 1 in the morning’ down pat so I have a few things figured out. Still, that leaves all sorts of other areas in which I am pathetic and desperate.

rachel and Mia

Rachel rallied from her on-going stomach flu in order to take Mia for a walk this morning.

After much thought, list making and soul searching, I’ve decided to beg for your ideas on healthy eating for the family.


feed this boy

David is a great baseball player, but he obviously needs more veggies to keep him strong and healthy.

How do you get your children (and husbands, God love ‘em) to eat vegetables?
What kind of healthy snacks do you serve during the day?
What things are you willing to pay extra for in your budget – organic food, more expensive protein choices (fish, grass fed beef, free range chicken), supplements?
Can you share one thing in particular that you believe has highly benefited your family’s health?

sarah sweetie pie

Look at that little girl, she can’t wait to read all of your comments.

Thank you! I am so excited to hear lots of great suggestions. Go to Rocks In My Dryer and you can find all sorts of other folks who are breathlessly awaiting your words of wisdom.

Project 365 – Day 310

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WFMW – Educational Computer Games

WFMWIt’s been so long since I’ve blogged, I feel quite out of practice. Is there such a thing as Dead Air on a blog? We were traveling yesterday and completely missed posting our weekly Parenting Tip. Some people would have blogs in reserve and wouldn’t let something as trivial as flying across the country cause a slip in posting.

Those people don’t live in this house.

I’m also drawing a complete blank on today’s Works for Me Wednesday post.

Educational computer games.

With five children, a programmer husband, and several computers in the home, you can be sure we have invested money in educational computer games.

Some of Our Favorite Educational Computer Games

Crazy Machines – In this game you build imaginative machines, turn cranks, rotate gears, pull levers, create unique contraptions. You also experiment with gears, robots, explosives, and more in your own virtual lab. The early levels are fairly easy but the game gets progressively harder. All the children have taken a turn at the game, although Joshua is the one who truly enjoys it. He received Crazy Machines 1.5 for his birthday.

crazy machines crazy machines 1.5

Jumpstart Typing – We have gone through several different typing programs in an attempt to master those oh so important typing skills. Joshua and Rachel agreed that the Jumpstart version (although we have a much older one) is their favorite.


CluefindersThe Learning Company makes a 4th, 5th, and 6th grade level of the Cluefinder game as well as some other versions. The older children especially enjoyed Cluefinder 5th Grade. Amazon describes the game: The adventure begins with the ClueFinder kids shipwrecked on a mysterious island. Two of their teammates are trapped in an underground hideaway, and the ship’s captain and crew are missing as well. It’s up to the rest of the gang to find their friends and get off the island- all before a monstrous volcano blows its top. To solve the mystery and save the day, kids help the ClueFinders complete activities and collect the strange CrypTiles that will unlock the island’s secrets. The ten activities cover math, social studies, reading, critical thinking and science. Sounds like fun to me.

Reader Rabbit – there are probably dozens of Reader Rabbit games, and I think we’ve accumulated almost all of them over the years. We’ve played preschool, phonics, math, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, etc. As the computers advance (shifting from Windows 95 to 98, XP and beyond) we occasionally update our stock of Reader Rabbit games. Recently I had the older children go through our EXTENSIVE collection of computer games, weeding out the ones that don’t work on our current computer or are dull and rarely played. The Reader Rabbit cds remain consistent favorites.

Do you have an educational game your family enjoys? Leave a comment and share titles. After all, Christmas is right around the corner and I need all the help I can get. :)

For other great ideas, go to Rocks In My Dryer


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WFMW – Diet and Exercise

WFMWTim did an excellent job of handling the blog while I was off playing Cranium with the girls. Now if I can just get the keyboard back (he has a surprisingly strong grip) I can write this week’s Works for Me Wednesday post.

Since I’m reaching the end of my Reunion Countdown, I thought I would share a few of my diet and exercise observations. Chime in with your own tips on the subject, I still have a little ways to go to reach my goal, and love hearing how other people are winning this battle.

Reflections on Diet and Exercise – Keys to Losing Weight

  1. Move More/Eat Less – I know, this is so obvious I shouldn’t even have to say it, but I have been really surprised to find out how true this actually is.

    There was one point in my life when I was doing aerobics 4 times a week (The Firm – weight training and cardio mixed) and walking 5 to 6 days a week. I did NOT lose weight. My body did tone a bit but it was incredibly slow. I was not eating very well. It wasn’t until several years later when I completely “cleaned up” my eating that I began to really lose weight. I cut out sugar, wheat and flour as per Kay Sheppard’s food addiction program. This was a total lifestyle change and took away almost all of my uncontrollable food cravings and overeating. I lost 65 pounds in six to eight months. It was an incredible blessing and joy to lose this weight. I am so thankful the Lord blessed my hard work with such stunning results.

    As time went one, however, I was unable to lose the remaining 25 pounds that I had originally targeted. I’ve been stuck at this same weight (fluctuating 5 or 7 pounds) for over two years. It has been frustrating to be in a plateau for so long. Argh! Combining an aggressive exercise routine with a restricted calorie plan has been the only thing enabling me to finally shed the weight again.

    This plan is very mathematically and physiologically based. I exercise 600 calories/6 days a week and burn off 3600 calories weekly. I limit my eating, reducing my calories by 500 a day or 3500 calories a week. Potentially I can lose 2 pounds a week pursuing this program.

  2. new haircut

    Got my hair cut and highlighted today. Hooray.

  3. Find an exercise partner – I love reading a magazine while I exercise. I have even figured out how to hook up my portable DVD player (the one the kids use in the car) to the elliptical machine. Add earphones and I can enjoy a movie while I power out an hour’s workout. However, over and over it has been my family’s support and a friend’s companionship which has motivated and encouraged me in my exercising.

    I remember one week when I was tired of going to the YMCA. I had already been there several times and I was feeling bored and burned out. Julee (my wonderful friend and exercise partner)) invited me to join her in a workout. We ran intervals on the treadmill (okay, she ran while I jogged). Next we moved to the stairstepper for a short workout and ended our time on the elliptical. The next day we put in a long, sweaty hour on the elliptical machine. By the end of those two days, I was rejuvenated and ready to work out on my own again. Whenever we can, Julee and I sneak in walks around our neighborhood.

    Meet a friend at the club, start walking regularly with a neighbor, get your family to ride bikes. Do what it takes to surround yourself with active, energetic people who support your goal of being healthy.

  4. Calories count – ouch! Every day I log on to and record my food. It’s boring and occasionally tedious, but it keeps me totally accountable for what I’m eating. My eating has shifted over this past month as I have watched the numbers in my food journal. For example, I have a breakfast pancake I make almost every morning. After recording the information each day for a week, I decided I would rather save some fat and calories by cutting out one of the eggs. Instead of two eggs, I use one egg and two egg whites. Simple change, doesn’t affect the recipe yet cuts calories.

    It turns out all those magazine tips are on to something –

    select chicken instead of beef
    switch to lower calorie condiments
    use salsa and mustard to season food
    measure snack foods (don’t eat blindly)
    watch portion sizes
    drink water to help during hungry times
    don’t eat late at night

  5. Oregon beach

    The Oregon coast is gorgeous! What a beautiful beach.

  6. Record Your Information – keep track of your progress. Fitday and My Calorie Counter are both free and calculate calories, fat, protein and carbs in the food journal section. Practicing this discipline for at least two weeks will reveal patterns in your eating, show you areas that are available for positive change, and provide an amazing reality check on the quantity of food you’ve been eating. It will also encourage you to see the progress you are making.

    I have an Excel spreadsheet where I record my food totals, exercise data (types of exercise and calories burned), and my weekly weight. It takes only minutes to input this information and results in a snapshot of how I’m doing each day.

I wish I had taken my measurements at the beginning of this month long program. It would be interesting to see how I’ve done in that area. Of course, when I’m feeling fat and flabby, pretty much the LAST thing in the world I want to do is measure myself. Shudder.

I can, however, report on my weight loss. As of day 26 (I weigh on Fridays) I had lost 7.2 pounds. Not only that, but I’ve gained the confidence that I can work hard and make a positive change in my body.

Now to be careful not to blow it all during our Homecoming weekend. :)

If you have lost weight and kept it off, I would LOVE to hear your thoughts, tips and advice. Leave a comment and share with us all.

Visit Rocks in My Dryer for other Works for Me Wednesday ideas.

Duckabush Blog Works for Me Wednesday entries.

Several weeks of Tuesday Parenting Tips.

Project 365 – Day 296

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