Waiting for Daddy

Or Godot, whomever comes first.

what a crew!

It’s important to have a camera with you at all times as you never know when a special photo moment like this one will arise.

I”m sure you can picture it – a cheerful, conscientious mother helping her sweet daughter unbuckle from the car seat, late but not impatient, lays her keys on the back seat for JUST a MOMENT. Setting the dress shoes under the seat and tugging on tennis shoes, they rush off through the Y parking lot.


sweet sarah

It was a GREAT swim class, Mom.

I didn’t discover the missing keys until PE was over and everyone ready to go home. They are a hungry, tired crowd at the end of PE.

“Anyone want to walk home?” That question generated groans. They didn’t seem to find the suggestion amusing. Thankfully, Tim was working from home that day and came to the Y to rescue us. He didn’t even fuss, tease, or complain about the loss of time out of his busy work schedule. A short delay and we were back on track with our day.

If nothing else it provided time to take a group picture. :) I always say there’s a silver blog lining inside every cloudy day.


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“Who Is Going to Take Care of Me?”


This little guy makes us laugh nearly every single day. He has thoroughly captured my Mommy Heart.

Today David was worried about AWANA, our church’s evening children’s ministry that begins this week. Last year his big brother, Daniel, was in the program with him, easily accessible in the next room. More than once, Daniel was a comfort to David in the busyness of the night and the large crowd of children.

Now, of course, Daniel has graduated and moved up to the 5th and 6th grade group. I tried to reassure David that he wouldn’t be alone, Sarah has moved out of Cubbies and into Sparks with him (anyone familiar with AWANA will know what in the world I’m talking about). He was not particularly comforted. We had a long conversation about how the night would go, he wanted the entire schedule thoroughly detailed.

“Sarah will need me to look after her,” David told me. “You know,” he gestured toward his little sister, “she expects me to take care of her.”

Long pause, fretful look.

“Who is going to take care of me?”

Bless his little 6 1/2 year old heart! I was ready to send Daniel along as a permanent body guard, ready to battle any and all foes (imagined or real). Nothing like a big brother to make you feel safe. Our discussion continued.

“I remember one time when I was all alone,” David said, looking pensive, “I just kept telling myself Jesus is with you. Jesus is always with you. I guess I’ll be okay.”

I'm outta here!

Little Buddy, I think you are going to be more than ‘okay.’ You’re going to be AWESOME!!

Then Jesus came to them and said …. “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18a, 20b)

The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. (Deuteronomy 31:8)

Project 365 – Day 275

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WFMW — And Now a Word from Our Readers


It’s backwards day at Rocks in My Dryer. Instead of sharing a tip or helpful pointer, we’re supposed to ask a question. The readers provide the advice. Visit
Works for Me Wednesday
to see if you can help some other poor bloggers.

I can barely think where to start, I have so many questions and areas in which I need help.

Menu Planning – I’m terrible at it. I never seem to get my act together. I copy down recipes, circle amazing dishes in my Taste of Home magazine and then end up making the same old boring dishes.

Chore Organization – again, a disaster for me. I’m great at handing out candy bribes and convincing the children to clean the house for me, but don’t have a system for keeping up with the regular chores.

If you have any advice or wisdom for me, please, please, please share it!! Point me to links, blogs, articles, magazines. I’ll take any and all advice. Do I sound pitiful enough?

Since Tim and I share this blog, I asked him what question he would like posed for the Works for Me Wednesday request. Here is his inquiry:

Loving Your Children – How do you show your children you love them? What is the most effective way you’ve been able to communicate love to them? Share specific examples!!

love that mountain

Of course, there’s always expressing love through hiking.

Thank you! I can already tell this post is going to yield all sorts of amazing responses and we will become a totally organized, well-fed and loving family in no time. :)


Some other Duckabush WFMW Posts

Grocery Lists Devotional Books for Little Ones
Homeschooling Faves TopBlogSites
Laundry Organizer Giant Whiteboard
Travel Outfits

Join us for our Tuesday Tips for Parenting

Calling Your Child Creative Use for the Timer
First Time Obedience Sermon Notes
Thorough Job Paper Dolls
Walk-Away Meal Times

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Tuesday Tips for Parenting – Making the Most of Mealtimes

new logo When I get home from work, I’m often tired and hungry. By the time we sit down for dinner, I’m frequently ravenous (unless I’ve already devoured everything in the fridge while waiting for dinner, in which case I’m stuffed). Either way, I don’t usually have a lot to offer in terms of deep and insightful spiritual teaching.

Our evening meal is generally a time to share news about the day, but sometimes this can turn into a blame-fest of epic proportions. As they report the events of the day, my children occasionally accuse one another (and sometimes, in their enthusiasm, they’ll accidentally implicate themselves) in various types of wrongdoing. Frankly, I’d rather not know about some of those things, and the bickering that ensues among the children can wear on the soul.

Joshua, are you in there?
Much easier to curl up on the couch and hide from everyone as Joshua did this morning. He claims he was “sick” but I think he was trying to avoid work.

A few years ago I began the dinner-time practice of asking each of my children to tell us all about something for which they are thankful to God. This has a happy, dual effect: first, it produces silence, sometimes as much as ten seconds’ worth, while everyone thinks furiously over the day for the best event of the day (my children are competitive, even in thankfulness). Second, it focuses our minds on God’s gracious provision for our family, and pulls us out of the morass of blame and accusation. It is hard to be negative after the second or third round of blessings — and we’ll sometimes go around the table four or five times, if we get on a roll.

happy easter

We ALWAYS enjoy a table set with crystal and china. That’s just who we are. :) Right.

Recently, we’ve been struggling with a higher level of sibling rivalry than we’ve seen before. I decided to change our meal time conversation a little, and I asked, “What is one positive thing you can say about your brother or sister?” There was a stunned silence.

The absence of chatter stretched ominously. I ruled out a few half-hearted attempts that had to do with a sibling’s possessions or were, under the covers, insulting.

“I like my brother’s cool toy!”
“I like it when my sister isn’t so annoying.”
“I really enjoy my brother’s friends!”

The silence persisted. My children found great difficulty in thinking of praiseworthy attributes in their siblings; upon reflection, I felt convicted that my own stinginess with praise had left its mark on my family.

Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. Deuteronomy 6:4-9

As much as we enjoy watching a movie over dinner, or even just sitting around recounting the events of the day, a meal together is not to be scorned as an opportunity to instruct your children in godliness. A couple of times, recently, I’ve asked a few open-ended questions that have provoked some really interesting discussions.

computer homework

When all else fails, pull out the laptops and bond over computer time.

Mealtimes are also great because they provide some natural protection from being found out as a know-nothing parent. Sooner or later, the kids will come up with something you can’t answer; if this occurred in a normal conversation, you’d have to sit there like a deer in the headlights, mouth gaping helplessly. But at mealtime, you can spend quite a bit of time thoughtfully cutting your meat, pretending to chew, adding condiments, etc., while you think furiously.

Child: “So, Dad, why does God allow suffering?”

Dad (quickly stuffing a forkful of meat in his mouth): “Er, mumph, rumph, umph.” (Waves graciously for his wife to take a stab at answering the question.)

Mom (smiling, voice syrupy-sweet): No, you can answer that one, dear, as soon as you’ve finished chewing.

Most children will lose interest after twenty or thirty minutes of chewing.


Kathy’s Meal Time Suggestions

  1. Ask each child to list one thing for which they are thankful.
  2. Pull out the day’s memory verses and have the children go around the table, reviewing their verses. Clap, cheer and reward appropriately.
  3. Pick one characteristic of God, a Fruit of the Spirit, or godly virtue and ask the children to define the word. After the family agrees upon a definition, inquire what it means to live out that quality.

    What does ‘purity’ mean? How do we recognize it? What does it look like to be ‘pure’ today? Why does God care about ‘purity?’

  4. Play the “What If” game and ask for possible solutions.

    If you went to your friend’s house and saw him take money from his sister’s bank, what would you do?

    If you were at youth group and everyone wanted to watch a movie you know wasn’t allowed in our family, what should you do?

    Take a few minutes, ahead of time, to write different scenarios on slips of paper. Let each person select one to present to the family.

  5. Ask the children to fill in the blanks on the following sentences:

    “Today I served God by ____________ ”
    “I think my brother/sister is a good __________ ” (rodent/vermin species not allowed)
    “I know the Lord loves me because _____________ “

We’d love to hear other suggestions for encouraging, positive family meal time conversations. Leave a comment and tell us things you have enjoyed doing as a family. How do you use meal time to teach your children more about God?

Project 365 – Day 274

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If Someone Were Watching …

Today our pastor preached the fourth sermon in our month long Choose stewardship campaign. The four topics were Invite, Belong, Serve and Give. This morning’s sermon was on giving, looking at the story of the widow’s coin in Luke 21.

As he looked up, Jesus saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. “I tell you the truth,” he said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.” (Luke 21:1-4)

brian and Tim

You decide, are these two giving out of their wealth or poverty?

It was an excellent sermon, encouraging us to give generously and delight in God’s blessing in our life as we serve Him with our time, energy and finances. I was struck by the picture of Jesus visiting the temple and observing people as they placed their gifts in the offering.

“What would it be like to have Jesus watching you as the offering plate passed by?” I whispered to Tim, my eyes wide at the thought.

“Um,” Tim’s expression was a bit puzzled, “Kathy, He is watching you.”

Ouch. Somehow the image of Jesus sitting next to me and looking at me while I take and pass on the offering basket was very convicting. Thinking of Him searching my heart and counting all the treasures I’m storing up here on earth, brought a flush to my cheeks.

socks galore

Maybe we’ll find all those missing socks when we get to heaven.

This afternoon we watched a portion of one of our favorite family movies, FlyWheel. Flywheel, produced by the church that filmed Facing the Giants, has a low-budget but an incredible message. I encourage everyone to go out and find a copy of this movie! It is slow in places and the acting “raw” but the transformation of the main character, as he decides to trust God with his whole life, is remarkably powerful.

Early in the movie the family attends church together. When it’s time for the offering, the father takes out his envelope, makes sure it is EMPTY, and then very carefully places it into the basket. His wife sees him and shakes her head with disgust.

If someone were watching…

Jesus sees what I do with my time and my money. The scriptures are full of promises regarding rewards the Lord will give those who are faithful, loving, and generous. Do I trust His Word? Do I believe the treasures I can store up in heaven are worth more than the temporal things of this world?

What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done. (Matthew 16:26-27)

It was a day full of conviction and challenge. What would it look like, I wondered, if I gave sacrificially, loved with my whole life, and said “Yes!” to the Lord? Am I willing to be stretched? Do I believe He is watching?

Project 365- Day 273

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