Tim has been working a good portion of the day on a contracting job for a friend. Throughout it all, he has remained cheerful and upbeat. I’ve done almost nothing all day – I didn’t make meals for the family (except to throw some leftovers in their general direction), I handed out laundry and cleaning jobs to the children, I went off shopping with Rachel and got in a power workout – how is it possible I am still so gloomy?
Is there a little girl in there somewhere?
Even after reflecting on the day, I’m perplexed as to the cause of my melancholy spirit. Perhaps it’s the rain, which appears to have settled in for the weekend. Maybe it’s the long list of things I “should” do but didn’t get to at all.
There she is!!
I am thankful for an amazing husband who encourages me, prays for me, and sends me off to enjoy Mommy Time without ever making me feel guilty. At the end of a long day, he still carves out the time to read the Bible to the children.
Today’s reading featured Samson and his tragic death.
When Tim shouts, “Who dares not to call for The Chapter?” The children scramble out of their beds and run to hide in our room. He waits an appropriate length of time and then thunders up the stairs to begin the search. All children must be found before he can begin the chapter.
Anything to make family Bible devotions more interesting.
Daniel loves to find clever hiding places.
I think I’ll follow their example and take my BSF lesson up to bed. Nothing like soaking in God’s Word to comfort the soul. At our support group in co-op this week, Holly read this passage:
“The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17)
Tomorrow is another busy, full Sunday. I need all the ‘quieting’ the Lord can bring into my life. I shake my head in amazement to consider Him taking great delight in me and I turn my ear to listen for the rejoicing song. I am so thankful for His love which accepts me even on grumpy, grey days.
Project 365 – Day 272