A Twice-Happy Birthday

Today is a big day in our home, as we celebrate the birth of our sweet Sarah, who turned five today. It is also a day of great celebration as we celebrate the birth of Kathy, who graciously shares this day with her daughter.

Birthday girls
But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children – with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts. (Psalm 103:17-18)

We opened one present for each of the birthday girls before the family headed off for a week at camp — a CD for Kathy, and a couple of little people for Sarah to play with on the drive.

Once we were all ensconced in the Duckabush house, we started to open presents in earnest. As the clock sliced away at the minutes before I had to get to bed (I have to work this week, and so am staying home while everyone else is at camp, sniff, sniff!) I began to run into some peculiar resistance. Kathy didn’t want to open her presents. She loves the anticipation of her birthday so much, that she can hardly stand to let it end. As we have tried to follow a budget this year, she knows this will be a sparser year than some, and I had to promise her that I had at least one present still in the mail before she would agree to open most of her gifts.

Sarah and her new Kelly dolls
Sarah can always count on a brother or two hovering nearby to ‘help’ her with her gift-opening

Sarah had no such compunctions, but we did end up limiting her gift-opening so as not to overwhelm her with the generosity of her siblings and over-indulgent parents.

Rachel and Sarah bought their mama a new tea kettle, something she has wanted for a good while. Daniel and David went in on a fancy new frying pan, one with a handle that can stand the heat of the oven (in case she wants to make a frittata, I’m told). Joshua bought some music CDs, as we renew our efforts to satisfy Kathy’s love for variety in Christian music.

A new towel ... how ... thoughtful!
Some years ago I bought Kathy a colorful beach towel for her birthday, and eventually inherited it as my bath towel. The towel is starting to fade with age, and so …

I looked up ‘birthday’ on my favorite online Bible reference site and discovered that the only recorded scriptural accounts of people celebrating the day of their birth (apart from Jesus and the three Magi) seem to involve Pharoah (the good one, who was smart enough to hire Joseph) and a rather gruesome tale about Herod’s birthday party. Celebrating birthdays doesn’t seem to be much of a big deal in scripture, except for this rather graphic reference in the book of Ezekiel, when God reminds Israel that she was nothing before he chose her:

On the day you were born your cord was not cut, nor were you washed with water to make you clean, nor were you rubbed with salt or wrapped in cloths. No one looked on you with pity or had compassion enough to do any of these things for you. Rather, you were thrown out into the open field, for on the day you were born you were despised. Then I passed by and saw you kicking about in your blood, and as you lay there in your blood I said to you, “Live!” I made you grow like a plant of the field. You grew up and developed and became the most beautiful of jewels. (Ezekiel 16:4-7a)

My two birthday girls were not despised on the day of their births, but it is sobering to think that, except for God’s kindness toward each of us, we would be ‘thrown out into the open field’ to die, forever cut off from his glory because of our sin. Remembering our helplessness and God’s gracious salvation through His son, Jesus, it seems very fitting that we celebrate Jesus’ birth with such lavish display and outpouring of good will toward our fellow man. Kathy and Sarah’s birthdays are well-situated at the other end of the year, when our budget and shopping stamina is not so exhausted from Christmas.

Kathy examines her new frying pan
This year the kids seemed to have definite ideas about what to buy their mother, which was a great relief to me.

For several months, Kathy has been hinting about her desire for Photoshop Elements, a software package that she hopes to use to enhance some of her digital camera pictures. In June, she stripped the veils off her hints and began making less guarded comments, perhaps fearing that I would somehow not realize what she wanted for her birthday. Spitefully, I maintained an air of insouciance and bland disinterest, desperately clutching at the hope that I could still give her the software as a surprise. I’ve never been very good at insouciance, as it turns out, so I’m sure she was not surprised to receive Photoshop Elements as her ‘big’ present. Smug and delighted: yes, surprised: no. At least I can spell ‘insouciance’, which is no small thing in this day and age.

Now she has to contain her glee until she gets home, since the software will probably not install on our old laptop. And she thought opening the gifts would end the anticipation!

As the household settled down, Kathy persuaded the passel of boys in the next room to brush their teeth, with some success. It should be a fun week of Camp and Cousins!

Three Boys a-Brushing
Teeth-brushing, tongue-brushing, what’s the difference, as long as you’re sincere?

Kathy with her little 'helpers'
He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD. (Proverbs 18:22)

Thanks be to God for His abundant favor and blessing to me! Thanks, Mamie and Grand-dad, for raising such a godly and delightful daughter!

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Words of Life

As a mother of five precious, sweet, adorable, rascally, loud, raucous children, my ears are often overburdened. There is a misconception that a large family means a lot of mess and work, mouths to feed and laundry to wash.

Wait, that’s not a misconception at all. That’s my life! Hey!

Still, the aspect that people might not consider is all the voices accompanying the mess. Talking, laughing, fighting, arguing, discussing, debating, teasing, bargaining, mediating. It’s all right here in my house. Lots of it. Times five, or maybe 7 if you add in the grownups. I guess if you start throwing parents into the jumble, you’ve also got judging, teaching, rebuking, comforting, and praising.

blue lips

Was there a bit of a cold snap today, Rachel? Poor dear, she’s shivering.

The Bible is overflowing with instruction on how we should relate to others through our words. A phrase I’ve been using lately with the children is “Speak Words of Life!” I want their words to be ones of encouragement and love. To build each other up rather than tear them down.

The children (the older ones) have all memorized this verse:

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. (Ephesians 4:29)

blue tongue

Rachel obviously needs to work on her attitude.

Speaking “Words of Life” is something I am constantly working on with the children. It is so much easier to speak words of death. To hurt, criticize, tease, mock, and destroy. I’d love to think of a creative way to encourage the kids to be more active in applying this teaching. Maybe a Words of Life Jar or a Words of Life Points Chart where you are rewarded for kind and compassionate speech. Something where they would be on the look out for specific instances in their own conversation and the conversation of their siblings.

In our Proverbs study on Tuesday, I was amazed at how many Words of Life verses God brought to our attention.

The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked. 10:11
When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise. 10:19
The lips of the righteous nourish many, but fools die for lack of judgment. 10:21
The mouth of the righteous brings forth wisdom, but a perverse tongue will be cut out.
The lips of the righteous know what is fitting, but the mouth of the wicked only what is perverse. 10:31-32

bracelets made by Rachel

Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. They will be a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck. Proverbs 1:8-9

Once again God’s Word penetrates to the heart of our family and shines its light on our challenges, struggles and desire to glorify Him and be transformed in His likeness.

Project 365 – Day 195

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Sleep Blogging Again?

I don’t know why I wait until so late in the evening to begin blogging. You would think I would start a little earlier in order to actually be awake when I write. Nope.

I can barely keep my eyes open and I can tell I’m in a dangerous position right now – soft lap pillow underneath my wireless keyboard (oh yeah, I’m spoiled), the Cream Puff Lazy Boy is back in full recline position, the lights are dim and the dishwasher is humming along happily. Truly I don’t know anyone who blogs in such a pampered setting.


Thankfully, I can always post random pictures. Those are never turned away. :)

Of course, this also leads to potential sleep blogging. I’ve described sleep blogging in detail before so I won’t go into it all again. Suffice to say, it does make for creative blogging and a stressful morning until I can get the blog cleared by Tim and the children. There is a certain level of extra strain in my voice when I ask Tim (in the morning) if he enjoyed the blog. I keep expecting him to say something like, “What in the world were you rambling about?” or “Did you have any idea what you were saying?” Or maybe, “Did you start out awake when you began blogging last night?” He’s obviously familiar with my comfortable blogging spot and the hour of day (or rather, night, heh, heh) in which I write.

rachel's random picture

My plan is to count sleep stolen in the recliner toward my night’s rest. I can get close to a decent 6, 7 or 8 hours that way. As long as I have strong coffee available the next day, I’m okay. Really. Pay no attention to the twitch.

colorful kids

The kids take a rest from their playing.

I’m afraid I’m too tired to come up with anything creative tonight. I’ll share some key points from our day.

- Joshua went off on a sleepover. Rachel and Daniel are very jealous.
- We had a play date with Julee and her girls this afternoon.
- We watched the delightful Miss Potter movie.
- We went for a bike ride after supper.

biking family

Not only are we campers but we’re also bikers! It’s a proud moment, truly.

I don’t think I should blog any further. I’ve started two other sentences that made absolutely no sense but seem to contain pieces of last night’s dream. I’m telling you, sleep blogging is a serious disorder.

I’ll make sure I have some adorable if random pictures and say goodnight. Sorry this wasn’t meaningful, spiritual or even funny. Sometimes the sleep just presses in and there’s nothing to do but give in to it.

Project 365, Day 194

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The Cousins are Coming!

The Cousins are Coming! One if by land, two if by sea.

Okay, they aren’t exactly British.
And they weren’t coming to fight.
And they didn’t arrive anywhere near midnight.

But they did come from far away (Norway) and they certainly went over land and sea on their way here.

Oh never mind.

In other words, Tim’s brother’s wife and children flew in yesterday. On their way to see the grandparents, they stopped by our house for dinner.

See, that doesn’t sound anywhere near as intriguing and creative as a good American Revolutionary battle cry. Sigh. I’m trying here folks.

We worked hard getting the house spiffied (is that even a word) up for company. The kids were motivated and excited to work – for the first 20 minutes. After that I resorted to bribery (popsicles), cash and threats. In varying degrees. To be used as necessary.

welcome sign

Sarah, David and Daniel made this beautiful sign.

The house (ahem, please don’t go into my bedroom) looked wonderful by the end of the afternoon. We did dishes, put away books, carried out trash and recycling, worked through the heaping piles of laundry and just generally picked up. Rachel mopped the kitchen floor for me (and only charged $1.50). All of the children cleaned their rooms.

At no charge. Aren’t they sweet.

rachel's sign

Rachel and Joshua were holding this sign outside when the cousins drove up. Talk about good timing!

Elizabeth admired the house and pretended that it always looks this fresh and clean. Ah, have I said before what wonderful sisters-in-law I have? She even turned a blind eye to the vacuum cleaner in the corner, still slightly smoking from excessive use (that’s what happens when you only vacuum once a month). I’m telling you, I love this woman!

After a few minutes of visiting and casual chit chat, Joshua and Timothy started right in on a game of Thurn and Taxis.

timothy and joshua

True gamers through and through!

The girls went outside to swing and talk. Rebecca is a gifted story teller and Rachel a gifted chatter (chatterer?) so I can only imagine the sweet conversation they enjoyed. Rachel and Joshua both e-mail Rebecca regularly so they easily picked up their cousin/friendship.

sarah, rachel, rebecca

Rachel and Rebecca talk, share and laugh while Sarah listens.

The younger boys went upstairs to Daniel’s room. They said they were reading Magic Treehouse books to David but this is what I saw when I went to check on them.

david, samuel and daniel

Hmmm, this is not exactly how I read a book but then I’m boring that way. Looks a wee bit more like wrestling than reading.

We had salad and pizza for dinner. It turns out Papa John’s is different from Papa Murphy’s although they both do sell pizza. Thankfully the restaurants are relatively close by so, hypothetically speaking, if you sent your husband to Papa M’s but then proceed to order pizza from Papa J’s, it doesn’t cost him too much time driving around trying to find some pizzas ordered for “Tim.”

Hypothetically speaking.

After dinner the girls served everyone ice cream and then washed all the dishes. Thanks, Rachel and Rebecca!! The 3 Musketeers went out looking for mischief in the garage and the rest of us played a game of Puerto Rico. At one point the desperadoes came through, no doubt looking for gold.

our distinguished visitors

Armed and dangerous??

The evening went by much too quickly and it was soon time for the Cousins to say goodbye. We didn’t have time to finish the game but counted up our points and named a victor. To keep Tim happy (after all he did write that great post on gaming this week), we let him win our game of Puerto Rico.

That’s not exactly true.

We want Tim to be happy – true.
He won the Puerto Rico game – true.
We let him win – false.

Well, it was almost true.

Have I mentioned recently that I really love this game? It’s my current favorite. Well, it was until Tim beat us all this evening. I’m consoling myself with the fact that the game ended early and there was still a chance I could have pulled ahead and beaten everyone. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Oops. That didn’t sound as sweet and genteel as I meant it to be. Stream of conscious blogging can be dangerous.

And I’m one of the non-competitive people in the family. Heh, heh.

smile, you win

Ever the humble, gracious winner.

I hope we have hours of game playing ahead of us next week. Tim will be home (no doubt brushing up on his Puerto Rico skills when he’s not working) while the children and I head off to camp. One of the fun things about the week of camp is gathering friends and family for games. Of course, with the Burts in Thailand we’ll be missing our favorite gaming friends. How can we possibly have day camp without them?? Daniel and Rachel are going to be especially sad without their ‘best friends forever’ staying right down the road. It just doesn’t seem right.

The only thing to do is play lots of games in their honor. Tina, I promise to win as much as possible. That’s the kind of friend I am.

Project 365 – Day 193

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What’s for Dinner?

After a full day playing in the water, David and Sarah were hungry for dinner. Mind you, my children seem to be hungry ALL the TIME. It doesn’t matter if we just finished a delicious meal, they are already thinking (and talking) about the upcoming snack. Really I don’t know why their mother doesn’t feed them.


These goggles accompany David on his journeys through the water – lake, pool, bathtub – they are faithful accessories.


Sarah keeps her head above water despite her brother’s attempts to splash her right out of the lake.

This afternoon we went straight from our lake outing to the church where we dropped off Rachel and Daniel. A little bit later Joshua went to middle school and only David and Sarah were left at home. Since it was still incredibly hot outside (at least for Washington state), the kids decided to get back in the water.

pool time

The lack of dirt and grass in the water is a clear indication that this picture is from yesterday, shortly after we bought the pool.

I thought this little plastic pool would be a big let down after hours in the lake. Nope, they had a fantastic time playing with the hose, jumping in and out of the pool, and throwing bowls of water on each other.

It was much too hot to make dinner. I started the grill but then realized I didn’t have any hamburger patties. Tim said we could just scrounge for food, obviously not remembering that there is a serious lack of leftovers these days with such hearty eaters. Finally I managed to fix David and Sarah plates of warmed up angel hair pasta, adding a hard-boiled egg for some protein.

Sarah was so excited to see this delicious dinner she clapped her hands in glee. “Oh, noodles and hard-boiled eggs, my best food.”


Yep, that’s her bestest food. Pasta and eggs.

I guess it’s true that hunger is the best sauce. Anyone else want to join us for dinner? It’s sure to be a culinary delight. Maybe it will turn out to be one of your best foods. You never know.

Project 365 – Days 191 & 192

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