A simple rose

Life is a bit more sedate, now that the family is off vacationing. I find myself deliberately making lots of noise just so the house doesn’t feel so empty. I even sat down on the floor in the garage and had a short (and rather one-sided) conversation with Matthias, our guinea pig.

I’ve been working from home most days, since I have so much work to do, as the end of the quarter approaches. Although I really like having quarterly goals to spur me on, it gets a little stressful when I try to pack three months’ work into two weeks’ time. Still, it has been good to be free to work as many hours as I can.

A rose in our garden

I did take a moment today to snap a few shots of our roses outside, because Kathy sounded very tired when I last talked to her, and I was afraid that we wouldn’t have a picture for the day. It would be a real shame to come to the negative attention of the Project 365 Police, and so I offer this simple picture to express the peace and serenity and, as a consequence, the loneliness of the day.

Project 365 — Day 166

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Kittens and Sisters

A kitten or a baby sister.

Every year on my birthday, as I blew out the candles on my cake, I wished for a kitten or a baby sister. I wasn’t really particular about which one. Didn’t happen. No kitten. No sweet little snuggly kitten to love and hold. No gray and white adorable little kitten to call my very own.

No baby sister either. Instead I got three brothers.

uncle phil and the family

Uncle Phil is here!! Grab the camera and start shooting. How’d my ‘baby’ brother get to be so tall??

God does, however, delight in reaching out and fulfilling our hopes and desires, often in ways different from what we expect. And also in His timing. Next week my baby brother is getting married and giving me a sister. The Lord has blessed me with wonderful sisters-in-law. My husband has one sister. His brother is married to a fantastic woman. My middle brother has an amazing wife. It turns out having brothers can still yield sisters!

This evening I was finally able to meet my newest sister-in-law to be. The kids have been so excited! They love all their aunts (and great aunts!) and were quite upset with Uncle Phil for planning to marry someone they had NEVER met. Really, the nerve. :)

phil and emily and the kids

Don’t they look young to have five children? Such a nice family. :)

Phil and Almost Aunt Emily joined us for a delicious dinner, dessert, some Stone Soup (the game not part of the meal) and several rounds of Five Crowns. Daniel sat close to Uncle Phil for most of the game time, playing a mean game of bluff in Stone Soup. It was one of those sweet sibling gatherings that are much too rare when family is spread out around the US.

Phil, we love Emily and are so glad to welcome her into the family. Thank you for making sure I get another sister.


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Mud pies, popsicles and hair cuts

Does it get much better than that?

Well, baked French toast for breakfast.
Sleeping in until 10:30 am.
Lunch with an old friend out on the deck.
Gorgeous sunshine.
Ping pong in the basement.

joshua's got the ball

Look at that concentration! How many times can you bounce the ball without stopping, Joshua???

High speed internet on the way.
Beef wrapped around feta, red peppers and spinach for dinner.
Bike rides on country roads.

rachel's new cut

Rachel’s gorgeous new cut (not too short – fresh and pretty).

highlights and all

Highlights and color for me – some of us ‘blondes’ need a little help.

Baby brother and fiancee coming for supper on Friday.
Another brother and beloved sister in law coming for Father’s Day on Sunday.

mamie's new look

Mamie’s fun short haircut. Thanks for treating us to some beautifying today, Mom!!!

A park date with a great friend planned for Tuesday.
Phone call from yet another brother.

Topping it all off…

VBS next week for ALL five kids!!!! And somehow my wonderful, wonderful mother managed to tell the sweet Vacation Bible School coordinators that “no, Kathy just couldn’t help with the program this year.” That means we have mornings all to ourselves with time for shopping or visiting or relaxing or whatever. Pure luxury.

sunshine and mud

Along side the treehouse is a little creek with some fabulous mud and plenty of itty bitty fish and frogs to keep any kid happy.

Yes, this is certainly the good life.

Project 365 – Day 165

P.S. To those of you whose blog I read (normally very faithfully) I will not be popping by for comments until that high speed (wireless too I hope) arrives. It took me over an hour to get my e-mail this evening. Yikes!

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Flying to Michigan

Let’s see, traveling with children:

Snacks – check
Books – check
Sugar – check
Presents – check
Blanket – check
Movies – check

That pretty much fills up my bag. I should probably pack something for the kids.

Just kidding. About the sugar. I’m off sugar these days.

The children and I flew to Michigan on Tuesday night. Tim is home (working from home most of the time). We took a red-eye flight which, in my opinion, is great. The kids are excited about going on a trip, which keeps them in a good mood until the plane gets started. At that point the Dramadine (or Benadryl, take your pick of over-the-counter meds) kicks in and they sleep for the rest of the flight. Perfect. It’s a little difficult for any grown up in the bunch (who can’t, in good conscience, take sleep-inducing medicine while flying with five children on an airplane) and who can’t scrunch down across the seat and fall into a deep sleep.

ready to fly!

This trip we used up every spare frequent-flier and credit card mile we had (and most of my parent’s as well). One of the tickets was in first class. I chortled with glee when the travel agent told me it was available for the same about of frequent-flier miles. “Oh yeah,” I said to myself, “a red-eye flight in first class. I can definitely handle that.” I booked the ticket and went on to figure out the rest of the flight arrangements. It wasn’t until a couple of days later, when I was bragging about my great deal, that my mom asked me if Tim was flying with us. “No,” I said. “Well,” she answered, pausing, “who is going to get that first-class seat?” “Um, that would be me!” (Doing a little happy dance over the phone.) Another pause and she gently dropped the bomb:

“Who will sit with the children?”

Back to reality in row 33.

Oh NO!!!!! I reserved a first class seat, at no extra expense, and wasn’t going to be able to enjoy it. NOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Great sadness. Just like I can’t really take some Valium (I mean Benadryl) before the flight, I guess I can’t really sit up in first class while my five children (one being a four year old) sit 31 rows behind me.

When I checked in at the counter, I didn’t pay any attention to the seat assignments. It was enough of a challenge to figure out how many bags we were checking, how many children were flying (okay that one wasn’t too difficult), and not lose any of the carry-on bags (or the children). Luckily we were all wearing matching shirts. Yep, that helps. Or at least it makes for some cute pictures.

matching kiddos

It wasn’t until we we said goodbye to Tim, navigated security (with two laptops), found our way to the gate, made several trips to the bathroom, handed out goodies, and bought me a salad that I had a chance to look at the boarding passes. It turns out there were TWO seats in first class!!! I don’t have any idea how THAT happened. Of course, Rachel immediately began to beg, cry and plead for the second seat. Tim (consulted via cell-phone) suggested I have Rachel and Daniel take the first class spots and then I could switch with one of them half way through the flight. Daniel was oblivious to the whole thing and didn’t seem to recognize the elite status and glory awarded to the first-class traveler, so I wasn’t sure what to do.

We boarded early as befit our new-found prestige and status. I can’t imagine how many frequent-flier miles you would need to fly a whole family in first class. The person checking tickets laughed and laughed at my dilemma (big help, thanks) and advised me to take Sarah up front with me and leave the rest in the back. Now that’s an idea I hadn’t considered. Hmmmm. Ultimately, I realized Sarah wouldn’t remember this trip, but Rachel and Joshua will, and what a fun opportunity to say, “I flew first class when I was 11.”

The trip went well. I didn’t get any pictures of Joshua and Rachel schmooozing it up in first class, no doubt exchanging business cards and investment tips with the other travelers and helping themselves to drinks (on the house). My plan to low-crawl up the aisle and switch with one of them half way through the flight was never realized. Thirty-one rows is a long distance and the flight attendant didn’t seem to thrilled with the idea:

“We prefer our passengers choose a cabin and stay there throughout the flight.” Small plastic smile.

“Really,” I thought to myself. “Well, then I’d like to choose first class from now on and stay there!”

No doubt my face reflected a little of my thoughts on the subject as she quickly said, “But we do our best to accommodate the situation. Don’t you trust them up here?”

“Hello? No, I just want to sleep in first class rather than back with the other peasants,” I said.

Sarah woke up in the middle of the flight and needed to use the bathroom. She was awake the rest of the time, whispering to me every time I started to doze off.

I guess I was destined for row 33.

Thankfully we are now safe and sound in Michigan and beginning a wonderful visit with my parents.

tree fort clean up

Blogging from MI

Project 365 – Day 164

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History of Our Blog

Have you ever participated in a Blog Carnival? Not many have, and most of them are rather mysterious about the whole experience. Thinking about carnivals I’ve attended, they all seem to involve some kind of a festival marked by merrymaking and processions, which sounds like a lot of fun (Kettle Corn, anyone?). A blog I occasionally read (Don’t Try This At Home) is currently hosting a Blog Carnival, spotlighting how and why people blog. There are many (more than 100, last time I looked) people participating in the carnival. The questions are interesting and include helpful tips so if you are interested in blogging and want to meet some new cyber friends, head over to this link and start reading. Face painting costs extra.

I asked Tim to help me answer these compelling and intriguing questions so this blog is from both of us.

• How did you start blogging?

We were first introduced to blogging by Tim’s brother, who was stationed in Korea while his family stayed in Kansas. He found an early copy of Moveable Type and used it as a way to stay in touch. Tim (being the super geeky cool computer guy that he is) was charmed by Moveable Type’s ease-of-use (see, only a true computer guy can use “charmed” and “Moveable Type” in the same sentence) and immediately grabbed a copy to host on our domain.

• Did you intend to be a blog w/a following? If so, how did you go about it?

We didn’t originally, and (for the most part) are not now particularly seeking a following. We mostly write for family, and have a short list of about 25 people who are notified when we post a new entry. There are a handful of others who read occasionally, based on comment volumes.

• What do you hope to achieve or accomplish with your blog? Have you been successful? If not, do you have a plan to achieve those goals?

Tim: As I approached my 40th birthday, I began to feel my mortality, and adopted the blog as a way to leave a legacy of all my deep and philosophical thoughts to my children. I have been wildly successful in achieving that goal, except for the ‘deep’ and ‘philosophical’ parts.

Kathy: Being a failed scrap-booker (coming clean here) my plan was to use the blog to capture some of our family’s daily foibles (complete with pictures) and create a digital scrapbook of sorts.

playdoh kids

Obviously we blog in order to show the loftily-intellectual moments in our homeschooling day. Yes, that is ALL the children playing with Playdoh (including a mature 13 year old).

• Has the focus of your blog changed since you started blogging? How?

Tim: For a long time, I was the primary author of this blog, waxing eloquently on whatever was the topic du jour. It was wonderful. Usually, when I tell my stories and pontificate, there is much rolling of the eyes and yawning, which tends to put me off my stride. With the blog, I could go on (and on) without being unnecessarily burdened by the question of interest among my readers. Kathy rarely posted, feeling somehow unable to compete with my powerful and pithy prose (and being too busy rolling her eyes). Sadly, this golden era came to an untimely end with the advent of Project 365. Responding to a challenge from another blogger, Kathy decided to post a picture and a (supposedly short) entry about that picture each day, as a way to chronicle the year of 2007. At first I tried to hold my own, posting sporadically, but I was soon overwhelmed by her sheer volume, as she posted dozens of pictures and multiple entries each day. At the time of this writing, she will soon have posted twice as many entries as I, in spite of the fact that I had a two-year head start.

Kathy: I began blogging in earnest in January with the Project 365. As I began to post, I found blogging to be a wonderful way to sharpen my writing. It has been many years since I’ve taken any time to write (thousands of e-mails notwithstanding) and I am rusty (and find myself in need of pulling my vocabulary and writing out of the Go Dog Go level). Since I’ve begun to connect with other “Mommy Bloggers”, my writing has shifted. I love receiving comments and creating a dialogue between readers. At times I write for my children (even TO my children). When the Lord is teaching me something difficult or soul-stretching, I blog on it (to share with others and further crystallize my thinking). I always appreciate when other bloggers pass along great recipes and book reviews, so if I come across something tasty or helpful or fun, I post it right on the blog as soon as possible. Just trying to do my part and all. :)

• What do you know now that you wish you’d known when you started?

Initially we disabled trackback pings and comments, because the vast majority of comments and pings were spam. Later, we discovered that comments are a fun way to interact with readers, and can serve as a major source of encouragement in continuing to post.

• Do you make money with your blog?

No. It is enough that we get to say our piece without adding insult to injury, making people actually pay for the privilege. Some readers have suggested that we pay them, and so Kathy recently had a contest in which she awarded a free CD. Being realists, we anticipate more of these kind of contests in the future.

• Does your immediate or extended family know about your blog? If so, do they read it? If not, why?

Yes, our immediate family members are some of our biggest fans, and many of them read the blog faithfully. We use e-mail notification so that some people are automatically e-mailed whenever we post a blog. In my happy little (delusional?) world I see them greeting that e-mail with delight and joy every day. We set up notifications before RSS feeds became widely used by bloggers. Sometimes we post an entry with the deliberate intent of provoking a reaction from a particular family member, to the amusement of all. We have found that the internet is a particularly rewarding venue for the airing of our family’s dirty laundry.

dentist anyone

Strange as it may seem, readers don’t seem to care if pictures have nothing to do with the text. This suggests that a lot of people don’t read the text, a subject we try not to dwell upon.

• What two pieces of advice would you give to a new blogger?

The first is not to be discouraged by the 70 million other weblogs that have thoroughly filled all possible public niches. Start your blog, talk about whatever you want – blogging is not about being read, rather about writing. Either you’ll generate some interest or you won’t, but along the way, be sure to have fun. Write to please yourself, and then it doesn’t matter if others read your posts or not.

The second is to use lots of pictures. About half of your readers (or more, if you move in a particularly illiterate social circle) will not have patience to read every blathering paragraph that oozes off your keyboard – many will need eye candy to hold their interest. You need at least one picture for every three paragraphs, preferably with a pithy caption. Buy yourself a good digital camera and make sure you have blog software that makes uploading pictures easy – then go to town.

Find other blogs that you enjoy. Comment often. Laugh, learn, grow, and share!

Tim and Kathy
Project 365 – Day

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