P365 – Day 126 & 127 (Sick Children)

I would like to have witty or insightful things to post on the blog this evening but I don’t think it’s going to happen. I seem to be empty, or at least out of time and energy. I’m much too tired to stay awake and blog. Although sleep blogging is fun, what appears appropriate in the night is embarrassing the next morning (despite Joyce’s kind words about my blogging). So I am forcing myself to just post the pictures from yesterday and today with just a few words. Then I can get on to sleep.

david in his pj's

Just what is this boy doing outside in his pajamas at bedtime??? “One more game, Mom!!”

Sarah is sick. She came downstairs crying last night that her ear hurt. Oh dear! I can ignore lots of things (hoping they will go away on their own) but an ear infection actually needs real medication (not just the over the counter kind).

We went in to see the doctor, late this afternoon. He said she did indeed have ear troubles and had just ruptured her ear drum (he assured me that sounds far worse than it is). Ouch! There’s just no way that can be pleasant. The doctor and I began talking about strep throat and we both agreed a throat culture would be a good idea.

not sarah

This child is NOT Sarah but he is outside enjoying a snack.

Yup! Not only does little Sarah have an ear infection, she also has strep throat. My goodness. That is no fun! He said she’s highly contagious for two days. Oh, good, isn’t that lovely. Now what do I do about the friend who babysat Sarah today with her own two children playing with Sarah and two other friends from church over for the morning??? Lie, ignore it all, run away? These are all great suggestions, thanks!

Needless to say, Sarah got her antibiotics as did Joshua and Rachel. They both recently suffered from the same cold and sore throat (although perhaps not as severe). Sarah went to bed asking if she could sleep in our room. She wondered if I was going to sleep with Daddy this evening. Ha! She obviously wanted to score a spot on the comfy bed. Last night she and I slept on the couch downstairs until I heard Tim climb into the shower in the wee morning. At that point I told Sarah we were moving to better pasture lands and took off. The bed has never felt so wonderful.


This was BEFORE the pain hit Sarah. She could still smile easily.

Hopefully Sarah’s ear will begin to heal quickly. Thanks for praying for her.

pampered and cared for

Time for bed?


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Tragedy Hits Our Small Group

Today we began a new study in our Sunday School class. We looked at chapter one of II Corinthians. We discussed these verses for a long time:

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.

We talked about what it means to suffer, how it is that God comforts us, how God uses our suffering to comfort others, and what it looks like to bring God’s compassion to those who are suffering around us.

It was an excellent class with lots of thought-provoking conversation. Who knew it would be such an appropriate passage? I guess the Lord knew, as He was the one who very obviously led us to this passage this morning.

I was working on a marriage questionnaire, this afternoon, for our Love and Respect Small Group when we got a phone call. It was one of the members of our group. I immediately began to fret because I really wanted everyone to be there tonight. Tim and I had planned a special time of discussion for the couples and I didn’t want anyone to miss it.

I never expected it would be something far worse than a sick child. I looked at Tim’s face during the call and knew it was something serious.

“Jason is dead,” he said while holding the phone.

WHAT???? We have two Jason’s in our group. They are both active duty military. One is serving in Afghanistan, the other in Iraq. NOOOOOOO!!!

It was Jason H. in Iraq.

“Are they sure? Maybe they made a mistake,” I immediately insisted. Tim shook his head and gestured for me to wait. Finally he got off the phone. There had been a car bomb in Iraq and 6 soldiers had been killed, one of whom was a young man from our Small Group. He and his wife, Emily, had only been married a few weeks when they came to our church. They visited our Sunday School class and were instantly adopted by our Small Group. Five months after they had been married, Jason was deployed. He came home in September for a few weeks of leave and returned to Iraq. Recently we learned that his tour of duty there was extended until November.

Emily was in my cabin at the Women’s Retreat. In the middle of the retreat Jason called and told her they could use his extended bonus pay to go for a honeymoon. She spent a good part of the retreat dreaming about places they could go to celebrate their marriage.

Now she is left with shattered dreams.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.

Tim and I prayed for Emily as soon as we hung up the phone. Or rather, Tim prayed as I couldn’t even find words to pray. I let Tim pray for me and cried out in my spirit for Emily and her pain and suffering. An hour and a half after the time we heard the news, all the women in our Small Group had gathered in Emily’s apartment and were there crying and (somewhat strangely) laughing with her. We passed around tissue boxes, hugged Emily, talked about Jason, looked over wedding pictures, and finally, when the pastor and his wife came, prayed over Emily.

My heart breaks for Emily. There are no words I can give her that will ease her pain. We spent much of the time sitting with her in silence, tears running down our cheeks.

Dear Lord,

Please uphold this dear sister. Wrap your arms around her. Let her feel Your presence so keenly and firmly that she knows her tears are wiped away by Your loving hand.

Thank You for the people who love Emily, who rush to be by her side and who know true comfort comes from You. Let Emily rest in You, walk with You, and know You will catch her when she falls.

Give those of us who are called to be beside Emily during this tragedy wisdom and grace and compassion. Fill our mouths with words of comfort. Lord, when we don’t know what to say, intercede for us. May your Spirit speak for us and comfort Emily. Thank you, Father.


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P365 – Day 125 (Knight’s Adventure)

This group is not as innocent as they look.


No, underneath those polite smiles and gentle demeanors lie ruthless, battle driven hearts.

It all started in a land far, far away. The Grand Papa of Them All championed his Tallest Knight for a risky and terrible quest – to slay the Front Tree. Aye, the Front Tree of unwieldy branches. It was a brisk and gray day, the air carried the promise of a drizzle. There was no time for delay, at any moment the Great Lawn Debris Munching Monster would be arriving to whisk away unsuspecting leaves and branches. The Tallest Knight hurried on his way, saw in hand.

The Grand Papa worried that the task was too difficult, too unpleasant…too fun???

The Tallest Knight enlisted two Red Squires. These faithful companions rode out with the Tallest Knight, ready to be by his side through any hardship they might face. No school work was too pressing that it could not be laid aside for this adventure. This was what they had been training and waiting for all these months.

red knights

practicing for war

After the Front Tree was appropriate vanquished, there was much pillaging and plundering. Even the Princess of the town picked up a piece of the spoils. There was victory and, as hoped, a light mist in the air.

sarah fights

Since this terrible battle, the training among the Tallest Knight and his Squires has been fierce. They are ready to go out and defend the innocent people of the land, tackling Front AND Back Trees as necessary.

daniel's stick


Sometimes, when the wind is crisp, the sky blue and the tattered flags flying, the line between pretend and actual battle is blurred.

joshua and daviddavid and joshua 2

The Tallest Knight has learned he must watch his squires carefully.

the squire and his knight

The Princess has proved a diligent student of the arts. She pursues her drills with a passion.

sarah and danielsarah runs

The Princess does not stop until her enemies are brought to their knees. The Tallest Knight would be wise to choose her for his next quest, wherever it may be.

sarah and daniel

There will be no fear in the hearts of the people of this drizzly land, for the Tallest Knight, his Faithful Squires, and the Pink Princess are ready for action.

what a group!


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P365 – Day 124 (Applebee’s Luncheon)

Since our homeschooling co-op ended last week (sniff, sniff) one of the many wonderful and brilliant moms suggested we meet for lunch at Applebee’s this Friday.

Hooray, Sherry! Excellent idea.

Tim was an absolute angel and took care of all the children for me while I was gone. Not only did he watch (although, since he was working, some could argue he wasn’t really “watching” the children) our five, he also took care of (maybe I should just change that to ‘was the adult presence’) Jennifer’s five children so she could join us.

Thank you, Tim!!!!!!!!!!

We had a lovely time visiting, talking and enjoying a yummy meal.

I brought my camera with me but didn’t remember it until the very end. One of the ladies had already left so she missed the photo op. Sorry, Holly! I would Photoshop you in if I could, but that requires Photoshop and a photo of you (neither of which I have at this time). We’ll just use our imagination and add in one more gorgeous, smiling face.


Not only was this a fun outing full of interesting conversation and much laughter, it also yielded an extremely important piece of information…the name of a GREAT hairstylist! Holly and I begged Sherry to call and see if there were any available appointments. I let Holly go first (then I can check out her hair and see if I want to keep my appointment – that’s me, selfless) and I scheduled something for the first of June.

The children had a great time with their friends, the moms had a wonderful time talking with other grown ups (and actually finishing complete sentences), and Tim worked amid all the chaos.


Sheer bliss!


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P365 – Day 123 (National Day of Prayer)

Today was the National Day of Prayer. Since our family is a bunch of prayer warriors, the children and I went off to the town center to join in the local prayer event. Okay we’re more like prayer serfs who are fighting their way up to noblemen. Still, as Tim reported, we are all growing in our commitment to prayer and this was a great opportunity for us to pray together with other believers.

praying saints

We got to the town center just after noon. The e-mail we received said the prayer time was from 12:20 to 12:40 pm. There must have been some confusion on the details as the director ended the prayer time just a little after 12:15 pm. Several people from our church arrived just as it was ending. It was a bit frustrating. Thankfully the children and I were there in time to be a part of things.

praying children

Warning – as I OBVIOUSLY wouldn’t take a picture of people praying during the prayer meeting (really, my eyes would be closed, I promise) this photo is somewhat staged. Can you hear me saying to the children, “Pretend you’re praying, kids! Let’s get a good shot.” Please don’t answer that question.”

A friend from church grabbed my camera and took a picture of us. I’ll spare you the ‘fake praying family’ shot I have. There were around 25 people (not including us) meeting around the flag pole and lifting up our requests to the Lord.

family picture

I don’t think I did a good job of prepping the children about the significance of the event and what a privilege it was to join with people around the nation praying for our country. One child kept asking me when the play time was going to start. “No,” I said, “we’re going to be PRAYING not PLAYING.” It’s hard to keep these things straight.

On the way home the children decided they wanted to become photo-journalists, so I ended up with 166 pictures on my camera at the end of the day. Of course, many of them were like this:

sarah closeupdavid

Sarah was quite the little photographer today. But she had a difficult time getting the angle correct on the camera.

sarah's chin

And, you gotta love the child who captured this high energy, action shot:

joshua's sock

I should let the kids take pictures more often. What a great photo documentary of our life. After all, it’s important our sophisticated reading material is captured on camera.

mickey mouse

Someone did take this pretty picture. I would guess it was Rachel as she is the gardener in the family and has proven to be an excellent photographer at times (like when we’re at the zoo).


Later on in the day, just before dinner, Tim took the children out to the park in celebration of Daniel’s Special Day (trying to get back into the habit of doing SD’s). You could say that it was a Praying and Playing kind of day. :)

daniel waves


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