Too tired to blog? Sleep Blogging.

I do most of my blogging late at night. The kids are in bed, the house is quiet and I have time to think and write. Since we moved the chairs around in the family room my ‘computer chair’ is now Cream Puff (the incredibly comfortable, leather recliner we bought from some friends). If I’m not careful I find myself drifting asleep while sitting at the computer, in the middle of typing. This, my friends, is not good.

There is a phrase for this phenomenon: blog sleeping or maybe even sleep blogging. It’s similar to sleep walking and sleep talking although potentially MUCH more embarrassing. When you walk or talk in your sleep, who sees or hears you? Your family (if they happen to wake). If you’re in college then perhaps the number is greater – roommates or other people in the dorm.

If you sleep blog, however, there is the potential for LOTS of people to witness it (I mean, there are 10′s of people who frequent this blog on a semi-regular basis). Not to mention the fact that the blog would be forever held in the cyber world.

Taking all of this into consideration, although I started a blog last night, loaded pictures, and even tried to be somewhat thoughtful, I couldn’t publish it. I was sleep blogging. I would type some and then recline into the plush depths of Cream Puff and fall asleep. I was afraid that I would wake in the morning, go to read the blog and find that all I had posted was blogging gibberish.

That would certainly elicit a few comments!

So, I had to face Joshua (“No blog this morning, Mom???”) and Tim. They are the early risers in the family and my faithful blog readers. Here’s the e-mail Tim sent me. Sigh.

Imagine my shock when I found no new blog on our website this morning. What could possibly have happened?

Abduction by space aliens?
No, I remember you were in bed when I left.
Power failure?
No, my alarm went off (curse it to the fiery inferno) just as I was getting back to sleep from my allergy attack.
Broke both hands at the wrists?
No, you would have woken me up to take you to the emergency room.

The mind boggles … I’m sure you’ll have a good answer for your outraged readers. :) Tim

The pressure, folks, the pressure.


*Edited to add picture


I was obviously missing my coffee last night when I was sleep blogging. A little caffeine can really perk up a blog.

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P365 – Day 117 (Homeschooling Co-Op Ends)

Well, last week was the homeschool co-op play and this week we ended the year of co-op with Friends and Family Night. There were 11 tables set up along the hallways, displaying work the students had completed throughout the semester.

display tables

david's class

We had our first ever graduation ceremony for two seniors, finishing their high school studies. The kids hugged friends, making plans to visit during the summer.

rachel's friends

Rachel made some great friends this year!

The moms/teachers high-fived each other, cheering the end of another successful semester. The drill team performed their award winning routine. The 1st-3rd grade puppet class gave us an amazing show to the Veggie Tales song, Where is my Hairbrush (a huge favorite in this household). Finally it was time to take everything down and say goodbye.

david helps

good bye civil war

posters be gone

David helped me take down the posters and papers from my Civil War class.

Thank you, board members, teachers, assistants and other hard-working members of the co-op, we appreciate all your devotion and service!! Until next year…

empty hallway

An empty hallway.


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P365 – Day 106 (Yo-Yo’s from Norway)

The relentless pace of this Project 365 drives me to take pictures (at least ONE) daily. My children and other fans keep me blogging practically daily. The look Joshua gives me in the morning when he discovers I haven’t blogged (which has only happened ONCE or TWICE since I started) is heart breaking. Okay, it’s amusing and gratifying (keep ‘em hungry I always say) at the same time but serves to keep me on the straight and narrow path of blogging.

samuel and daniel

Cousin Samuel and Daniel May 2006

I’m not very good at approaching thing in a balanced manner. The idea that I could take a picture (and therefore still fulfill the basic requirement of the Project 365) and NOT blog on it, is very difficult for me to grasp. Tim tells me I can take a day off from blogging now and then but all I hear is “Wah, wah, wah” like he’s Charlie Brown’s teacher. Of course, I know what’s really going on. He just wants to get me off the blog so HE can do some writing. Some people are so devious they’ll use anything in their power to steal a blog.

samuel and daniel

Samuel and Daniel as Indians in the Nisqually Historic Re-enactment, April 2006.

All of this (way too long) is to say I just can’t let Day 106 fall into obscurity. I simply HAVE to blog on it. I took the pictures. I have things to say (I heard that :snort: Tim). Heaven forbid I let there be a lapse in the blogging days.

Whew, it feels good to just get that off my chest. Now I can go on to post a very short blog on Day 106.

Daniel got a package from Norway. Yay! The Cousins live in Norway.

group of missionaries

A bunch of Nisqually Missionaries.

The Cousins were here for all the birthdays last year. Samuel and Daniel spent many hours playing together and plotting sleep overs. Only good things come from Norway (in our very limited experience).

As soon as Joshua saw the package he announced, “It’s a yo-yo.”

daniel's package

What could it be?

Okay, I have very strict rules in my house about presents. You are not allowed to give away secrets. You are not allowed to feel packages and guess what they are. You are, under no circumstances, allowed to tell the birthday person what someone else got them. This is a line that we DO NOT CROSS. The fact that Joshua would tell Daniel that there was a yo-yo in his Norway package was a serious offense!

what is it?

This looks suspicious!

I immediately took Joshua aside for a lecture and possibly some push-ups. Birthdays are sacred events and infringing on gift secrecy is a big deal. From the push-up position Joshua maintained his innocence. “I just guessed. I don’t KNOW what’s in there.” Since Joshua is generally considered a trust-worthy and honest young man, we decided to take him on his word (and let him out of the push-up position).

Imagine our shock when, indeed, Daniel’s package from Norway contained a YO-YO!!!!

It IS a yo-yo!

All eyes flew from the yo-yo to Joshua, who immediately burst into laughter. “I didn’t know! I didn’t know!” He protested (between guffaws). “It was just a guess. Really, you have to believe me.”

laughingmore laughing

Thankfully Daniel is a kind-hearted boy and doesn’t hold grudges. He forgave Joshua’s indiscretion, whether it was real or accidental, and went straight-away to try out his new yo-yo. The rest of us, however, are still a bit miffed. I shudder to think what The Cousins are going to do once they read this blog. It’s a good thing Joshua’s birthday isn’t until October, he has plenty of time to redeem himself. I can just imagine what kind of package Joshua COULD receive (those Vikings were some intense warriors).


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P365 – Day 110 (The Play is On)

I am finally getting around to posting the blog about the kids’ play, How the West Was Dun from last week.

It’s Friday and time for the big play, time for the kids to ‘break a leg’ and show us all their stuff. The children stayed at the church all afternoon and into the evening, getting ready for the play. Bless the drama teacher!!! She works so hard and is always cheerful and encouraging.


Band of Outlaws

The play was wonderful! It was funny and silly and full of intrigue and romance and bad guys! As Rachel commented on yesterday’s blog, the drama class was shorter this year (by 20 minutes each week and a month in total duration) so the kids had much less time to practice. There were several painful moments on the stage when the actor didn’t remember their lines. Yikes! Not good. Unfortunately the drama teacher was in the back working the lights and there wasn’t anyone in the wings to help prompt the kids.

Ah, the show must go on, nonetheless.

Joshua played the banker and all around ruthless bad guy. He did a great job with all of his lines and could have used a microphone (although he, of all the actors, really knows how to project his voice). Joshua, as Rich Coldheart, longed to marry the widow’s daughter, not for love, but for her money. He had an evil scheme in which he would get the widow’s land and possibly the beautiful daughter as well. Wicked!


Joshua and Polly Wanda Cracker

Rachel was one of the group of ‘bad guys.’ She played the Schizeophrenic Kid and switched back and forth between a bad and good character/criminal, depending on what hat she was wearing (black or white). She had a great deal of lines and delivered them perfectly. It was hysterical watching her change from well-spoken, polite gunswoman to nasty, rough scoundrel.

rachel's group

Rachel is on the far right. What a crew!

Daniel starred as the Lone Stranger. Much of the play was a take off on stereotypes and typical Western fare. Daniel had some very funny lines (and wore two layers of black masks which provided some fun physical humor). He wasn’t on the stage nearly enough! The drama class provided a wonderful opportunity for Daniel to try his hand at acting. It encouraged him in his reading and public speaking as well as taught him something of the work involved in the world of theater.


“Sorry, my friend, but his name was Toronto (my ex-faithful companion). I finally understood what he was saying. I thought he was saying Kemosabe, but it turned out he was calling me ‘Unclean and Snobby.’ I had to fire him.”

What a fun, fun evening! I took as many pictures as I could. We are sincerely hoping one of the other parents got the play on video so we can see it again.


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Prayer Conference

In January, Kathy and I were invited to attend the Great Commission Conference at Jefferson Baptist Church in Oregon, with about 25 other folks from our church. It was a two-day seminar, starting noon-ish on Monday and ending about the same time on Wednesday. We stayed overnight at a local hotel, and attended all the sessions, including the evening mealtimes hosted by some of the members of the Jefferson church.

I must admit, I had second (and third and fourth) thoughts about going to the seminar, which I had heard advertised as ‘the Prayer Conference’ … I’ve never been much of a prayer warrior, and I was afraid I would spend the whole time feeling beat-up and inadequate. I didn’t really know what to expect, and I thought several times of canceling, but my parents had already agreed to watch the kids, so we didn’t really have a good excuse not to go.

(Then a wicked scheme crossed my mind: I could still let my parents watch the children, but Kathy and I could secretly stay home! “What are the odds,” I mused, “that my folks will talk to our pastor, who, after the conference, will conveniently be away on sabbatical for three months? Perhaps I could avoid direct questions about the conference or wave my hands and speak generally about prayer, from my vast personal store of knowledge?” It was really that last consideration that brought my whole web of deceit crashing down — frankly, I didn’t know enough about prayer to talk convincingly about it for very long. I could just imagine my Mom, fixing me with a steely gaze, asking, “So, what did you actually learn at this seminar?”)

kids waiting
I’m not sure you could get anything past these kids, either.

So we squared our shoulders and drove down to Oregon that wintry Monday morning. Almost the first thing that the speaker addressed was the value of ‘volume prayer’ as opposed to ‘token prayer’. Pastor Duke argued that the main missing element in most people’s prayer life is volume … most people don’t know how much they pray and (as a result) they don’t pray very much. He mentioned how many times we are asked to pray in the New Testament, and suggested that we ought to be frequently ‘struggling’ or ‘persevering’ in prayer:

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. — I Thessalonians 5:16-18

I found the idea that ‘volume matters’ with prayer vaguely distasteful. I’m reminded of what Jesus said about the prayers of those who wanted to be heard on the street corners and the prayers of those who ‘babble meaninglessly’, and I am skeptical that ‘more is better’. It seems insulting to God, that He would be impressed, duped or fooled by quantity where there is minimal quality (or at least no guarantee of any particular quality).

But then I think about the other things Jesus said about secrecy in prayer and about the woman who persevered with the unjust judge, and I’m not so sure. How can you read “Pray continually” or “Pray without ceasing” and not come to a conclusion that somehow quantity matters? Maybe my hostility to the idea stems from my long-term practice of extremely low-volume prayer.

tim's shopping
Even at prayer conferences, you need to slip out for a diet Coke run. Sadly (for Kathy), there wasn’t a Starbucks anywhere around.

One thing that people often say, according to Pastor Duke, is that “it is not the length of time that I pray that matters, but rather the sincerity of the heart.” He chuckled rather cynically over that quote, which was a bad sign of what was coming. But then he gave a very helpful analogy, which really connected with me.

“Prayer is not a matter of a simple yes or no answer,” he claims. “People think that prayer is like sitting down for dinner, and asking God to pass the potatoes. He will either pass them or he won’t — that’s a common misconception about prayer. Instead, imagine a teeter-totter or a see-saw with one of your largest congregants sitting on one end.”

Duke pointed to one of his assistant pastors, amidst general laughter.

“Like Jim, here. Now, suppose there was a large cardboard box strapped to the other end of the see-saw. Prayer is like picking up a rock and putting it in the cardboard box. At first, Jim won’t budge. But if enough of you picked up rocks and put them in the cardboard box, eventually someone would put a rock in the box and Jim would rise off the ground.”

It was helpful for me to reflect on that analogy, especially as I considered that the last rock that was placed in the box was not necessarily the biggest rock, but rather it was the combination of all the rocks that lofted Jim into the air.

see saw

Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured. – Colossians 4:12

Duke suggested that some prayers are fairly easily granted, but that others are more difficult and involve a struggle in the spiritual realm. He reminded us of the passage in Daniel 10, when Daniel fasted and prayed for three weeks about a prophetic vision he had received:

Then he [Gabriel] continued, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia. Now I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the future, for the vision concerns a time yet to come.”

Apparently Duke has had many people argue with him that volume of prayer doesn’t matter. He challenged us, “Is 60 seconds of prayer a day enough?” He seemed to assume that the answer would be “No” (and, in fact, most of the pastors and leaders in the auditorium were shaking their heads). He concluded that people do, in fact, agree that the length of time in prayer matters, but that they merely disagree about how much time is needed.

A formula (used by the JBC church as a motto) repeated throughout the conference is this:

No prayer, no blessing
Little prayer, little blessing
Much prayer, much blessing

My prior experience doesn’t bear this out. I am a thoroughly blessed person, and (before the conference) I prayed (on average) less than 5 minutes a day. Some days I prayed less than 60 seconds, but on Wednesdays and Sundays I tended to pray more. I’m not sure I really buy into the idea that God only blesses in accordance with our volume of prayer. Of course, maybe I am only blessed a little, but I lack the insight to see how much more blessing is available.

Duke unabashedly admits, “I’m greedy. I pray because I want lots of blessing. I want my marriage, my work, my kids to be blessed. I even want my dog to be blessed. I just plain want more blessing.”

pastor Duke
Pastor Dee Duke, Jefferson Baptist Church, Oregon.

Pastor Duke claims that he prays three hours each day, and prays for nearly everyone he comes in contact with … the scale of the operation boggles my mind, a little. Am I greedy enough to pray like that?

When we think about blessings, we generally think in terms of our specific needs (and wants) as expressed in our prayers, being answered. I ask God for a better car, He answers, voila, I am blessed. But Duke spoke as though getting specific answers to our prayers were only scratching the surface of prayer. He mentioned several other types of blessings:

  • Prayer brings unity
  • I must admit, as a teacher and a wanna-be prophet, I don’t value unity much. I am more concerned with doctrinal purity than unity, any day of the week. While I acknowledge scriptural calls to preserve unity in the church, I tend to be more passionate about doctrinal purity and I see the call for unity as being often abused by those who seek to water down the scriptures.

  • Prayer brings love
  • There is no question that this is a need in my life. I love very anemically, especially in the church, community and world. I think that this principle is very evident – the more I have prayed about someone or something, the more I have been given a tender heart toward the people involved.

  • Prayer brings a deeper knowledge of God
  • I pride myself on knowing God’s word, but do I know His heart? One of the things I have long understood about prayer is that it is very helpful in aligning my heart with God’s … the more I pray, the more I am sensitive to God’s will, which changes the way that I pray and the things I pray for.

  • Prayer brings a willingness to serve
  • I am not too geeked about this one. Many times I feel overwhelmed in the service that I am already committed to … I’m not sure I really want to be more willing to serve. :)

Hmmm. I see an interesting trend developing. Among the blessings mentioned, the ones that are personal to me, that involve my health, my marriage, my peace, my family, my job, my prosperity – those are the blessings that I value and am willing to ‘pay’ for, even to the extent of praying (if necessary). But the blessings that impact God’s kingdom – improving my pastor’s preaching, caring for the needs of others outside my immediate circle, saving the souls of the lost, advancing the ministry of the church – these things don’t seem to matter to me enough to pray about. I can’t help thinking that this is a reflection of my spiritual immaturity – that I care little about the things of God because I love God in a rather shallow and superficial way.

Do I want to accomplish anything of spiritual value in my life? Am I content to join the masses of time-serving Christians who make their way through life as spiritual spectators? Or do I want to be great in the eyes of God? I am sensing that the matter of prayer may be the distinguishing factor in terms of the spiritual quality of my life.

Back in the Fall of 2005, I was invited to take part in our Pastor’s leadership class, which met twice a month on Thursday mornings. About 15 of us were taught and gently encouraged not to settle for mediocrity in our spiritual lives, but to press on for the prize that was put before us. I developed a real fondness for a number of the men who attended the class, and would point them out to Kathy as ‘one of my boys’ when I would see them in church. We pretended to have a secret hand-shake and carried on as if we were sharing all kinds of deep and intimate truths, if only to annoy and mystify our wives. As it happened, though, three of the men from that class went on to become the core of my accountability group; we spend about 90 minutes together each week to pray for and encourage each other in godliness.

Me and one of my 'boys'
Randy and me at the Prayer Conference

I would have to say that it was the men’s leadership class that laid the groundwork for my attendance of this prayer conference, and made me start to think about pressing on in my walk with my Savior. I think it is easy to reach a plateau and to settle for ‘getting by’ as one begins to mature in age — and so years go by and the heart grows cold toward the Lord.

I found it very funny (and typical of this seminar) that Pastor Duke didn’t ask anyone to commit to praying three hours a day. If only he had! Then I could happily reject this whole convicting seminar and go home smug that I’m pretty darn good, even if I’m not a ‘super Christian’ who prays three hours a day. Instead, he spoke about making a commitment to pray 15 minutes a day, just one day a week, and then increasing it in frequency and duration by modest steps over time (even if it takes ten years) until you are praying one hour a day. It is a clever approach, because there is no one who can tell you with a straight face that they are too busy to pray 15 minutes in a week.

I think I’m sold on the need for me to pray. What am I willing to commit? Can I walk 15 minutes a day, maybe right before lunch, and pray for the people in my spiritual domain? Can I build a prayer journal and start studying the scriptures for the kind of things I need to pray about? Can I commit to praying with my wife every day I work from home?

Editor’s Note: On the way home from the prayer conference, I made the commitment to pray 15 minutes each day. Over the past 3 months, I’ve been able, by the grace of God, to keep that commitment about 85% of the time, which is a huge step forward for me. Interestingly enough, God has seen fit to answer many of my prayers, often within days. Kathy and I have started keeping a spreadsheet which tracks prayer requests and answers, a practice which has considerably strengthened our faith and has encouraged me to persevere in my commitment.

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