Rachel has come home from college determined to really ENJOY the summer. She wants to try new things, travel, explore interesting areas, and, most of all, not waste the precious time she has off from school.
All of which to say, she does NOT think sitting around on a GORGEOUS Sunday afternoon is a good idea. Nor does she think I should stay inside cleaning when there are adventures to be had.

Look at that mountain!
The only slight wrinkle in our adventuring plans was the fact that Daniel and the other CIT teens had my van, and we were home with Daniel’s car. Hmmmm, needs new tires and has a possible oil leak?
“Rachel,” I said, “I’m not willing to take off for the coast or Seattle in Daniel’s car.”
No offense, Danny Boy!
“Well, what can we do then?” she and Sarah asked. Looking to me for answers and something more interesting than the nearby parks and local dives.
“Clean the garage?”
“Um, Mom.”
“Sorry, I mean, declutter the upstairs?”
Rachel and Sarah looked at each other, “I don’t think she’s really understanding things,” they said with concern. Ha.
“Okay, I have a plan!” Thankfully they aren’t at all particular and trust me, so off we set for the wilds of Tacoma.

How can I resist time with my beautiful girls?

How did they grow up so fast?
First stop – Stadium High School. What a beautiful school! And the location of teen movie from ’99. Which makes this a film field trip.

Stadium High School

How’s this for the setting of a football game?
We contemplated climbing over some locked gates to explore further – but decided to be law abiding citizens. We did, however, watch as a man disappeared through/over the fence to go down and train on the stadium stairs, and later observed a woman (obviously finished with her workout) climb back over the gate to leave the area. Interesting. Of course, it never SAID anything about trespassing. Still, a padlocked gate does send a certain message.

Even the fire escapes are picturesque!
From there we went to Ruston Way to walk along the dock and enjoy some of Old Town.

Rachel was SO happy with our outing!

Picture time!
The sunshine, warm weather and relaxed afternoon were perfect for our time together. The boys were all off, otherwise engaged, and we had several hours for mother/daughter time. Plus, I was able to impress the girls with my stick shift driving skills. Ahhhh, such a blessing to be together, live in a beautiful corner of the United States, and have the freedom and ability to go off exploring.
Organizing a messy garage or decluttering bedrooms does NOT compare to the sweet time we had together. Thank you, Rachel, for encouraging us to get OUT of the house. I love you girls!
Project 365 – Day 165
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