This was definitely a day for Snoopy versus the Red Baron. I think four of the five children took a turn playing it.
Joshua bought the computer game for Daniel as a Christmas present. It is too difficult for David (although he tries his “bestest”) but the older three love it. At one point two children were both playing the game, on different computers. The rat-tat-tat-tat of the little plane guns about drove me crazy. Ha! Time for everyone to go outside!!
Daniel managed to pause and smile for the camera but was soon back at his game.
If you look closely you will notice several of the children are still in their pajamas. Sarah had some warm, footie pajamas on and lingered the longest in her sleepwear.
She had some serious coloring (continuing on from yesterday) to do.
An artist really needs the proper tools. A special sharpener that can handle colored pencils is crucial.
Sarah and I had fun snapping pictures of each other. It took her a little while but she finally got the hang of it and actually managed to get a photo that didn’t cut off the top of my head or focus entirely on our lovely, grey carpet. LOL.
I don’t think I spend enough time crouching down on Sarah’s level to look at the world with her. Every once in a while my heart wrenches when I notice how fast the children are growing – when I hear Joshua’s deepening voice, or see how tall he and Daniel are getting, or listen to their ‘adult like’ conversations. Their time here with me is so short–the days seem long and busy and crazy and full of thankless jobs but the joy, oh the joy is immeasurable.
Some of today’s Joy Filled Moments:
- David repeated called Daniel his “Best Buddy” and “Best Pal.”
- Without being asked Rachel helped Sarah pack her backpack.
- When called back to finish a kitchen job, although he was totally bundled up and heading out the door, Joshua came back (without complaint) and finished it cheerfully.
- Joshua shared his laptop and even helped set up games for the little ones.
- The three boys took Sarah outside to play with them and included her in their ice games.
- Joshua and Daniel both willingly offered their computer spot to David.
- Daniel, occasionally a picky eater, declared the breakfast French Toast casserole ‘Delicious!’ and asked for seconds.
- The children all picked up their rooms, hauled dirty laundry downstairs and clean laundry upstairs, without any fussing. The big kids helped the little ones.
- Although she didn’t have a particular friend over, Rachel went around the house, during our party, and took pictures of the kids playing.
As Tim often says, “This is the Best Family in the Whole World!”
The day continues
Sarah managed to sneak in some computer time as well today. A friend recommended an educational website,, so we decided to try it out. Sarah loved picking out the shapes for the gingerbread man and playing matching games.
Rachel and I took lots of pictures of her new IKEA chandelier from Mamie and Grandad. This was one of her favorite shots.
I also got a cute picture of her drawing on the white board. My goodness, this board certainly has turned out to be a hit.
We had a fun dinner with some friends who are moving on Tuesday. We played a long game of Settlers of Catan, a short game of Castle Keep, several rounds of Five Crowns, and then even snuck in a game of Apples to Apples (Bible version). You have to cram in as many games as possible when there is a captive audience. Ha! Sad to say good bye but wonderful to have made such good friends.
Good Bye, Tracy and Josh! We’ll miss you. Drive safely and write when you can. Hopefully we can visit this summer!