I came from a wonderful family, full of kids. I was not, however, blessed with any sisters. I remember blowing out the candles on my birthday cake and wishing for either a sister or a kitten. I wasn’t particular–either one would have sufficed. Sadly, I didn’t receive either.
I do, thankfully, have three fantastic brothers.
William and Mary graduate and her handsome brothers.
And with brothers, often comes sisters (in law). I have one beautiful sister in law (who is truly an amazing aunt to my children) and with my baby brother’s upcoming wedding, another, soon to be, sister. I also have two sisters in law on Tim’s side. Neither of them have sisters so we stick together when possible. God is good and He gives us treasures in unexpected places.
The Edgren Girls at the Duckabush.
It’s a particular joy to me, to watch Sarah and Rachel enjoy each other. They are separated by 7 years but have two brothers in between them which seems to fill up the space. They share a room and, by extension, toys and books and what not. Rachel handles the sharing with much grace and long suffering. We joke that anything Rachel values will sure to be treasured by Sarah as well.
I am thankful for my daughters who daily bring me joy, for my mother who taught me how to love unconditionally, for my mother in law who raised an amazing son and welcomed me completely into the family, for my aunts who love and accept me like their own daughter, for my sisters in law who teach me how to be a sister, and for all the precious Christian sisters God has brought into my life over the years.
I am truly blessed.