Project 365 – Missed a Day

Sarah informed me that we needed to beat our biggest blogging record of 2007. Somehow we managed to post 405 times in 2007. Wow! That means Tim and I both posted on some days. That’s a lot of Tim/Kathy blogging. Not sure the interweb really wants that much of us. Ha.

But then, as Tim constantly reminds me, we mainly blog for the amusement of our children and ourselves and to keep a living journal of our family.

Sarah is one of our biggest blogging fans!

Sarah is one of our biggest blogging fans!

Yesterday was a crazy, full day. We had co-op all day. Picked up David’s friend on our way. Had company drop by for lunch with Tim. Play practice. A meeting with a friend to buy some amazing oils. Drop off a friend’s son at a play date while she was at the hospital. Dinner made by David’s co-op cooking class – yum! Finally an early movie with the family. A couple of chapters in the kids book, read by Tim. And then a game of D.C. Comics for the boys.

Game time!

Game time!

It was late, but the kids begged to watch another movie. I spent most of the time blogging and then fell asleep for the end of the movie. But, I did take a few pictures for our Project 365. So now they’re posted and we’re back on track.

Sarah – I doubt we can beat 2007. Ha. Maybe you’ll have to do some more guest blogging!

Project 365 – 72

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Rock & Worship Roadshow

Yesterday’s blog was unfinished and then accidentally uploaded than deleted. Technical difficulties so to speak. Pause, pause. Okay, I fell asleep in the middle of blogging. So this is Thursday’s blog and Project 365 pictures, posted on Friday. Heh heh.

We had great seats!

We had great seats!

Sarah was invited to go with a friend from our homeschool co-op to the Rock & Worship Roadshow. The price was incredible – $10 for a concert featuring 8 wonderful Christian artists. And how could she resist the offer to be with a big group of co-op friends AND spend the night with one of her besties? Look how gorgeous they were, all dressed up for the masquerade dance in November.

Allie, Tarah and Sarah are so beautiful!

Allie, Tarah and Sarah are so beautiful!

The same day Sarah made plans to go to the concert I got a text message from one of my sweet friends asking if we wanted to go to the concert. Oh dear, nothing tempts me like the chance to go on an adventure with one of my awesome girlfriends. Here’s how the dialogue usually goes in my head:

Me 1: That sounds fun. I should go.
Me 2: Are you kidding? Concerts are loud and long and I’m old.
Me 1: Nah, I’m young and cool.
Me 2: :snort: Bwahahaha
Me 1: Well, I’m sort of less young and only semi-old?
Me 2: Right. And co-op is the next day. Thursday night is PREP time.
Me 1: I’ll do the work ahead of time.
Me 2: Convulsions of laughter.
Me 1: Harrumph

So the next step, and this is a classic Kathy move, is to do nothing. Procrastination and lack of action accomplish something in and of itself. Typically that results in a nice, quiet day/evening/afternoon at home. Ha. But I am very fun-friend driven and can not resist the persuasive, contagious encouragement of one or more of my BFF’s asking me to join them. Throw in the knowledge that my kids will have a great time as well, and I’m sunk.

I've been blessed to know Holly and Nancy for nearly 10 years.

I’ve been blessed to know Holly and Nancy for nearly 10 years.

It was a beautiful day. And, no, I didn’t plan my class ahead of time (sorry students!). I dropped Sarah off early with her friends then David and I worked on math until Nancy and her crew came. Daniel decided to join us, so piled into our van and set off for places north. The sun was shining! The kids were silly and rowdy and eager for a fun concert. Nancy and I discussed hope and life and everything in between.

Party time!

Party time!

We dropped the kids off to get in line while we went in search of food. Our order at Subway was enough to make the people behind us crazy.

That will be a BLT toasted. No tomatoes. Lettuce on one. No lettuce on the other. Olives on half and pickles on the other half. Yes, we know that makes it a BL and not a BLT. Thanks!

And so on. Thankfully the woman making our long row of sandwiches was patient and cheerful and did a great job. A quick run through Starbucks, and we were ready to meet up with the kids. Of course, by then the line had started moving and they were calling us, a little concerned about how they were going to buy all the tickets with NO MONEY!! Into the parking lot we went, down the side walk we rushed, and then we heard the cry of the security guard outside the concert hall.

“No FOOD allowed! Dump all your food and drinks into the garbage before buying your ticket!”

Ugh!! We had two bags of foot long subs and two containers of veggie salads, not to mention my venti (yep, VENTI!) Americano to gulp down. Not the best planning. Still, we ate our delicious food, drank the coffee and went into enjoy our concert.

So much fun!

So much fun!

Here are the amazing artists we enjoyed:

I Am They – love their sound!
Jon Guerra – bought this cd
Jamie Grace – Jamie came and sat two rows behind us near the aisle while she “waited” to go on stage. Fan moment!!
Group 1 Crew – one of David’s favorites!
Matt Maher – amazing time of worship!
Crowder – so much energy!
Tedashii – managed to get us non-young people up and dancing
Mercy Me – closed out the show with beautiful words about grace and wonderful music

Daniel was so moved by Shaun Groves talk regarding Compassion International that he signed up to sponsor a boy from Rwanda. Love it when God moves in the hearts of my children!

Daniel's cd & my earplugs (cough, it was LOUD at times)

Daniel’s cd & my earplugs (cough, it was LOUD at times)

What a great evening! Holly found us fantastic seats. The HUGE group from co-op was right near by. The younger kids were way up at the top behind us. It felt like we were surrounded by friends, dancing, shouting, and worshiping together. Afterwards we lost Daniel (briefly) or he lost us. We bought a cd by one of the new artists. We photo bombed Group 1 Crew. We ate all the snacks and made it home by midnight.

Our group with Jon Guerra.

Our group with Jon Guerra.

Should have stood in line for a real picture, instead we settle for this fun shot.

Should have stood in line for a real picture, but this shot was fun!

I’m thankful for friends who drag me off on adventures.
I’m overwhelmed by the talent God has given to people.
And I was blessed by the music, words, and teaching of the artists at Roadshow.

Project 365 – Day 71

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Essential Allergies

While we were down in Portland, my allergies returned full-force, and I was somewhat miserable. It is hard to laugh as much as I like to laugh at (or in some cases, with) my brother when my sinuses are so congested.

Three little vials of essential oils.

Three little vials of essential oils.

Back at the tail-end of the last decade I became desperate, as my allergies had seemed to worsen by about 10% each year. So (after much ‘encouragement’ from my lovely wife) I went to an allergist and started allergy shots. After a year or so, the shots were pretty effective, so I kept up the treatment regimen for nearly three years.

I probably should have continued. Only a few years later, I am back where I started.

So Kathy turned to the interweb. As it turns out, many people get relief from a wide range of ailments by inhaling the aroma of various essential oils. No, I’m not making this up. There is a whole industry offering these oils which can be topically applied, inhaled, and in some cases, ingested.

Kathy and Sarah are either praying or snorting essential oils.  You decide which.

Kathy and Sarah are either praying or snorting essential oils. You decide which.

My wife picked up a few samples from a friend, and we’ve been trying a blend of lavender, peppermint and lemon oils, several times a day. I have to admit, they do temporarily clear out the sinuses, and there seems some mild relief from the worst of my allergy symptoms. Kathy likes the smell of the oils, and the ritual of pouring out the drops, rubbing our hands together, inhaling the scent, and ultimately rubbing the residue on our necks and upper chest is very entertaining.

I’m a skeptic about these things, but I must admit that desperation makes me very tractable. Further bulletins as events warrant.

Project 365, Day 70

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Theater Time

After our whirlwind time in Oregon with Tim’s multi-talented brother and lovely wife, it’s good to be home again. Tim and Daniel had a full day of work and school. Meanwhile, David, Sarah and I focused on classes and getting caught up on homework.

Late this afternoon David and Sarah had a chance to go to the local playhouse and watch some friends perform in a homeschool production of Peter Pan.

Peter Pan Fans

Peter Pan Fans

Sarah and David are quite the theater buffs these days. They went with Tim’s parents to see the Miracle Worker last weekend. And they are both involved in the drama productions at our homeschool co-op. Sarah has two small parts in Alice in Wonderland. David is playing Lysander in Midsummer Night’s Dream. I love the opportunity the kids have to enjoy theater (both as performers and spectators).

After the play!

After the play!

I didn’t have my big camera with me and my phone was nearly out of power, so this picture doesn’t do justice to the beautiful actors and their siblings and friends. Still, glad to be able to capture the moment!

Break a leg!

Project 365 – Day 69

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Transparency in Blogging

OK, I admit it.

Much of the text of the last two days of my blog posts have been a tissue of lies.

The Devil's Punch Bowl, on the Oregon Coast.

The Devil’s Punch Bowl, on the Oregon Coast.

I realized I had crossed the line, when I got home.

“Uncle Mark is going to become an Interior Decorator?” Sarah was incredulous.

Three of my favorites.

Three of my favorites.

Maybe the lesson I should take away from this is that I need to make my tall tales even more outlandish? Or maybe my brother is such a Renaissance Man, that nothing is outside his reach?

So here’s the truth.

Pastor Dee Duke would want me to tell the truth, I think.

Pastor Dee Duke would want me to tell the truth, I think.

My brother really was in the Army for almost 30 years. He retired as a full Colonel, and really did go back to school, first receiving an Executive MBA, and now he is finishing his MAcc (Masters in Accounting). As far as I know, he really plans to go to work for one of the big four consulting firms when he finishes his Accounting degree. Reports of other career choices, including Interior Decorating and Short Order Chef-hood, were grossly exaggerated or (in most cases) entirely fabricated.

Mark and Liz and Kathy, enjoying Agate Beach and an unseasonably-warm March day.

Mark and Liz and Kathy, enjoying Agate Beach and an unseasonably-warm March day.

He and my sister-in-law were celebrating their 30th anniversary (a few weeks early) and they graciously invited Kathy and me to join them for a few days near Portland. We went to Powell’s Book Store, explored Pioneer Square, went to church at Dee Duke’s church, spent most of a day exploring the Oregon coast, shopped, and generally had a lovely time watching movies and playing games.

Hard to believe these two have been married almost 30 years!

Hard to believe these two have been married almost 30 years!

It was a delightful visit, and so I naturally repaid their generosity by poking fun at my brother.

You have to admit, he makes it very easy for me to make fun of him.

You have to admit, he makes it very easy for me to make fun of him.

Phew. I’m glad to have that off my chest. I hope this clears things up, Sarah.

Project 365, Day 68
Tim (yet again)

P.S. Mark — and here you thought that I wouldn’t write about you again.

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The musings and ravings of a bloggart family