Important News Bulletin

This just in. My brother has abandoned his career as an Interior Decorator.

“The pressure was just too intense,” he moaned. “I’m just too sensitive for this racket.”

Thrust into international limelight by my blogging indiscretion, Mark began to feel that his work as an interior decorator was being judged by too many, too fast. The scrutiny and armchair quarterbacking by the masses was more than a sensitive artist like Mark could bear.

So he’s set his face like oatmeal against the world of abstract art. Now he’s a short order cook, or possibly, a chef (If we can get him a big fancy hat).

Fortunately, Liz was there to help the career transition.

Fortunately, Liz was there to help the career transition.

You heard it first here. Further bulletins as events warrant.

Project 365, Day 67
Tim (again)

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My Brother’s New Career

A while back I had the opportunity to attend my brother’s retirement party as he finished his Army career — full-circle from where it started, in Williamsburg, Virginia. I was so proud of him that he had served his country for so many years, having earned the rank of full Colonel.

But what does a man do, when he finishes one career, but is still young and healthy and full of drive and purpose? He starts another career, that’s what he does. So my brother went back to school.

My brother and his beloved bride, at Pioneer Square, in Portland.

My brother and his beloved bride, at Pioneer Square, in Portland. Mark’s forward momentum got the better of him, in this photo.

First, he completed an Executive MBA program, and then he jumped into a Masters in Accounting. Few of us suspected, however, that this was all a clever blind. Unbeknownst to us all, he has craftily embarked on a new career as an interior decorator.

I got a strange call from my brother a few weeks back.

We think this was one of Gandalf's early attempts at an out-of-scale wizard's staff.

Mind you, the call wasn’t as strange as this strange piece of kitchen decor. We think this was one of Gandalf’s early attempts at an out-of-scale wizard’s staff.

“Hey, Tim, Liz and I are coming out to the West Coast for our 30th Anniversary trip — we’re thinking of renting a house in the Portland area. Would you like to come down and spend a weekend with us?”

Naturally, I jumped at the chance, but I was a bit suspicious. Why would my brother want me and Kathy around for his 30th anniversary? Surely he and Liz would rather spend time with each other? I sensed an ulterior motive; warning bells rang.

Kathy and I managed a visit to Powell's Book store, so the weekend was at least partially redeemed, whatever surprises my brother has for us.

Kathy and I managed a visit to Powell’s Book store, so the weekend was at least partially redeemed, whatever surprises my brother had for us.

We drove down to Portland and found the house, and I immediately realized why we had been so ‘casually’ invited. My brother has obviously been moonlighting as an Interior Decorator, and he wanted to showcase his latest client’s home.

Apparently Mark likes crude woodcarving 'art' -- I'm thinking he maybe carved this piece himself.

Apparently Mark likes crude woodcarving ‘art’ — I’m thinking he maybe carved this piece himself.

He blathered on about Accounting for an hour or so to put us off the scent, but I saw right through his clumsy attempts to conceal his real purpose.

“So, you see, when you subtract liabilities from assets, whatever is left over is the value of the company,” Mark droned. “Say, speaking of value, what do you think of that cool wall hanging over there?”

I was afraid to look inside this weird lacquered hanging box, but I half expected to see my brother's initials carved in a corner, somewhere.

I was afraid to look inside this weird lacquered hanging box, but I half expected to see my brother’s initials carved in a corner, somewhere.

I don’t know how to tell him this — but I think he should have stuck with his ‘cover’. After all, a Masters in Accounting program is a perfectly good start to a legitimate career, even if it isn’t as glamorous as being a computer programmer. Maybe he could grow a beard, or something.

This one looks like someone randomly threw spaghetti, paint and plaster onto a canvas.  Maybe Mark felt like having some pasta, that day?

This one looks like someone randomly threw spaghetti, paint and plaster onto a canvas. Maybe Mark felt like having some pasta, that day?

I hate to be the one to hurt Mark’s feelings — he is very sensitive, as ‘artistic’ people often are. Of course, I know that he deeply respects my credentials as an art critic, so I need to be careful not to crush his dream. Maybe he’ll read this blog post and get a hint … but I’m not very hopeful. Subtlety has never been our family watchword.

Project 365, Day 66

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Time for Tomatoes

This is the time of year when a man’s fancy turns to …


Last year I waited too long to start my seedlings, but this year I was ready. I start with peat disks in early February, and then later transplant them into larger pots when the roots begin to fill the peat.

Sarah and David helped me plant this batch of seedlings. Loop

Sarah and David helped me plant this batch of seedlings. Loop

Hopefully by July or maybe August I will have a dozen healthy, tomato-producing plants. It is always a race against the Fall, with tomatoes in Washington. They need sunshine, and we don’t get enough until August. Then hopefully we get a crop in September, before the cold nights of October put an end to the growing season.

I’ll keep you posted.

Project 365, Day 64

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Sunshine and Thankfulness

By Sarah

Recently, the beautiful sunshine has been scaring the rain and clouds away, and today again, was a clear day. But, as I was reading Golden Goblet, Mom began to fall asleep. So we decided that a good walk would wake us(or maybe just her) up.

David had a hard time keeping his eyes open, but he succeeded!

David had a hard time keeping his eyes open in the bright sun, but he succeeded!

Sometimes I gaze at God’s amazing creation and wonder how we can ever stop smiling. All around us is such amazing intricate design by the one and only God. But then I remember the trouble, the hardship, the chaos, and the sin in this life. And just like the israelites in Exodus I think of how we forget the blessings and signs that God shows us and all we see is how our life should be better and how God isn’t giving us enough. I just wonder how we can be so selfish when he shows us all this creation.

Just this little cherry blossom tree is a small part of God and the complicated nature he has given us.

Just this little cherry blossom tree is a small part of God and his creation he has given us.

How can we be so ungrateful, frown, and cry when he has given us so much? How can we, just like the Israelites, forget the huge blessings and only see hardship? God has given us family, friends, his word, this beautiful creation, and everything we could ever want. But in our eyes we just see sin. God sees beauty through the ugliness, love through the hatred, and us as valuable people when we are really worthless sinners.

My wonderful Mama and me

My wonderful Mama and me

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
Thessalonians 5:16-18

Project 365 Day 63

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The musings and ravings of a bloggart family