Category Archives: Photography


Nothing warms my heart, filling it to the brim of contented happiness, like having my children come home and spend time with us. This year has been a big shift for us with Joshua and Rachel both off at college, and Daniel attending the technical school full time. We savored the time we had together over Christmas and were especially spoiled to have my mom here.

Now Rachel has returned to Tennessee, and the rest of us have started back to school.

Let's do some school

“Joshua, have you ever seen this? It’s called science.”

Thankfully Joshua is still at home. He decided not to attend Union’s January term this year and instead enjoy an extended winter break.

Well, this shouldn't be hard.

“Hmmm, it doesn’t look too hard.”

Joshua, Tim and Daniel have played hours of board games. Joshua, Sarah and my mom worked on several puzzles. We’ve all watched lots of movies. Joshua has been very helpful around the house AND with school projects.

There's something funny about this science book.

Let me get a closer look.

I can't take it.

“No, you’re doing it all wrong, Joshua!”

"Don't leave me, Joshua!"

“Joshua! Come back here!”

Advanced Physics isn’t really the subject du joir. Thankfully the boys found something else they could work on.

"These are called ingredients."

“Daniel, this list here is called ingredients.”

"And they expect us to actually COOK?"

“Wait, can’t we go back to science? Is this Advanced Cooking?”

Project 365 – you never know what kind of snapshots you’ll get on a random Thursday.

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A Blessing of My Own

Three weeks ago, we had a special skit for the Sparks and Truth & Training kids at AWANA. Each year as Christmas approaches, I try to have a skit that specifically highlights the gospel in a way that the kids can understand. I’m not very good at it, but I always have some kind of ‘altar call’ in which the kids have an opportunity to choose to accept God’s gift of Salvation in a public way.

This year we re-used a skit we had performed before, called The Gift. Our mighty and elite Drama & Serve Team performed it; they did a great job, as usual (especially considering that I made them do it without scripts). Afterward, I explained the skit, and asked the audience of some 80 Sparks and T&T kids if any of them wanted to accept the Gift of God, and if so, to come forward.

Who wouldn't want a gift like this one?

Who wouldn’t want a gift like this one? Especially if they knew who was inside?

Fifteen kids came forward. I explained to them how to accept God’s gift (Admit, Repent, Believe, Tell), and walked them through a simple prayer. It was chaotic, and I was un-prepared for such a large group of kids. I had planned (as is my usual practice) to give them each a Bible, but Kathy suggested we do something different, especially since so many of them were Sparks (Kindergarten through 2nd Grade). She had been told by several of their parents that they were getting Bibles for Christmas, so I promised the kids I would have something else for them, when next we met.

Today was the first AWANA meeting since Christmas. I bought some dog tags from Christian Book Distributors so the kids who had become Christians could wear them and be reminded that they are now children of the King. And Kathy found a cool blessing on Etsy, wherein the text of Numbers 6:24-26 was modified to include the name of each child. We spent a few hours constructing our own version in Publisher, and framed them for the kids. My hope is that they will display the blessings in their room, and remember that they belong to a God who loves them, whenever they see it.

This is the 'girl' version of the blessing we made.

This is the ‘girl’ version of the blessing we made, modeled by Sarah.

Serving in our AWANA program is a huge privilege. Even though I know that some kids don’t really understand the choice they are making, and others have already made the choice, but wanted an opportunity to make it more publicly — still, I rejoice to know that some fifteen hearts have said ‘Yes’ to God’s gift of Salvation.

A somewhat clearer version of the blessing for Sarah.

A somewhat clearer version of the blessing for Sarah.

As Jesus said:

“Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Project 365, Day 7

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Bible Journaling

On shelves and baskets in our home are journals and notebooks of all sizes. I have poured out my heart to the Lord on those pages. I have written down silly thoughts, shared my sorrows, and recorded both struggles and victories. I have chronicled the days, interceded for loved ones, taken notes from God’s Word, and filled pages with pieces of ME.

Current basket on the shelf in the living room.

Prayer journals, Union U devotional, the Psalms in verse, and more.

In my search for an intentional, meaningful, GROWING 2015, I have been drawn to the idea of journaling my Bible or journaling through my Bible study. Several days a week the younger two children and I sit down with our Thankful Journals and write down 10 things for which we are thankful. Our voices lifted to the ONE through whom all blessings flow, we go around and share our praises.

Bible, journal and pens.  Potential for new learning.

Bible, journal and pens. Potential for new learning.

I am NOT artistic or creative or crafty. When I put a pencil to paper, ready to illustrate an image or thought, the picture slips away before it reaches the page. At best it resembles something a preschooler would scribble. Embellishments, swirls, elaborate or simple fonts, they elude me. The distance between the picture in my head and the paper beneath my fingers is so vast it’s almost comical.

Yesterday I was writing out a memory verse. “I’ll illustrate it to help remember the phrases,” I thought. But the ear I drew (for ‘heard’) and feet (for ‘walking’) looked more like pieces of a bizarre puzzle than parts of a body. I realized, once again, that drawing would NOT be a helpful tool for me in this endeavor.

A collection of prayers, thoughts, and daily remembrances.

A shelf of journals – random collection of prayers, thoughts, and daily remembrances.

And yet, I find myself drawn to a fresh stack of marking pens (ones that won’t bleed through the sheer pages of my Bible) and a package of colored pencils. I search Pinterest for Bible Journaling ideas. I smile at this amazing woman’s journal and study the posts of another blogger’s foray into artistic Bible journaling. I even discovered an incredible FB group for Bible Journaling.

Through it all, I realize Jesus cares about my FAITH. He cares about my OBEDIENCE. He doesn’t care if I can draw or give life to the pictures in my head. He wants me to dive into His Word. To study it, love it, memorize it, enjoy it, be convicted by it, treasure it, LIVE IT!

A heart that seeks HIM - in b&w and color.

A heart that seeks HIM – in b&w and color.

And so here we are, in a fresh year; with the chance to begin again. To try new things. To return to old, faithful treasured habits. To revive an apathetic and lazy heart. In the newness of 2015, I have decided to SOAK up the Word of God. Using my ESV study Bible, an enormous blank journal, mugs full of marking pencils and pens, and following my ESV read through the Bible plan, I will:

Study SCRIPTURE - OBSERVE the Word – APPLY truth – and KNEEL in prayer.

My journal will have color and life, it will be pretty and joyful, it will be fresh and REAL. It will be messy and full of brokenness, transparency and truth. It will be a humble offering to the ONE who creates beauty in all things.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight,
O LORD, my rock and my Redeemer. Ps 19:14

Project 365 – Day 6

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Return of the Josh

We have a tradition in our home. Well, we have lots of traditions, truth be told.

Sometimes books are made into movies. Usually, no one really cares, except maybe the author. But every now and then, Hollywood decides to make a good book into a movie, and they incur the wrath of many who loved that book.

We had to evict a cat so Joshua could have the comfy reading chair.

We had to evict a cat so Joshua could have the comfy reading chair.

My oldest son has come to really love the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, and he insists that no one should be allowed to watch any of Peter Jackson’s movies until they have actually read the book(s) covered by the movie. Of course, recently, that hasn’t been very difficult, since it took Jackson 3 movies to cover a single novel that was originally written for children. Maybe if he wasn’t so busy adding extra characters, he could have done it in two movies, but (based on box office returns) perhaps he is happy with his decision to go for three.

This year it is David’s turn. At 13, he is really wanting to watch the final Lord of the Rings movie, based on The Return of the King, which he has not yet read. So Joshua decided to read it aloud to him, sprinkling chapters throughout our recently-ended Christmas break. As we begin the new year, we are down to our last four chapters in Tolkien’s conclusion to the saga.

David plays games on his Kindle Fire while listening.   I think there should be a quiz, to make sure he is listening.

David plays games on his Kindle Fire while listening. I think there should be a quiz, to make sure he is listening.

Soon we will be able to watch the final Lord of the Rings movie with wild abandon, except that Sarah will have to be sent away. (Not that she minds — she doesn’t like Orcs or Nazgul very much.)

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A Typical Sunday

Two of my favorite guys working on an exciting project.

Two of my favorite guys working on an exciting project.

A Sunday with Our Family

Sunday School (Exodus ch 7) – whole family
Accountability Group – Kathy
Church Service – whole family
Errands – Kathy & 2 kids
Short Nap – Tim
Return of the King (read aloud) – Joshua & David
Delicious family dinner – whole family
A few remaining Christmas presents – Kathy & 2 kids
Ultimate Frisbee (in the rain) – David and Daniel
Long Nap – Marco and Misty (cats)
Dishes & Tidying – Kathy & 4 kids
School planning – Kathy
Visit with a friend who leaves tonight for Africa – Daniel
Homeschool prayer – Kathy
Shopping online – Kathy
Homework – Sarah, Daniel, David
Designing secret game – Tim & Joshua

Thinking deep thoughts.

Thinking deep thoughts.

Project 365 – Day 4

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